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Hacker In Open world


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First, it is against the forums rules to "name and shame". If you have proof of hacking, you need to submit a ticket.

Second, screenshots usually isn't enough to start an investigation for hacking. You will be asked for video.

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45 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Second, screenshots usually isn't enough to start an investigation for hacking. You will be asked for video.

You don't need a video when you can see in the screenshot that an AT is seeing both ranger and sin in hide.

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23 minutes ago, Cheesecake-DN said:

Isn't there that bug?

I might not be remembering correctly, but I think the bug is that if a person has someone on target who goes into hide, the one in hide can sometimes still see the person in question as targetting them (although they actually aren't). But it looks like less than a minute has passed between the screenshots, and the assassin didn't leave shadow walk during this period, so the aethertech shouldn't be seen as targetting the sin after targetting the ranger.

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I think that Cake's point is that without video, it isn't as clear and Support is stupid.

If you have a video of someone untargetting and then retargetting someone in hide or if you have someone changing their target from one in hide to another in hide it's much clearer.

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Yes. without a video it is complicated. Cause maybe is like chessecake said and you can see the sin as the target, but actually the AT can´t. Apparenlty he is not attacking so we do not know if he is just watching him or he has no target. Also we have the seeds of detections to see people in hide. 

I am not defending the AT. I don´t even know him. Maybe it is worth to investigate him a little more. 

This thread will be bloked or deleted soon. I know it is frustrating sometimes to not get an answer from support, but nobody is allowed to post hackusations here. :S 

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Best case scenario in a post like this is the accused is either prolific enough to be recognized by the community or various other people may be able to cross reference their independent experiences with this player as well.
Otherwise, extensive (multiple, long) video evidence is probably the only thing right now that would do the job.

When doing so, I would even go as far as to add clipnotes to what you're seeing, when you see it.

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I've reported hackers before, and i know i need a video, but sometimes all you can get is a screenshot, anyways my point is not reporting this guy to the support so nothing will happen, its just so the community knows this guy's hacking, i got targeted invisible, i wasnt targeted before going invis and then went invis and the target stood bugged there, if you want to believe me it'll be complicated cause i dont have the video, but i've seen the bug and i know how it works and this wasnt the case, the guy didnt even had a seed and he was targetting me and the ranger invis lmfao, i even walked later in front of the guy later invis again and he targetted me like he doesnt care at all to be taped or w/e.

Anyways i dont care getting banned or the post getting blocked its just to raise awareness either on asmo side, and elyo, idk if you guys like hackers on elyo side, but theres people like mrviva who have been hacking for months and he doesnt get banned cause he donates tons of USD, so its pointless sometimes to report someone.

2 hours ago, Azzmaria-KT said:

Yes. without a video it is complicated. Cause maybe is like chessecake said and you can see the sin as the target, but actually the AT can´t. Apparenlty he is not attacking so we do not know if he is just watching him or he has no target. Also we have the seeds of detections to see people in hide. 

I am not defending the AT. I don´t even know him. Maybe it is worth to investigate him a little more. 

This thread will be bloked or deleted soon. I know it is frustrating sometimes to not get an answer from support, but nobody is allowed to post hackusations here. :S 

The seeds of detection only work for rangers btw, its basic stealth only, and he targetted me and the ranger without it even, but w/e its my word vs you all, i knew it would've been this way just because i dont have the video, im not interested in playing 24 hours with camtasia just in case i see a hacker.

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You don't know if the reason he doesn't get banned is because he spends a lot of real money (it's not "donating", btw.. we aren't a pirated server) or because you didn't provide a video or because Support is just plain potato and doesn't know how to Aion.

He's hacking and he isn't banned. No need to go leaping into Conspiracy Land.

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Lol you dont need to teach me how to report someone to the support, can you read what i said? i havent even reported this to the support, but yeah, "no video", mrviva have been reported by tons of players and nobody provided a video? sure, not a conspiracy, i dont care about the terms, whats the point of your answer i dont get it xD, just to correct stuff or what? if you dont play on KT, dont try to have an opinion.

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You don't know that he hasn't been banned because he spends. That's my point. He hacks. Yes. He has been reported. He -probably has been reported with a video, but we don't know that he has since neither of us did that. I have never heard of him pulling a "Superman". That's much easier to prove and you have a much easier time getting that across to Support. But we are talking about someone who is no-ani. I can't think of a single no-ani that has been banned.. no matter how brazen. I remember a gunner who not only admitted to hacking on FB but also ran a FB page where he provided hacks to people. Many of us sent the page and screenshots of his posts to Support and nothing happened.. and he didn't spend a dime. Support is freaking amazingly stupid. They don't need the crutch of "this guy spends" to not do their jobs. They just don't do their jobs.

The community is small enough that you don't have to be on KT to know the KT hackers.. nor do you have to be on DN to know the DN hackers.

As to telling me I can't have an opinion.. lol? Listen to what you sound like!

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