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20 minutes ago, RagdoII-DN said:

Wait a minute


Is that you THE WIJAZ chanter from DN asmo with more than 10 reports cause got caught using hacks? LOL


Thats so funny.

What you are showing has no validity, if you are going to accuse someone of hacker, it is better to do it with a video and not the listing of a third party program.

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2 minutes ago, Vessttemona-KT said:

What you are showing has no validity, if you are going to accuse someone of hacker, it is better to do it with a video and not the listing of a third party program.

NCsoft won't do anything about it either way.

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11 minutes ago, Vessttemona-KT said:

What you are showing has no validity, if you are going to accuse someone of hacker, it is better to do it with a video and not the listing of a third party program.

U started to play this game yesterday?

We have enough knowledge and tools available to know when someone is using atk spd hacks. I dont gonna start to save all my dps logs since NC doenst care, but we all know when someone is using it.

Grow up.

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1 hour ago, Vessttemona-KT said:


Probably not, Although I can tell you that I have come to report to some of using glide hack from which I took a video and sent it to support, and they have been banned, so dont lose hope, and keep reporting those people. :P

True, I have seen the Super Man hackers eat a ban, but that's about it. :(

Only times I've seen people banned for attack speed hacks were because they were bragging about it/showing it off on stream, lol.

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16 hours ago, RagdoII-DN said:

Wait a minute


Is that you THE WIJAZ chanter from DN asmo with more than 10 reports cause got caught using hacks? LOL


Thats so funny.


It's always funnier when a hacker complains about the amount of hackers. "Hey! How am I supposed to get value out of my own hacks if everyone is hacking better than I do?!"


16 hours ago, Vessttemona-KT said:


Probably not, Although I can tell you that I have come to report to some of using glide hack from which I took a video and sent it to support, and they have been banned, so dont lose hope, and keep reporting those people. :P

Supermen are pretty much the only hackers that you can get banned. Even Aion's Support can figure out that this isn't normal..


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