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DN Asmo Abyssal Splinter MIA?


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47 minutes ago, Zeyra-KT said:

Hi, like 1 hour ago they gave an in-game auto message that they were "momentarily" disabling it . No news about why QQ or how bad are they going to "modify" it.

So in KT-asmos, no abyssal either QQ

They just had the message show up on DN-A chat now too.

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4 minutes ago, inono-DN said:

the gm's who dont play the game probably realized that you can get purple transforms from SAS, and disabled it so people would buy kaisinel event contracts when it comes out

Wait you could what?


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I have a suspicion that it could have to do with the bug that was occurring in Katalam, it is just the first Monday in months that the server has not had to be reseted and it is exactly the day that SAS has been disabled.

The remedy turns out to be worst than the disease, it really hits us really hard not having SAS

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