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Housing Expired & Merge Questions?


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What happens to house items if your house expires? Do they goto in game email, or are they lost or what ever. cause I have a friend in RL been dealing with medical in RL and her house expired but she can't find any of her items. It's like they all are gone. Did she loose everything? or if she buys a new house will she have them back again.

Second with the server merges. My houses are full of rare items, I don't have enough space to pick up all my chests cause everything is full. What happens to my items?


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If you lose your house, all your registered/placed items will go to your house's storage. This storage is global between all kinds of houses, it is just bigger or smaller. No items will be lost. 

As for cabinets, it is the same as losing a pet or a cabinet expiring. Items will be stored there, just need to place either the same cabinets or a cabinet of the same size and type.

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so if its a perma registered cabinet 3 slots do we loose that? Some of these things a few 100 million on broker .. or paid via BM .. one of my guild mates just checked his house and said everything was gone. I assumed it was what you said above but he's saying everything gone. Another guild mate just lost her house cause of being away .. with medical stuff. She's re bid on her old house but is very sad if she looses all the rest furniture. I currently don't have a way to test it at the moment.

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  • Aion Team

Quite happy for the helpful people we have here! As they have stated, you will not lose your items. In the very rare event that something did happen to the items, support would be able to assist you with recovering anything not appearing.

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