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@Cyan ! Can you give us some explanations and also can we get compensations ?


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Can we get some explanation on what's going on with the servers? The past 2 weeks have been so hard to deal with that I barely want to log in anymore because I can't do anything that is remotely enjoyable with all this lag. Not only that but we're not getting any word from your company to tell us what's going on and what is being done so far! Are we getting a fix soon? Are we going to get compensation? I would like to point out that a lot of us are paid customer and with all the disconnection from the servers plus all the wipes in instances, the prestige pack is rendered useless, not to mention all the prestige coin I have not gotten from giving up logging in .

So I would like to demand some explanation along with a fair compensation and by that, I don't mean a lucky vinna ... I want a real compensation that tells me that you are sorry for the inconvenience that caused me for being a paid customer of your prestige pack that doesn't even work during the event. 




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Cyan told us this was a DDoS attack and it hasn't been two weeks. It actually hasn't been a full week yet.

Cyan's post..



Hello everyone,

We're working to mitigate the issues. As you can see in the Tweet below, we're experiencing a DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attack. Please watch the Aion operations Twitter account for updates.


Thank you.



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The non official story is that we are having a DDoS attack and that is affecting many games from NCSoft. I do not know if the attack is affecting other companies too or just NCSoft. 

But the official version is.... well, we do not have any offial word about this. And actually is like all the comments and threads about this things are invisible to them. So maybe you wont have an answer here. 

I have explained the situation ingame to people that never check the forum, and all of them has the same opinion "Is not NCSoft fault´s to be under attack, but it would be nice to hear something from them". 

Maybe the reasson to not say a thing is that making official the attack could mean taht they need to extend the current event one more week, and they already promised another Exp buff so we will have so many buffs togheter and nobody will buy the berdin stars. :P . LOL. 

I think that they are not saying a word cause the issue is still there and without a solution yet is hard to give a compensation or something. Even if they reset our entries or give us more candies or event items, we still can not play properly. And if they say something now they will look like a vulnerable company and it is better to look like a company with a solution. 

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7 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Cyan told us this was a DDoS attack and it hasn't been two weeks. It actually hasn't been a full week yet.

Cyan's post..


The lag was there before last week's maintenance also who are you lol ? 


Are you Alysinne ? the girl who complained for how many months about having your prestige buff crippled? And now you come to the defense of cyan when someone has a legitimate complaint ... like wtf girl can you learn to sit down.

1 minute ago, Azzmaria-KT said:

The non official story is that we are having a DDoS attack and that is affecting many games from NCSoft. I do not know if the attack is affecting other companies too or just NCSoft. 

But the official version is.... well, we do not have any offial word about this. And actually is like all the comments and threads about this things are invisible to them. So maybe you wont have an answer here. 

I have explained the situation ingame to people that never check the forum, and all of them has the same opinion "Is not NCSoft fault´s to be under attack, but it would be nice to hear something from them". 

Maybe the reasson to not say a thing is that making official the attack could mean taht they need to extend the current event one more week, and they already promised another Exp buff so we will have so many buffs togheter and nobody will buy the berdin stars. :P . LOL. 

I think that they are not saying a word cause the issue is still there and without a solution yet is hard to give a compensation or something. Even if they reset our entries or give us more candies or event items, we still can not play properly. And if they say something now they will look like a vulnerable company and it is better to look like a company with a solution. 

Is it not Ncsofts fault? Are you serious lol ... If you have valuables in your car and you let your doors unlock is it your fault if you get your goods stolen? yes, it is and the same goes to NCSoft. 


It's not the first time we experience such horrible lag caused by DDOS's attacks and everytime they just fix it and pretend like its okay to just let their customer rot in game. We're paying for their seat at their desk we deserve better service.

Seriously I think we should get the event for one more week and that we get a few Reset scroll boxes per account.

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Last word we heard confirming that it's a DDoS a few days ago. ^ Would be nice to have an update.

The DDoS attacks also appear to not be against NCsoft directly, but rather their network provider (per GW2 thread and other, non-NC sources).

DDoS attacks have nothing to do with "leaving your car unlocked with valuables in it." It's not a security issue...on NCsoft's/ISP side. If it's anybody's security issue, it's all the infected and compromised any-device-that-is-connected-to-the-internet that form easy-to-buy botnets that unscrupulous individuals/groups/governments can use to swamp the network of another individual/group/company/service/etc. Your unpatched smart refrigerator or even an internet-enabled nanny-cam could be involved in the DDoS attacks.

And it has been hugely mitigated from what it was at the beginning.


I can nearly guarantee there will be compensation for this disruption of service. There has been some manner of compensation every other time this has happened. Maybe we'll get another batch of 5-10 various untradable instance reset scrolls the way we did over a year ago.

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Who am I? Are you kidding me? Goodness. Someone is a wee bit triggered.

I am not defending anyone and, since you at least read what I wrote regarding the Prestige Buff being broken for months and months, you know that I have no issue coming here to complain when I feel it is warranted. That gives me more credibility, not less. And even if I had zero credibility, my opinion is as valid as yours on these open forums.

The you posted that it has been two weeks. It hasn't. The lag first started last Tuesday. A day later, Cyan posted that this was a DDoS. We actually do know this is effecting NCSoft's other games. GW2 was the first to confirm that it was a DDoS, but there are threads on the other games' forums complaining about the lag. It's a DDoS. There isn't much anyone can do about it until the potato doing it decides to stop. Those are facts. Not opinion. You wanted to make a stronger case for compensation, so they lied about the length of time it's been going on and that Cyan didn't speak to the issue.

As for the rest of their post, I didn't speak to it in my first post at all. Just pointed out the -facts-. But I can speak to that part now if it will calm your rattled nerves, @Dreaming-KT. One post buried in another thread confirming that this is a DDoS isn't sufficient at all. More communication would be great, though how much Cyan can tell us beyond what we already know ("Yup.. we are still being DDoSed.") I am not sure. But it would feel better if someone would speak to us. I agree that there should be some kind of compensation. That's been discussed in other threads. Hopefully Cyan sees those discussions and takes it to his superiors. 

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3 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Who am I? Are you kidding me? Goodness. Someone is a wee bit triggered.

I am not defending anyone and, since you at least read what I wrote regarding the Prestige Buff being broken for months and months, you know that I have no issue coming here to complain when I feel it is warranted. That gives me more credibility, not less. And even if I had zero credibility, my opinion is as valid as yours on these open forums.

The OP posted that it has been two weeks. It hasn't. The lag first started last Tuesday. A day later, Cyan posted that this was a DDoS. We actually do know this is effecting NCSoft's other games. GW2 was the first to confirm that it was a DDoS, but there are threads on the other games' forums complaining about the lag. It's a DDoS. There isn't much anyone can do about it until the potato doing it decides to stop. Those are facts. Not opinion. The OP wanted to make a stronger case for compensation, so they lied about the length of time it's been going on and that Cyan didn't speak to the issue.

As for the rest of their post, I didn't speak to it in my first post at all. Just pointed out the -facts-. But I can speak to that part now if it will calm your rattled nerves, @Dreaming-KT. One post buried in another thread confirming that this is a DDoS isn't sufficient at all. More communication would be great, though how much Cyan can tell us beyond what we already know ("Yup.. we are still being DDoSed.") I am not sure. But it would feel better if someone would speak to us. I agree that there should be some kind of compensation. That's been discussed in other threads. Hopefully Cyan sees those discussions and takes it to his superiors. 

You are not defending anyone you're just trying to invalidate my complaint lol . Instead of putting your energy toward agreeing something is wrong you find it more suitable to constanly correct others who post on the forums. Feels like that doesnt matter if 99% of my post is valid you'Re going to focus on the 1% that isnt lol just sit this one out Aly you deserve it .

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99% of your post wasn't valid. You said.. it's been two weeks. Incorrect. You said.. we haven't had word. Incorrect. You said we deserve compensation. Ding ding ding. That's 1 out of 3, sunshine. 

There was absolutely not reason to lie. Did you think Cyan would read what you wrote and things, "Goodness! Has it been two weeks already? And I never posted? Maybe I just dreamed that part! Let me just rush that compensation right out!" Or do you think he would glance at this, see all the exaggerations and lies and flick to the next new post. You are shooting yourself (and us) in the foot here, Dreaming. 

Just stick to the truth. Now I feel like I deserve to sit the rest of this out.

Good luck.

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It´s never victim´s fault. Even in your example if you leave your car with doors unlooked, it is the criminal´s fault. He is the one doing something that is not allowed and damaging somebody. You are not checking everyone´s doors to see who left them opened so you can steal because it is ok, right? You can try to take actions to avoid problems, you can try to learn to not have to face issues, but never, never in a crime is the victim´s fault. 

Some people is always trying to find a weak point to do a damage. Probably is not just a little kid without knowledge. Somebody knows what is doing. It is not easy to change all to have different conections settings. I just remember when they just modified the launcher and added the code, it was really complicated and many players had issues. And even if we are not happy with this, they are even less happy. they are losing money, and a lot. For they those games means the food they eat, the bills they pay each month. 

Yes, we pay in some way for this, and we deserve a proper game, but in this case, they are not doing the wrong thing. They are just unable to avoid it. And just like other people, we are prob paying less money in the last days cause we can´t give it a good use. 

I am between of the first ones that complains with something is done in the wrong way. I am complaining in this topic about the absence of a official word. But IMO if we are facing criminals, NCsoft is a victim just like us. 


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19 minutes ago, Azzmaria-KT said:

It´s never victim´s fault. Even in your example if you leave your car with doors unlooked, it is the criminal´s fault. He is the one doing something that is not allowed and damaging somebody. You are not checking everyone´s doors to see who left them opened so you can steal because it is ok, right? You can try to take actions to avoid problems, you can try to learn to not have to face issues, but never, never in a crime is the victim´s fault. 

Some people is always trying to find a weak point to do a damage. Probably is not just a little kid without knowledge. Somebody knows what is doing. It is not easy to change all to have different conections settings. I just remember when they just modified the launcher and added the code, it was really complicated and many players had issues. And even if we are not happy with this, they are even less happy. they are losing money, and a lot. For they those games means the food they eat, the bills they pay each month. 

Yes, we pay in some way for this, and we deserve a proper game, but in this case, they are not doing the wrong thing. They are just unable to avoid it. And just like other people, we are prob paying less money in the last days cause we can´t give it a good use. 

I am between of the first ones that complains with something is done in the wrong way. I am complaining in this topic about the absence of a official word. But IMO if we are facing criminals, NCsoft is a victim just like us. 


Actualy you pay a fine if you leave your car doors open fyi . Also there are ways to protect yourself from DDOS attacks we're in 2017 Ncsoft should be up to date in their network security but they are not.

"we pay in some ways" ? we don't pay in some ways we pay period. I paid the game I still have the cd's and the box and I paid the sub 3 years before it became free to play and I purchased a lot of aion store items that I lost in the process ... all I have left from the old days of aion is my wonder girls emote and the rest is gone. So pardon me when I say I nyerking paid a part of their seat at their desk . Without us paying customer the free users and the NcEmployees are nothing.


I don't complain for stupid shit and its not the first time Ncsoft is being the target of DDoS attacks so it would be time for them to increase their security and how their database works. FFS I can't even log in the focums from this account unless I connect to the game and use the BCM icons because every account who migrated their account to another email before the new website is nyerked and can't log in support nor forums from the website ... so if that doesnt tell you how bad their data management is idk what will .

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I know what you feel about the things you paid and are gone. It happened to me a lot and I also complained a lot about that. But I think this is different. I can imagine only 2 possible solutions. 

- try to see from where the attacks come and block all the request from IPs on that area (won´t work if they are using proxys or the attack comes from a lot of locations) and you will see a lot of legal players complaining because they can´t play. 

- upgrading their servers to a big structure similar than google´s servers (but that is not even rational)

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  • Aion Team

We've made a post here which I ask your discussion be directed towards. Yes we are still experiencing an attack and we have teams working to mitigate it. Also, as a reminder, when posting on the forums please remain civil and keep the conversations constructive. 

Thank you.



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