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Elitism in Aion


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7 minutes ago, 5sB1C19-DN said:

Nice edit and you are now back pedaling. Just admit you are wrong and have a problem. We all can see by your posts that it's no secret.

The teasers promote and show what are COMING.

I didn't back pedal at all. I said nothing was coming and by definition nothing is coming if nothing is confirmed at the time. You just can't read and now you are just background noise to me.


8 minutes ago, Motgar-KT said:

Talking S Rank.

Most of what I was talking about in the original post happened with DLR.

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Hi @Motgar-KT it's true that many things you said I agreed with but I want you to understand those who playing live version for years classic server announcement is devastating for them you don't need to keep bashing them that they wrong you should help them to migrating to classic server ,what you doing is no different when they telling everyone to quit if you can't survive in live.

In fact I believed one point of time everyone was elitism too me as well when you can accomplished something you wanna show to everyone else that you good you strong. Show them good thing about classic not telling them that they can't do anything because they're p2w.

I'm truly sorry about how classic server effecting live I wish live version will stay up as long as possible and possible enjoyable once more.

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In the days of DLR, we had like maybe 3 different statics running it? All people that were elites. They were the same people asking for pay to win items on forums every so often. They had followers that were confused into thinking it was a great idea.


I can think of a perfect example of people not knowing what they want when they seek something. Medicine is a perfect example, people ask for things that would kill them, and that's why you can't always listen to customers.


7 minutes ago, Nalariel-KT said:

Hi @Motgar-KT it's true that many things you said I agreed with but I want you to understand those who playing live version for years classic server announcement is devastating for them you don't need to keep bashing them that they wrong you should help them to migrating to classic server ,what you doing is no different when they telling everyone to quit if you can't survive in live.

In fact I believed one point of time everyone was elitism too me as well when you can accomplished something you wanna show to everyone else that you good you strong. Show them good thing about classic not telling them that they can't do anything because they're p2w.

I'm truly sorry about how classic server effecting live I wish live version will stay up as long as possible and possible enjoyable once more.

You can't just let unreformed criminals run the streets. These pay-to-win people are the criminals in this case, and we anti-pay-to-win are the plaintiffs. Hell, all they need to do is drop the pay-to-win arguments and we are golden.

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25 minutes ago, Motgar-KT said:

You can't just let unreformed criminals run the streets. These pay-to-win people are the criminals in this case, and we anti-pay-to-win are the plaintiffs. Hell, all they need to do is drop the pay-to-win arguments and we are golden.

I'm gonna stop you right there, mate.

First of all, you cannot treat spenders as criminals. They may be p2w whales, but you're crossing a blurred line here.

The p2w issues comes from the developers/publishers, not from the gamers. These people are allowed to spend their money however they want, but that doesn't make them criminals for doing so. That's like saying you're a criminal for spending $100 in the grocery store when you should've have spent maybe $30 instead.

You're targeting the wrong people, and slandering others for how they spend their cash when developers intended on that to happen makes you a criminal yourself, not because you spend, but because you're mistreating people.

I hate p2w just like your average Joe, but you need to halt your speeding car and take a breather. As much as you hate the whales for spending on the Live servers, remember, it happened because NCSOFT wanted it, and you're putting the blame on the wrong people.

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7 minutes ago, Kubei-DN said:

I'm gonna stop you right there, mate.

First of all, you cannot treat spenders as criminals. They may be p2w whales, but you're crossing a blurred line here.

The p2w issues comes from the developers/publishers, not from the gamers. These people are allowed to spend their money however they want, but that doesn't make them criminals for doing so. That's like saying you're a criminal for spending $100 in the grocery store when you should've have spent maybe $30 instead.

You're targeting the wrong people, and slandering others for how they spend their cash when developers intended on that to happen makes you a criminal yourself, not because you spend, but because you're mistreating people.

I hate p2w just like your average Joe, but you need to halt your speeding car and take a breather. As much as you hate the whales for spending on the Live servers, remember, it happened because NCSOFT wanted it, and you're putting the blame on the wrong people.

Games and grocery stores are different. Bad example.


No one is mistreating anyone here except the pay-to-win folk who socket puppet in my threads. If they want to play Aion without it dying, then stop pushing for pay-to-win, it's that simple. If they want to bully people and create class warfare, get the nyerk out. Other than that, I don't care.

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Guest Devir
2 hours ago, Guest Amaterasu said:

I sucked at pvp and died I made sure to take as many of their atk/cast/run speed scrolls as I could with me to the grave

This is priceless, it made me laugh.  But this is the real spirit of the game.

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Guest Vinley

It's not the P2Wers fault for the state of the game. They are victims. P2W is designed to be as predatory as possible; making everything into a gambling mechanic. It's designed to give you a dopamine hit every time you get something good, and keeps you coming back for more.

There's a reason they're designed this way, and that massive RNG is involved. These aren't just accidents. Companies have spent millions researching these predatory design models. Every single new model is more predatory than the last.

Its an addiction and the people spending tons of money are a mix of addicted, and yes, often times delusional to a fault, but they are not criminals. The criminals are NCSoft and our elected officials for allowing this online gambling to prey on people unchecked.

Aion Live is dead because of the companies decisions to allow P2W to be the fastest and most important progression tool in the game. Live has taken its rightful place in history, and should they do the same in Classic, it will meet the same end.

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Guest Depressed cleric

I never read such rubbish high in my whole life, I can't believe there's someone that stupid

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Guest Free fisherman

This motgar guy has been making a bunch of absolutely stupid posts on forums it seems, but this one takes the cake. Comparing aion with russia? Thats just fantastic! 

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2 hours ago, Guest Vinley said:

It's not the P2Wers fault for the state of the game. They are victims. P2W is designed to be as predatory as possible; making everything into a gambling mechanic. It's designed to give you a dopamine hit every time you get something good, and keeps you coming back for more.

There's a reason they're designed this way, and that massive RNG is involved. These aren't just accidents. Companies have spent millions researching these predatory design models. Every single new model is more predatory than the last.

Its an addiction and the people spending tons of money are a mix of addicted, and yes, often times delusional to a fault, but they are not criminals. The criminals are NCSoft and our elected officials for allowing this online gambling to prey on people unchecked.

Aion Live is dead because of the companies decisions to allow P2W to be the fastest and most important progression tool in the game. Live has taken its rightful place in history, and should they do the same in Classic, it will meet the same end.

It is the player's fault if they choose to try a little meth so to speak. They are perfectly capable of making decisions if they choose. It is also the companies fault as well.

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Guest st0n3
5 hours ago, Guest Amaterasu said:

I sucked at pvp and died I made sure to take as many of their atk/cast/run speed scrolls as I could with me to the grave

burn. please.

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Aion Classic and Aion Live will probably die since no one is defending Aion Classic and there is nothing but sock puppeting still. The pay-to-win can keep playing their games and destroy themselves rather than actually find peace, better than letting Aion live at least. Aion Classic can be the best thing if they only stop playing kiddie games with trying to be the best.

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9 minutes ago, Motgar-KT said:

Aion Classic and Aion Live will probably die since no one is defending Aion Classic and there is nothing but sock puppeting still. The pay-to-win can keep playing their games and destroy themselves rather than actually find peace, better than letting Aion live at least. Aion Classic can be the best thing if they only stop playing kiddie games with trying to be the best.

Stop trolling, there is an "Ignore User" feature on this forum and you have just been added to my ignore list.

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Guest Wrath

DP is 13 years old and you still didn’t figure it out the mechanics? Jeez... there was 0 elitism back in 2009, you simply just can’t go there with quest gear and expect s run groups to accept you.

Get some SR and Theo gear, do some A runs to get some gear and boom, your’re ready for S run.

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