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hello, I will speak on behalf of many asmodians, the server katalam has an exaggerated overpopulation ELYA, as can be seen in the fortress invasion today, huvo a massive group of eloy causing a massive disconnection asmo by lag. Just notice that not being a whole league the ELYOS exceeded us excessively the number, so much so that for each asmodian there were x10 ELYOS.
My complaint is that they do absolutely nothing with the overpopulation ELYA, much less remove the xfrom.
If the server continues in this way, a large part will choose to change or leave the server. Give some advantage to the Asmodians to level the overpopulation ELYA. Or they could give a change of server for those who want to go to a better server where everything is more level.

hola, hablare en nombre de muchos asmodians, el servidor katalam tiene una exagerada sobrepoblacion ELYA, como se puede observar en la invasion fortress de hoy, huvo un grupo masivo de elyo provocando una desconecion masiva asmo por lag. Justamente se noto que ni siendo una liga entera los ELYOS nos superaban excesivamente el numero, tanto asi que por cada asmodian habia x10 ELYOS. 
Mi queja radica en que no hacen absolutamente nada con la sobrepoblacion ELYA, mucho menos les quitan las xfrom. 
Si el servidor sigue asi una gran parte optara por cambiar o dejar el servidor denlo por hecho. Den alguna ventaja a los asmodianos para nivelar la sobrepoblacion ELYA .O bien podrian regalar un cambio de servidor para los que se quieran ir a un mejor server donde todo este mas nivelado.

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Faction imbalance has been a problem since the game launched 9 years ago and NCSoft has never been able to get it under control.

The siege buff (which increases each time a disadvantage faction fails to take a fort) should balance things out in time, though apparently it isn't work right this moment. Getting it fixed should be a top priority for the staff.

KT Asmos (the SL part!) have always been a scrappy bunch. They have been able to overcome a numbers disadvantage with organization and leadership. I would encourage you to stick it out. Things will get better for you and be all the sweeter when you whip those Elyos even with smaller numbers.

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People that DC during siege DC because of their PCs or because of a Send Log. Neither of those things has anything to do what race you play in game. You can fairly assume that the same percentage of people DC on both sides of the siege.

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10 hours ago, satariel-KT said:

hello, I will speak on behalf of many asmodians, the server katalam has an exaggerated overpopulation ELYA, as can be seen in the fortress invasion today, huvo a massive group of eloy causing a massive disconnection asmo by lag. Just notice that not being a whole league the ELYOS exceeded us excessively the number, so much so that for each asmodian there were x10 ELYOS.

The average Asmodian is a credit card warrior who can 1v10 a group of Elyos with ease. I don't see the problem here.

Just give it time, once the 6.2 hype dies down and people start to leave again I'm sure you'll get to see another Asmo domination spree all the way into 7.0.

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10 minutes ago, Mirei-KT said:

The average Asmodian is a credit card warrior who can 1v10 a group of Elyos with ease. I don't see the problem here.

Just give it time, once the 6.2 hype dies down and people start to leave again I'm sure you'll get to see another Asmo domination spree all the way into 7.0.

first of all we asmodianos are not credit cards, that I have seen more in the elya faction and that an asmodiano can against them that is more thing of skill, I have not given a penny to the game and even so I could kill several elyos that had even good transformations

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28 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

People that DC during siege DC because of their PCs or because of a Send Log. Neither of those things has anything to do what race you play in game. You can fairly assume that the same percentage of people DC on both sides of the siege.

my PC is not a bad PC is one that even passes the requirements of the AION system and I even have games that exceed the graphic level of aion and even so I have been disconnected from nothing I was playing normally and out of nowhere I disconnected

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13 minutes ago, lkurox-KT said:

my PC is not a bad PC is one that even passes the requirements of the AION system and I even have games that exceed the graphic level of aion and even so I have been disconnected from nothing I was playing normally and out of nowhere I disconnected

Mine isn't either and I DC and get send logs. It has nothing to do with what race I am. The Elyos are not DCing me. They aren't giving me a Send Log.

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32 minutes ago, Mirei-KT said:

The average Asmodian is a credit card warrior who can 1v10 a group of Elyos with ease. I don't see the problem here.

Just give it time, once the 6.2 hype dies down and people start to leave again I'm sure you'll get to see another Asmo domination spree all the way into 7.0.

I have not used a credit card and I still kill several of them. and I'm not the only one who does that, I remind you that the most P2W are ELYOS, ELYOS in their vast majority are noobs + gear, and that's why we kill them, because in asmodia there is more skill level than credit card. Example gundam, exo, etc. = noobs + gear

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1 hour ago, satariel-KT said:

I have not used a credit card and I still kill several of them. and I'm not the only one who does that, I remind you that the most P2W are ELYOS, ELYOS in their vast majority are noobs + gear, and that's why we kill them, because in asmodia there is more skill level than credit card. Example gundam, exo, etc. = noobs + gear

Moar examples plox!! :D

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5 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

KT Asmos (the SL part!) have always been a scrappy bunch. They have been able to overcome a numbers disadvantage with organization and leadership. I would encourage you to stick it out. Things will get better for you and be all the sweeter when you whip those Elyos even with smaller numbers.

Most of us transferred to DN these past few months, the bunch that didn’t make the cut-off time will be going to DN when transfers reopen to join their friends. Not the same SL backbone you’re thinking of, unfortunately. 

They’ll eventually work out the bumps. 

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2 minutes ago, Forthyn-KT said:

Most of us transferred to DN these past few months, the bunch that didn’t make the cut-off time will be going to DN when transfers reopen to join their friends. Not the same SL backbone you’re thinking of, unfortunately. 

They’ll eventually work out the bumps. 

can they allow the transfer of server again in order to move to DN or raise a new server where we can migrate

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24 minutes ago, Forthyn-KT said:

Most of us transferred to DN these past few months, the bunch that didn’t make the cut-off time will be going to DN when transfers reopen to join their friends. Not the same SL backbone you’re thinking of, unfortunately. 

They’ll eventually work out the bumps. 

Exactly this the 3 people I play with have talked about doing the same thing though with so many Elyos on Kt ow pvp is a blast.  The sieges in Aion are not the same anymore and I could care less if we take the fort.  I go just to kill people and get contribution, ap and mats the rest is whatever.  History does tell us how well the Elyos do in even number sieges though :-)

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29 minutes ago, Forthyn-KT said:

Most of us transferred to DN these past few months, the bunch that didn’t make the cut-off time will be going to DN when transfers reopen to join their friends. Not the same SL backbone you’re thinking of, unfortunately. 

They’ll eventually work out the bumps. 

Yay! Welcome!

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On 10/28/2018 at 6:17 PM, Morrigan-KT said:

TBH, the deeper I delve into 6.2, the more scammish the entire game feels. Its designed from the ground up, (far more than its predecessor), to force you to nickle and dime your way through the game. Its basically a mobile game now.

The simplistic leveling path. The adverts to buy luna everytime you step into a dungeon. The buy-to-actually-see your created character and not some random ugly arse illusion ploy. (Illusions which btw, if you dont use, you'll be forced to endure the slowest walk/run speed in MMO history.) The multiple and quite redundant sheer number of "currencies" required. (Ingots, whats the point again?) 

(Oh, while we're at it, why should I buy high priced costumes now when I'd also have to pay to actually see them and not some furry costume instead?)

Despite their claims that they simply, "wanted to get back to basics", this isn't the Aion I fell for back in 2009,  Not even close. This is some sort of amalgamation of every conceivable money scam NCSofts ever developed all wrapped around an easily recognizable game with a dedicated core. 

In other words, Aion now feels like a comprehensive experiment in greed and we're the guinea pigs.

Ok, let me stop you there. my configuration ( i7 3.2gh, 16 gb ram 2gb dedicated memory, simple HDD 1tb). while in theory the specs should be way above requirements for AION, during sieges i do get DC'ed or my get frozen when Asmos are making a push. There might be a difference in the population, idk. But comon, blaming Elyos for your DC? Really?
Are you new to this game? Disconnecting while playing is something that everyone goes through. It's not a conspiracy against any faction. Blame it on whater you want, and most likely you are right, but not on the disconnection or game crash 

21 hours ago, satariel-KT said:

I have not used a credit card and I still kill several of them. and I'm not the only one who does that, I remind you that the most P2W are ELYOS, ELYOS in their vast majority are noobs + gear, and that's why we kill them, because in asmodia there is more skill level than credit card. Example gundam, exo, etc. = noobs + gear

And I get it that you have access to NCWest books and you know for sure Elyos are Wallet warriors and asmos are not, right? Because of course only Elyos are paying, and of course only Elyos are hacking, and of course  ONLY ELYOS. 
Sure you kill Elyos because all Elyos are noobs, the PVP buff never had anything to do with it. Dude wake up. Asmo kill Elyos, Elyos kill Asmos. Elyos conquer's Fort, Elyos loses fort and Asmos conquer's fort. That's the game you kill some you get killed by some. Otherwise you go PVE all day and that's it.
It is a game, if you want to enjoy it, stop looking at this as you do now. 

Lot's of love <3

PS: I'm not lashing at you guys or anything, just trying to open your eyes. I can understand the frustration but try to be more realistic about this guys.

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35 minutes ago, Mirelium-KT said:

Ok, let me stop you there. my configuration ( i7 3.2gh, 16 gb ram 2gb dedicated memory, simple HDD 1tb). while in theory the specs should be way above requirements for AION, during sieges i do get DC'ed or my get frozen when Asmos are making a push. There might be a difference in the population, idk. But comon, blaming Elyos for your DC? Really?
Are you new to this game? Disconnecting while playing is something that everyone goes through. It's not a conspiracy against any faction. Blame it on whater you want, and most likely you are right, but not on the disconnection or game crash 

And I get it that you have access to NCWest books and you know for sure Elyos are Wallet warriors and asmos are not, right? Because of course only Elyos are paying, and of course only Elyos are hacking, and of course  ONLY ELYOS. 
Sure you kill Elyos because all Elyos are noobs, the PVP buff never had anything to do with it. Dude wake up. Asmo kill Elyos, Elyos kill Asmos. Elyos conquer's Fort, Elyos loses fort and Asmos conquer's fort. That's the game you kill some you get killed by some. Otherwise you go PVE all day and that's it.
It is a game, if you want to enjoy it, stop looking at this as you do now. 

Lot's of love <3

PS: I'm not lashing at you guys or anything, just trying to open your eyes. I can understand the frustration but try to be more realistic about this guys.

Hold up, what does my quote from another thread have to do with this topic?

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5 minutes ago, Morrigan-KT said:

Hold up, what does my quote from another thread have to do with this topic?

Of course nothing :| silly me. I was reading 3 -4 threads, and I most likely mixed them up :) . I was going to reply to yours too, and the quote must have remained copied, but since i have almost the same opinion I changed my mind in replying.


I was actually referring to this:


22 hours ago, lkurox-KT said:

my PC is not a bad PC is one that even passes the requirements of the AION system and I even have games that exceed the graphic level of aion and even so I have been disconnected from nothing I was playing normally and out of nowhere I disconnected


My bad :D 

Thanks for pointing this out. 

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1 hour ago, Mirelium-KT said:

Of course nothing :| silly me. I was reading 3 -4 threads, and I most likely mixed them up :) . I was going to reply to yours too, and the quote must have remained copied, but since i have almost the same opinion I changed my mind in replying.


I was actually referring to this:



My bad :D 

Thanks for pointing this out. 

Ah okay. I kinda figured thats what happened since its almost happened to me at times as well. Just wanted to make sure though kek.

No worries.

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