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Shugo Sweep Rewards


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Who knows what we'll see after this emergency maintenance, buuuuuuuttttt...

I have never been one to spend a lot of money on Aion events, but I have disposable income currently, so figured I'd spend $100 on this event so you don't have to. :) I tried to be objective in my "useful vs not useful" ratings -- returning players may find things useful that veteran players think are rubbish. I am saving my last several dice to see what free board I get next Wednesday. I am missing the Jack card to combine for the Golden card, so I'll see if that's on there. Based on my findings below, I probably will not spend anymore money to get a board with the Jack card. A legionmate opened his Golden card and only received 50 mil kinah. So it's probably not worth it to keep buying just for that Golden card.

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- Brokerable legendary enchantment stones, both pvp and pve, are fairly common
- Fighting spirit fragments somewhat common on the boards
- The 20% HP potions that we never received before are fairly common
- Stigma enchantment stones are fairly common if you're collecting in hopes of getting the +9 safe spot event
- Stellium very common
- If you're hurting for transparent scrolls (doubtful with the concurrent Alchemist event), there are tons on these boards
- Lots of "utility" items; probably not useful for veteran players, but could be useful for returning players

- $$$ obviously! :x
- No legendary transform contract
- The ultimate pvp enchantment stone is rare (only 1 on my 6 boards) and is not brokerable
- The manastones are not brokerable, so if you get ones that aren't good for your class, all you can do is aether-disenchant them
- The stigma boxes are not brokerable, so all you can do is open them and then sell a stigma out of them
- Only one new skin on the boards from what I could tell

If you are a geared/veteran player, I wouldn't recommend paying for this event. It's going to be more of the same items of which you probably already have a lot. If you are a returning player and/or you just have money to burn, this event might be worth spending a little money.

But hey, maybe I'll get all my money back after the emergency maintenance. :D

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If you take a look at what can be in the Gold Card, you will understand why this event is going to make money hand over fist. The level of pay2win is over 9k.

And we can start to see what kind of money we are talking about, too, since The Dirty Bird dropped $100 and didn't even get a single gold card.


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28 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

If you take a look at what can be in the Gold Card, you will understand why this event is going to make money hand over fist. The level of pay2win is over 9k.

And we can start to see what kind of money we are talking about, too, since The Dirty Bird dropped $100 and didn't even get a single gold card.

In my opinion, I don't see a lot of people paying a lot for this event -- not more than $100 for the multi-pack like I did. The things in the Golden card are nice, BUT you only get one of those rewards, and it's random which one you get. I think most people would realize that you aren't guaranteed a Golden card from that $100 and probably won't spend more than that. So, people won't be getting multiple Golden cards and won't be "winning" much of anything.

I don't know, I guess there are people out there who *can* drop thousands of dollars on this event, but I think most people *would not* because it's too much of a gamble. Usually, the thousand-dollar-spenders will wait until we have an event that is guaranteed -- like the Shugo Emperor event with the selectable legendary xform.

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15 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

Most won't. But there are more Whales than you think who think nothing of dropping $1k to get what they want right this moment.

I've heard of several people dropping anywhere from $200 to $1k+ on the extendable world boss weapons. So yeah, there's still plenty of people who will drop a lot of money on this event.

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