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Plese bring AION back


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52 minutes ago, Healzebub-KT said:

...the way it was before. You know, with Altgard and all those incredibly beautiful places.


Who's with me?

I second this, i want to explore those beautiful maps all over again, they were the whole reason i fell in love with aion. I even remember the times when it was still so grindy and i can't do my campaign quests in morheim because ely's were all over the place but that was so much fun. I love the open world PvP in morheim even though i suck at it. I love getting ganked in patamor thicket and desert garrison. I loved everything about it especially the hidden world bosses. It always breaks my heart whenever they delete a map. I wish there was some way they could revert those changes.

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11 minutes ago, Shayded-KT said:

Never forget the number one ely killer in all of Morheim....King Consierd. Seen him wipe full groups of rifters.

I never will, it was my first experience of getting one shot then seeing a gigantic bird right behind me after my death. It was how i learned about aggro ranges xD

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There are many topics already posted about doing some sort of classic server. Korea, which has a much larger player base, tried it and already pulled it down. We don't have even have the numbers to fill three servers of any type.

A classic (or even another normal) server would be a mistake.

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On 6/3/2019 at 4:25 AM, Healzebub-KT said:

...the way it was before. You know, with Altgard and all those incredibly beautiful places.


Who's with me?

Oh I'm definitely with you. I love all those maps too. Hell, I even loved the Abyss with its unlimited flight. Altgard, Morheim, the classics Katalaim, Danaria(not sure spelling here) and all that lovely scenery. I thank God we still have Belusian and Enshar with their special flight areas intact.

But alas, as much as I hate to admit it, and, as others have pointed out to me quite a few times now (losing my beloved Aion was very hard for me to accept), those maps are gone and it's time to make way for new maps and new story content(I hope). They aren't coming back so while we can hope for change, ie: an end to transformations forever, Account wide permanent mounts, and being able to trade gear between your own characters on the same account, etc., we must try and move on. Salvage what's left and just hope for more additions and maps with beautiful scenery with areas to Fly in the future. This hope is for now the only thing keeping me playing.

I do absolutely loathe transformations tho so as far as I'm concerned these are the first thing that needs to go.

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something that gameforge and korea did for Tera was release the classic version for a limited time, much like an event for a few months. Then that progress got brought over to the live version of the game. although it's out of ncwest's hands to do this on their own (bringing classic back) without the approval of korea, an event of classic would be even just that bit nostalgic for the majority of us. just a thought? sounds kinda lame and poo but it is what it is

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6 minutes ago, What-EK said:

something that gameforge and korea did for Tera was release the classic version for a limited time, much like an event for a few months. Then that progress got brought over to the live version of the game. although it's out of ncwest's hands to do this on their own (bringing classic back) without the approval of korea, an event of classic would be even just that bit nostalgic for the majority of us. just a thought? sounds kinda lame and poo but it is what it is

We had something like that, it was called Tiamaranta's Eye event and it was a complete disaster.

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2 hours ago, Kubei-DN said:

We had something like that, it was called Tiamaranta's Eye event and it was a complete disaster.

Nah I don’t mean something like tia eye event (the event was fine until cyan did the sneak nerf), I’m talking about making a Classic option on the server select screen. Even if it’s for a limited time. The game is super casual now compared to what it used to be like, the aion we have now is almost mostly single player while classic aion felt like a true mmo. Blah 

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4 minutes ago, What-EK said:

Nah I don’t mean something like tia eye event (the event was fine until cyan did the sneak nerf), I’m talking about making a Classic option on the server select screen. Even if it’s for a limited time. The game is super casual now compared to what it used to be like, the aion we have now is almost mostly single player while classic aion felt like a true mmo. Blah 

1. Cyan has nothing to do with the nerfs. He's just a "link" between the players and his superiors that do these changes. Nerfs were announced by Hime, the Community Manager.

2. I would vouch for a classic server, but people have mixed feelings which patch was best and would simply create more conflict within the community.

3. Korea doesn't want to keep update NA to its good shape, and since their classic server failed, it'd fail here too.

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