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Pet to save our kinah


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Hi: This update bring a major modification in the account warehose and now we have to carry toons of kinah in our inventory, this is an accident ready to happen, a book that I already read "A Chronicle of a Death Foretold". Please consider to create a pet that carries our kinah or a cabinet for our houses.. I been playing Aion for more than 6 years now, and I seen this issue before. I been talking with old players about it, everyone remembers those mistakes. Having answers like "be careful, read the message" is lazy, anyone from support must know how many claims you have for this per week. The account warehouse was our safe, please create something to replace it.

And no Aly I havent bought anything expensive "yet" by mistake as I did with lunas :$ but is only cuz prices are insane, and I dont go anywere near broker.

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If you don't use the broker, how are you going to accidentally lose your kinah? I can't think of any other way aside from accidentally listing something on the broker for too much (losing upfront listing fee) or too little (selling a valuable item for too little). You can't trade kinah between players anymore, so there's no chance of you accidentally trading it to another player.

Not mocking you; genuinely curious if there's some mechanism I'm overlooking here.

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So, saying "im not mocking you" doesnt cancel what you are doing, snarky still is a mock but since you asked, you know what is your problem that you think only for yourself so you think I make these sugestions only for myself, im taking care of my kinah not only for been careful also cuz economy at the moment is messed up and things are not as they should be. The suggestion become of remembering old times when we had to hold our kinah like this and ppl having this issue not only me. So a pet that carries kinah is not a bad idea, and this is a "suggestion box" not a "try to explain yourself to snarky players box". They could make it tradeable and sellable by bcm so players that donate have another lazy way to make kinah. I dont even know what you people do here in this section of the forum if you add snarky comments instead of droping ideas play better in game...

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I was literally not mocking you. I was actually genuinely curious if there was some other way I just wasn't thinking about -- if there was something that could cause me to accientally lose my kinah. However, you didn't list anything else aside from the broker, so I'll take that as a no.

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How would one accidentally loose kinah? you don't loose it when you die, mobs nor the other faction can loot your body when you die? You can't trade it so, can't give it away, you can't drop it, you can't rubbish it. Please explain how you would accidentally loose your kinah?

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@Kailor-DN  mainly because of player mistakes/distractions, 

1- you list items in broker wrongly and lose the kinah Fee.  For example a real case which I witnessed in 3.X times patch that had same broker than 6.X, a guy was selling Power Shards in broker, a really cheap consumable worth that time  1M the 10.000 bundle, he got confused and listed 1 M each power shard, that way he lost like 350M with the broker Fee.

2- you missclick and buy an unwanted item in broker.

3- you buy the incorrect item in a NPC for example, Siege weapons are right next to Seed of transformations, someone could go and buy 1000 seeds that is 21M or get distracted and buy 1000 siege weapons and waste 200M.

all this could be easily avoided in the past by just storing your kinah in the warehouse.



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Can also be avoided by reading and watching where the pointer is before clicking - that's user error, not accidental loss of kinah. A bit like getting a speeding ticket and claiming you were distracted and forgot to look at the speedometer - not gonna fly, you goofed, you pay.

Loosing Kina accidentally would be impossible as far as I can see, misspending, wasting, user errors that cost kinah- yes, but that isn't accidental loss.

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8 hours ago, Kailor-DN said:

Can also be avoided by reading and watching where the pointer is before clicking - that's user error, not accidental loss of kinah.

Yes that is what i said in my first sentence, which indeed is a cause of accidental loss of kinah.


8 hours ago, Kailor-DN said:

Loosing Kina accidentally would be impossible as far as I can see, misspending, wasting, user errors that cost kinah- yes, but that isn't accidental loss.

Maybe your loved Furry transformation is blocking your eyes xD ?

Accident Definition:  In general, an unplanned, unexpected, not purposefully caused event which occurs suddenly and causes injury or loss.

so why the example situations I have provided are not accidental kinah loss? and how can you say is impossible when it actually happened many times to players trought the years?

i have a screenshot of the first example if you still think is impossible and you really refuse to believe accidents can happen.


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Accidental, something that happens to a person though no action or behavior of their own doing. The person is NOT responsible for the outcome.

In Error, something the person did wrong, whether intentional or not. The person IS responsible for the outcome.

So, I see no accidental way to loose kinah in Aion, loose it in error yes, but that's on the person.

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You are awful hard on this guy who is worried about accidentally spending kinah when he didn't mean to when you get physically ill just standing next to someone who is wearing a penguin candy and want everyone to sympathize.

Players get all tangled up over all sorts of things. His phobia isn't any better or any worse than yours.

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