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Game design.

This patch was called "Refly" in Korea. It was supposed to be a total re-do of the game. When this game launched, we didn't have speedy boots. The first boots with run speed were the crafted ones you could wear at level 32. (If I remember correctly.) I already relayed the story of how we turned people down as substitutes in our dredg premade because they refused to use run and attack/cast speed scrolls. Scrolls were expensive and a luxury. I believe that's the feel they are going for. Now you have to decide.. do I have enough transform scrolls to justify using them to run a little faster? If this worth it to me?

It sucks. Trust me. I know. I am used to have several stacks of 1k of every possible scroll. I feel like I am wading through molasses. But it does honestly feel like those first days.

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8 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Game design.

This patch was called "Refly" in Korea. It was supposed to be a total re-do of the game. When this game launched, we didn't have speedy boots. The first boots with run speed were the crafted ones you could wear at level 32. (If I remember correctly.) I already relayed the story of how we turned people down as substitutes in our dredg premade because they refused to use run and attack/cast speed scrolls. Scrolls were expensive and a luxury. I believe that's the feel they are going for. Now you have to decide.. do I have enough transform scrolls to justify using them to run a little faster? If this worth it to me?

It sucks. Trust me. I know. I am used to have several stacks of 1k of every possible scroll. I feel like I am wading through molasses. But it does honestly feel like those first days.

Then create a classic server and have that there. I do not understand the need to take things away that people have used for 75% of the games life. If they wanted to vastly change the game so much why not just make a whole new game and keep aion as it was. 

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Because it's their game and they wanted to go back to their roots?

It's just a guess.

I am not saying I like it. But I also realize that crying about it isn't going to get Korea to change their minds. They already have 6.5 and nothing has changed. So we just need to decide if we can live with the change or not.

Just trying to be rational about it.

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51 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Because it's their game and they wanted to go back to their roots?

It's just a guess.

I am not saying I like it. But I also realize that crying about it isn't going to get Korea to change their minds. They already have 6.5 and nothing has changed. So we just need to decide if we can live with the change or not.

Just trying to be rational about it.

Back to there roots is deleting half the game and forcing transformations on people so they can't see their character without a scroll? What?

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Look. You can be upset. You can be irate, if you like. I am not saying that I love the changes. But this is their game and this is the direction they wanted to take it. We have the benefit of seeing what they will do in the next patch since Korea already has it. So it doesn't matter if we throw tantrums or turn cartwheels.

Rationally, we all need to decide for ourselves if we can live with the changes or not. It seems that you have made up your mind and that's fine.

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13 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:


Look. You can be upset. You can be irate, if you like. I am not saying that I love the changes. But this is their game and this is the direction they wanted to take it. We have the benefit of seeing what they will do in the next patch since Korea already has it. So it doesn't matter if we throw tantrums or turn cartwheels.

Rationally, we all need to decide for ourselves if we can live with the changes or not. It seems that you have made up your mind and that's fine.

I've yet to make up my mind. I came to the forum asking if there was a reason they did this and I am being vocal about my distaste for it so far. It's pretty rational for people to go onto a games public forum to ask questions and voice their opinions.

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Ahaha, they took your run speed and attack speed away, and gave it back to you in the form of a dumb cartoon looking animal, and the only way you can stop from looking like that is by buying transparent scrolls with real money. If you want to learn how to rob people online, take lessons from NC soft. I have never seen a game company troll its player base that hard core before. Well done. Ahaha.

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It's really like the devs said, " Ok, what makes Aion a good game and how can we stop it?" Why do we have wings if we can't fly anywhere?  How am I supposed to learn a class if everything dies in one hit while leveling up? What is even the point of having levels if it only takes a couple of hours to get to max level, just start everyone at level 80 or take out levels all together. Why do we need all these transformations and potions and nyerk? You should have a potion to increase attack power/ magic power, and a food buff for a little more hp and that's it. The rest of your stats need to come from gear. I have never seen an mmorpg that gets smaller overtime, normally they get bigger. The devs seem to like to destroy their game and ruin it, honestly, I think the people who make this game hate it and wish it to die so they can stop working on it. They're just trolling their player base at this point. It's sad to see because Aion is a work of art. But now it is a work of art that someone came and drew crayon all over it.

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17 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

Game design.

This patch was called "Refly" in Korea. It was supposed to be a total re-do of the game. When this game launched, we didn't have speedy boots. The first boots with run speed were the crafted ones you could wear at level 32. (If I remember correctly.) I already relayed the story of how we turned people down as substitutes in our dredg premade because they refused to use run and attack/cast speed scrolls. Scrolls were expensive and a luxury. I believe that's the feel they are going for. Now you have to decide.. do I have enough transform scrolls to justify using them to run a little faster? If this worth it to me?

It sucks. Trust me. I know. I am used to have several stacks of 1k of every possible scroll. I feel like I am wading through molasses. But it does honestly feel like those first days.

We always had speed boots in the game. We had coin gear that gave very low speed, we had quest and the crafted speed boots  at around level 30- I remember they were Heroic (blue) level- but we always had small, incremental improvements  and it was permanent, with no RNG or P2W involved. A player just had to play the game, then equip the gear.

It does NOT feel like the first days at all, (unless you compare yourself to your level 10 character that had no gear at all) since back then all you had to do was complete some quests and you got the boots. DONE.

Now- it's RNG- maybe you get that ancient transform right away- more like- it take 1000 contracts and you aren't have such a great time until then, RNG is factored it unless you pay- that's not even any guarantee. There's no way you can compare the two experiences. 

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5 minutes ago, Rapier-DN said:

We always had speed boots in the game. We had coin gear that gave very low speed, we had quest and the crafted speed boots  at around level 30- I remember they were Heroic (blue) level- but we always had small, incremental improvements  and it was permanent, with no RNG or P2W involved. A player just had to play the game, then equip the gear.

It does NOT feel like the first days at all, (unless you compare yourself to your level 10 character that had no gear at all) since back then all you had to do was complete some quests and you got the boots. DONE.

Now- it's RNG- maybe you get that ancient transform right away- more like- it take 1000 contracts and you aren't have such a great time until then, RNG is factored it unless you pay- that's not even any guarantee. There's no way you can compare the two experiences. 

There were no speed boots before level 30 when the game first launched. Coin gear with small amounts of speed (like 5-9%?) were introduced some time between 1.7 and 2.x. Our only access to speed was to craft shoes at level 30, collect 5 pieces of the Daeva set for a 12% set bonus, get the level 30 Abyss gear, and I believe complete a quest at around level 35 for some blue speed boots. It took the average player at least 2-3 weeks of consistent playing to reach any of those points. In that sense, 6.2 is in fact similar to launch if we look only at movement speed options. 

That said, I don't like the transformation system either. The magic of Aion in its early days did not lie within walking like a turtle, but rather the questing, exploration, and reaching higher levels to experience newer instances. None of that is present in 6.2, so I think NCSoft failed with its so called relaunch of the game.  

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Just now, Lenalyn-DN said:

There were no speed boots before level 30 when the game first launched. Coin gear with small amounts of speed (like 5-9%?) were introduced some time between 1.7 and 2.x. Our only access to speed was to craft shoes at level 30, collect 5 pieces of the Daeva set for a 12% set bonus, get the level 30 Abyss gear, and I believe complete a quest at around level 35 for some blue speed boots. It took the average player at least 2-3 weeks of consistent playing to reach any of those points. In that sense, 6.2 is in fact similar to launch if we look only at movement speed options. 

That said, I don't like the transformation system either. The magic of Aion in its early days did not lie within walking like a turtle, but rather the questing, exploration, and reaching higher levels to experience newer instances. None of that is present in 6.2, so I think NCSoft failed with its so called relaunch of the game.  

The key point  I was trying to make  that there was absolutely no RNG nor P2W involved. The was a clear gear progression and the gear was permanent.

That is no longer the case.

In addition, it is completely unacceptable that  (for any veteran players) after years of evolving our characters, we haven't received at least one ancient transform suitable for our class when the update launched.

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There wasn't any pay to win and far less RNG because the game was subscription based back then. Don't forget that with this update, Korea went f2p.. thus the addition of more and more pay2win. Up until this point, the devs had to add in smaller pay2win things for the publishers that were f2p. Now they can just go whole hog.

I do agree that giving those of us (veterans, if you want to call us that) who have supported this game for years a free ancient transform contract would have been very generous and a nice thank you. The fact that the registration gift was three Transform Scrolls and not three Transform Contracts was down right insulting.

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Aion 7.0 will make you buy a magic stone that you need to pay $5 usd perday or anything you fight kills you with one hit. There's no helping it, just throw it in the rubbish. It's bad enough that we have wings but can't fly, now we can't even run fast without looking like some stuffed animal, it doesn't even make sense. Why would transforming into a polar bear make me stronger?

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I came to the game on 3.7 (or maybe the previous one) and I think we had some speed on boots. But you are right that we do no had the 22% on every boot then. If my memory does not fails we started with base speed and after lvl 15 or 20 the boots started to have some extra speed but small percentages. (like 5%-10%) and later on higher levels and better gears we reached the 22% . Similar to that was the attack speed and casting speed on weapons and gloves. 

to be honest I do not find a good reasson to remove scrolls now. It is not like we are going to pay a lot just to move faster in towns or going to the quest. Without the cheap scrolls we are just going to use mounts or waste more time. If the transformation potions and scrolls are limited, expensive or hard to get, I will reduce my use of them to important things. 

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