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Ok so what's the deal with drop rates, ever getting fixed?


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8 hours ago, Eliseth said:

As far as I know, the timetable was like this:

1. Korea introduced nerfed drop rates (presumably to combat bots)

2. NA got nerfed drop rates

3. players complained, NC West staff negotiated a change with Korea

4. (not sure about the exact moment of this) NC West layoffs got rid of all the people on the Aion team that actually cared, including the ones that negotiated a change before

5. a patch (2.5?) came and introduced the drop issue that led to the decision to do a rollback

6. rollback undid the negotiated NA specific change and reverted to the nerfed world drops

7. since noone is left at NC West that gives a nyerk and NC Korea puts as little effort as possible into their Western servers, we are now stuck with it forever

that sounds more accurate...except in between 3 and 4 is when the updated drop rates happened and everything was copasetic. 

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On 4/11/2023 at 8:43 PM, Zurl said:

They way they are addressing it in Korea is to make dropped items worth only 1 kinah when sold to the merchant.

That should reduce the bot farmers, and hopefully allow an increase in the drop rate again.

The bot farmers have been injecting too much kinah into the economy via selling to the merchant, so they are going to stop that.

When we get the patch I don't know, Korea got it in Feb.


I HEARD in KR they are using a World Broker. Which helps with needing to buy items. That way its harder to gouge. However, if it is true that is why it seems they dont care about drop rates, but WHERE do they get the kinah to even buy? I get you get some from questing but it also costs to place items on broker, and not being able to charge millions of kinah, I dont see anyone get shugo rich quick. Plus why would KR have such an issue with changing drop rate back? Unless its just to kill the outside market game play? UGH.

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Making items sell for 1 kinah would do nothing to stop bots, unless the items are also untradeable and unextractable. As long as kinah can be made in some way, people will bot.

Also, any sufficient anti bot measure will kill open world loot for normal players too. If bots can't make kinah, neither can we.

Edited by Eliseth
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52 minutes ago, Eliseth said:

Making items sell for 1 kinah would do nothing to stop bots, unless the items are also untradeable and unextractable. As long as kinah can be made in some way, people will bot.

Also, any sufficient anti bot measure will kill open world loot for normal players too. If bots can't make kinah, neither can we.

You seem confused between the concepts of kinah being made and kinah being exchanged, they are not the same thing, and have totally different impact on the economy.


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2 hours ago, Zurl said:

You seem confused between the concepts of kinah being made and kinah being exchanged, they are not the same thing, and have totally different impact on the economy.


You seem confused about the fact that solving the bot caused inflation problem does not solve the botting problem. Whether kinah is made through vendor sales or through the broker, bots are still profitable, and therefore the server will still be full of bots, and the balance of kinah is still pulled towards botters and those who RMT buy kinah from them.

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35 minutes ago, Eliseth said:

You seem confused about the fact that solving the bot caused inflation problem does not solve the botting problem. Whether kinah is made through vendor sales or through the broker, bots are still profitable, and therefore the server will still be full of bots, and the balance of kinah is still pulled towards botters and those who RMT buy kinah from them.

The bots are not the problem, the kinah from merchanting the world drops are the problem, it's caused massive  inflation of the kinah supply. That's why KR have made the merchant reward for world drops only 1 kinah.



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Dear administration, fix drop rates! It's aint normal to play aion classic, run dungeons day by day and have no nothing from it.  The game shouldn'be a work, your potential players are leaving the game. Cmn don't let game die, is it so hard to encrease drop rates and let people enjoy the game? 
You know i'm playing this game only because of my community, if they will leave, i'm not gonna stay here anymore.
And I'm not gonna write messeges everytime and force you to fix problems of your project. This is the last one! I'm pissed off it!

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On 4/26/2023 at 10:32 PM, Shirene-DN said:

I got 2 stigmas in haramel and a few yellow manastones

I got nothing in Haramel in terms of stigmas. Everyone i know did not get a single stigma from haramel(this is 40+ players). RNG is RNG you got the good end of the stick.

I have seen people get level 43 stigmas in NTC and got level 20 stigmas in A-labs. At the end of the day their table is very different to what ours was and i am unsure how NA's current drop rate is and there is no real way w/o someone datamining both regions to check to see any differences.

EU are suffering from people quitting because they accidently paying their SS tho so they have their own set of problems other than drops.

Edited by Squid
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EU are suffering from people quitting because they accidently paying their SS. Would you mind elaborating on that? Mayhap it is just my comprehension skill, but I do not get what you are writing. How can anyone pay their Soulsickness by accident and why would that make anyone quit?

From the stories I hear about the constantly existing queues of two up to three thousand and people waiting three hours to log in, even during workdays, the game appears to be doing fine, for now. Hence it is realease week and the numbers do not really matter now. Let's see how many remain longterm.

Edited by Stormwing
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The EU loot table is all over the place. I know someone who got a graceful armor (lvl 45 fabled) drop from a lvl 22/23 worm in theobomos. I myself got lvl 37 earrings dropped in eltnen doing lvl 25 content. It very much feels like they just manually cranked up some numbers somewhere, rather than actually fixing loot. Which is also evident by the fact that manastones are still problematic. I'm lvl 32 now, and have gotten a grand total of 0 crit stones and 1 magic boost stone.

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40 minutes ago, Eliseth said:

The EU loot table is all over the place. I know someone who got a graceful armor (lvl 45 fabled) drop from a lvl 22/23 worm in theobomos. I myself got lvl 37 earrings dropped in eltnen doing lvl 25 content. It very much feels like they just manually cranked up some numbers somewhere, rather than actually fixing loot. Which is also evident by the fact that manastones are still problematic. I'm lvl 32 now, and have gotten a grand total of 0 crit stones and 1 magic boost stone.

Yea it is super weird i killed a level 46 mob


Got a level 20 manastone LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive been playing EU for a few days, and the (albeit a bit inflated) drop rates only further show how abysmal the drop rates in NA are. Ive gotten 4 manastones on my lvl 18 templar from drops already (EU). I literally have never seen a manastone drop on my lvl 50 NA spiritmaster.  90% of open world kills give literally nothing on NA, with the other 10% giving nothing of importance. Couple this with the dead server, and new players like I was are literally unable to play their class because their stigmas either dont exist on the broker or cost 40mil. I dont understand how this isnt seen as an emergent problem. Up the drop rates so new players can prosper and not have to buy gold to get the necessary abilities to play their class. New players = more enjoyable pvp where youre not ALWAYS getting facerolled by a day 1 RMTing basement dweller with 3 times your gear. 

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3 hours ago, Sicemboi said:

Ive been playing EU for a few days, and the (albeit a bit inflated) drop rates only further show how abysmal the drop rates in NA are. Ive gotten 4 manastones on my lvl 18 templar from drops already (EU). I literally have never seen a manastone drop on my lvl 50 NA spiritmaster.  90% of open world kills give literally nothing on NA, with the other 10% giving nothing of importance. Couple this with the dead server, and new players like I was are literally unable to play their class because their stigmas either dont exist on the broker or cost 40mil. I dont understand how this isnt seen as an emergent problem. Up the drop rates so new players can prosper and not have to buy gold to get the necessary abilities to play their class. New players = more enjoyable pvp where youre not ALWAYS getting facerolled by a day 1 RMTing basement dweller with 3 times your gear. 

NA had higher drop rates too at the start.

They are unsustainable because of the high merchant value of the drops.

Eventually EU will have to either reduce the drop rates, or reduce the merchant value of the drops, else out of control inflation from the 24/7 bot farmers.

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