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Hey, need a serious response


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Just saw this, but I can't go into much depth, I'm sure @Vantheria-DN can.

Starting now would be a great time, the current event can gear you up and get you the necessary stats and transformation for all in-game content. Gearing in PvP is much easier than PvE (enchanting is a different situation), as PvE forces you to hope for a certain gear piece to drop by pure luck. Good luck! PM me for more things if you need more info than the one sentence I gave you, lol

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Yeah, for sure. The current event might solve a lot of p2w (since you would get  a reasonable transform and thus be able to be a normal person), but PvP and PvE for sure have a lot of p2w, such as buying certain currency (Luna) to reroll stats (you could farm this in game, but it would take time and a lot of character making, I do this personally). NC however has included events in the past that give massive amounts of PvP evolution materials, which is a nice thing.

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Generally speaking, I would say that the "pay to win" is more like "pay to avoid farming." There aren't a lot of crucial systems which do not have free to play methods, especially with certain generous events. The average player isn't a huge cash whale so I think, with some farming and the support of a good strong legion to help you gear, you can have a lot of fun PVP against most opponents :)

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you can't do it easily without spending cash. This event is  helpful, but a new patch is going to hit fairly soon and the P2W is going to skyrocket again with the addition of new items that will will be even more RNG/P2W.

and just lol @Youmu-EK I would definitely go back to early Aion when it was subscription based, in some ways was much easier to get geared than now. How we forget.

I would just say try it out , you have nothing to lose- but playing completely free- you will always be at a disadvantage.

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