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Costume Design Contest Winners Will be Announced on June 12


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  • Aion Team

Greetings Daevas!

Thank you for all your costume design submissions! We are still in the process of reviewing the designs with the dev team and will need one more week to finalize the winners.

The winners announcement has been rescheduled for June 12, 2018. Thank you for your patience!

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I hope we get a chance to see some of the submissions as well. I've always thought it was kind of odd that the community doesn't have any say in who wins these contests, but I suppose it is less messy this way. Kudos to everyone who sent one in!

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Joining in with the others in that I really hope we get to see all of the designs like for some of the previous contests (and not like those where we didn't, boo to those!). Seeing what everyone's come up with is probably my favorite part about these.

I'm personally okay with the community not being able to pick (unless there's a community pick in addition to what the devs choose) because it prevents instances where stuff devolves into a popularity contest for the people who sent things in instead of the actual submissions.

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They should do these contests every 3-6 months....there are a lot of skin fanatics on the server, the skins will probably earn them more than your average stuff on BCM. Plus they will keep the community active and involved with the game.

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50 minutes ago, Hamaruki-KT said:

Mine was not put on the list, I send to the correct email, but here goes to the evaluation, I think it is deserved for the public's knowledge.263kfw9.jpg

YOu needed to create both male and female versions to participate

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