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Is NCsoft's server bad or my computer bad ?


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Which of the following message are you getting when you DC while AFK?

  • STR_MSG_AUTH_CONNECTION_LOST - You have been disconnected from the server.
    • Your internet connection is bad
  • STR_MSG_AUTO_DISCONNECTED - You have been disconnected due to being AFK for a long time.
    • Your client will auto disconnect if you do not make any interaction with it for around 1 hour
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The only time I had this happen to me was when squirrels had chewed through my line outside causing water to get into it thus I was having internet issues. However it happened with one other game as well and not just Aion. During this time tho the other four games I regularly play I too could stay on for hours and never get disconnected. As soon as this problem with my line was fixed problem solved even in STO which is notorious for server disconnects.

So if it were me I'd check your line outside or get in contact with your ISP and have them do it. Hope this helps. 9_9

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20 hours ago, Aieryn-DN said:

So if it were me I'd check your line outside or get in contact with your ISP and have them do it. Hope this helps. 9_9

100% agree. I had been disconnecting at least once a day for MONTHS. Had my ISP out a few times and always got the "it's not us!" bullshit. Finally I had them out again and threatened to switch ISPs if they didn't do anything. Turns out my outside line running from my house to the pole was bad. Once they fixed it, internet was perfect, no more Aion disconnects.

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