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We need Stones of Life!


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Dear @Cyan,

There is one pack pet in Aion with a unique 28 slot backpack - Golden Karki. It can be made with aetherforging (icon_cash_item_petadoption_01_l.png Golden Karki's Egg), and requires one icon_item_orb_fire.png Stone of Life to make (plus some misc stuff).

To make a Stone of Life, one needs to collect 20 icon_item_gemstone01c.png Stone of Life Fragments.

The problem is - we can't.

The Stone of Life Fragments are only found in lockboxes at a very low rate, and although they are supposed to drop from the Primordial mobs in game, it has been found (with a sample size of 'what are you even doing with your life at this point') that they definitely do not. As a result, I don't know anyone who has managed to craft this pack pet.

Additionally, as far as I know the design for making this pet goes away in 6.0.

So would it please be possible to make these stones available either through event drops or just having the primordials drop them or something of the sort?

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11 minutes ago, Kubei-DN said:

If I remember right, I saw the fragment drop from Shurak in Bastion of Souls, so that’s one way to farm it but I wish it had a better drop.

He drops opportunity stones and stone of fate fragments.

Edit: well ok not Shurak himself but youknowwhatImean.

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