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Daeva Dash end hack/cheat/bug?


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So I was in Daeva Dash and we were vs 3 active elyos (I have screen shot of their names). The gunslinger elyos managed to finish first and I was second, but once he finished he was back in the end ramp coming back to prevent us from finishing.

I know you can use that obelisk thing inside there to go back to start, but how can you jump back from the finishing lower ramp back to the finishing end race stage? He finished and he was right back at us because I was 2nd and another asmodian was 3rd and thus we were going to win (which we did in the end so it must suck they used a hack/bug/glitch/cheat and still lost).

The reason the end ramp is much lower is because in the first daeva dash we could interfere with the end gliding part of enemies and prevent them form finishing.

I have the name of the guy and the time, if this is a cheat, I am going to open a ticket in support.

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This happened in a race I was in as well. I was in 2nd place, the opposing faction was in 1st. After 1st place crossed the finish-line they were back on the ending ramp, trying to attack me. I would suggest recording your races from now on in the event that more hacking occurs, so you can submit the video to Support and show them who is hacking. This is what I plan to do. If no shenanigans occur, just delete the video after the race :)

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It isn't a hack.  When you get to the end if you jump off and then glide back you get rewarded points and never have to land.  All you have to do is cross .

You can then proceed to mess with the other team.

Have to do it quick but 100% can do.

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24 minutes ago, Justalyne-KT said:

It isn't a hack.  When you get to the end if you jump off and then glide back you get rewarded points and never have to land.  All you have to do is cross .

You can then proceed to mess with the other team.

Have to do it quick but 100% can do.

Or he could have hacked with gravity back and pretend he did it this way.

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7 minutes ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

Or he could have hacked with gravity back and pretend he did it this way.

Dude I have done it and my friends did it.  None need to hack.  It is so easy to do an idiot can do it seriously jump off and try to glide back up top

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1 hour ago, Voltric-DN said:

I love how the answer to someone exploiting something is for everyone else to exploit it too. So much for them fixing the race.

And the funny thing is they did it like that this time so people cannot jump back or interfere with the race once they go to finishing line.

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@Archangelos-KT The only way I can see them preventing this type of cheating in the future is if they got rid of the gliding altogether. Put up a portal at the finish line like the one they added to bypass the mount section of the race. This will keep players from re-entering the racetrack and causing unnecessary drama. @Kibbelz, could you please pass this idea along?

And before anyone accuses me of being a sore loser, that simply isn't the case. I'm not complaining about the guy who uses an orb to bind me at the finish line and takes first place. I am complaining about someone abusing their ability to glide back onto the track and harass another player when they've already won. There's enough negativity and cheating going on in this game as it is. Let's fix what can be addressed and get back to having fun, shall we?

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5 hours ago, Voltric-DN said:

@Archangelos-KT The only way I can see them preventing this type of cheating in the future is if they got rid of the gliding altogether. Put up a portal at the finish line like the one they added to bypass the mount section of the race. This will keep players from re-entering the racetrack and causing unnecessary drama. @Kibbelz, could you please pass this idea along?

And before anyone accuses me of being a sore loser, that simply isn't the case. I'm not complaining about the guy who uses an orb to bind me at the finish line and takes first place. I am complaining about someone abusing their ability to glide back onto the track and harass another player when they've already won. There's enough negativity and cheating going on in this game as it is. Let's fix what can be addressed and get back to having fun, shall we?

There are like 5 spots that we need glide (the wind stream and those areas where there is a huge gap), but they could remove those in a future event. Or place some sort of lethal upper barrier, like 10m above the race track, same way you die if you fall into the gaps, you should die if you go higher than what you are allowed to.


5 hours ago, HavocChordz-KT said:

All this effort for in an attempt to get two extra keys that will probably  not give more than a few coins. It tickles me pink to see the lengths ppl will go just to be a greedy aHole LOL!

The game is dead and the rewards might be mediocre, BUT the last fun part is to at least try the event and do the run. Greedy assholes are those that want to afk and still get keys or those that go to extends into using glitches or hacks just to get those 2 extra keys.

We care about the fun that is left into that not the 2 more keys. I will accept my defeat in a fair run.

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