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Trade broker listing fees and commissions in 6.2

The Secret Cow Level

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With the removal of direct trade using Kinah, now all trades involving Kinah must now go through the trade broker.

And they have jacked up the listing fees and sale commissions significantly.

As of 6.2 EU PTS, the fees are as follows:

  • Listing fee: 2.2% of asking price * Prices % * (100% + Tax %)
    • paid whenever you list an item on the broker, and is lost whether your item sells or not
  • Sale commissions: 11% of asking price * Prices % * (100% + Tax %)
    • deducted from the kinah paid to you when your item gets sold

NCSoft jacked up the upfront listing fee back to whatever it was in patch 5.1 and before.

Update 5.3 added support for deducting commissions from items successfully sold on broker. Between 5.3 and 5.8, the sum of listing fee + sale commissions was the same as the Listing fee of 5.1 and prior, and 6.2. But now, you have the old 2.2% pre-5.3 listing fees upfront, combined with the new 11% commission deducted when your item actually sells!

They made the broker a much bigger kinah sink than pre-5.3 days.

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I attribute this to the success of World of Warcraft. WoW is the leader in this segment with high brokerage commissions and toons that look like dragons. Aion has been unique due to low brokerage commissions (extremely low for items that don't sell -- which encourages listings to figure out a good price) and toons that look like real people.

Cynically, NCSOFT has identified the biggest baddest competitor and is going to compete against them head on in order to capture the market.

This is a shame. I don't think they'll succeed.

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19 hours ago, Nyali-DN said:

@mooMOOMooMoomoo-KTSo broker fee's are unavoidable anymore, right?



From EU 6.2 prod Patch Notes:


The 'Private Shop' has been removed.


The 'Trade Kinah' function and the

associated user interfaces (Private Store, Account

Warehouse, Legion Warehouse, Mail, Group Distribution) have been removed.

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5 hours ago, mooMOOMooMoomoo-KT said:



From EU 6.2 prod Patch Notes:


The 'Private Shop' has been removed.


The 'Trade Kinah' function and the

associated user interfaces (Private Store, Account

Warehouse, Legion Warehouse, Mail, Group Distribution) have been removed.

Thankies! This might not be much related to the actual thread title, but may I ask if you something. @Kubei-DN Might be to answer this too.

The functions of legion warehouse, account warehouse and regular warehouse have not changed besides the removal of the kinah function, correct?

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2 hours ago, Nyali-DN said:

Thankies! This might not be much related to the actual thread title, but may I ask if you something. @Kubei-DN Might be to answer this too.

The functions of legion warehouse, account warehouse and regular warehouse have not changed besides the removal of the kinah function, correct?

Not at all, the difference is that you can't store kinah in it anymore. Account/legion/normal wh function just as before.

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