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27 minutes ago, KongOfDong-DN said:

What are the best classes right now for pvp?  Besides painter, i won't play that

You can see the ranks in arena and see how do the top ones do. SW can be even more op than vandals when they get their daevanions enchanted. AT has always been a tank-canon, doesn't die and can kill easily. Gladiators are also tank-canons.

And then you have the safe SM-fear-god and the never-dieing Cleric. Assassins are very op as long as you are playing with low ping and geared.

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They are crazy strong, they hit like a truck, have multplie super high resistances buffs, fear, sleep, slow, aether lock, stun, knockdown. They are immortal in Open world with multiple life steal skills, and since 6.0 damage formulas change, the damage we do in PvE is extremely high so with 1 or 2 skills on a mob they can go from the brink of death, from 5k HP to full life 100k HP in 1 second. Remember Berserking lasting 30 seconds but 3 minute CD and also giving them negative stats like defence penlaty for such high dmg gain? well no more now give like 5 positive stats and last 1 minute with 2 min cd lol, and they will get even more stronger in upcoming patches.

Healer classes

As always Chanter and Cleric are good at PvP, if they can't kill you directly they can just outheal your dps and kill you later when your key skills or buffs are on CD, they literally can tank a 1 v 6 lol.

Cleric: i don't remember all the changes but they got cd reduction on silence and stun resist buffs and shields, so its even harder to do a bury silence on them.

Chanters have a permanent Recovery + dispell, like a mini acquital, 10 sec duration 10 sec CD, so its really hard to bury silence them too.

Songweaver, they got pretty huge dmg buffs, they have rlly good low cd disable skills, self heals, dispell and strong damage back.

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5 minutes ago, DevilNest-KT said:


They are crazy strong, they hit like a truck, have multplie super high resistances buffs, fear, sleep, slow, aether lock, stun, knockdown. They are immortal in Open world with multiple life steal skills, and since 6.0 damage formulas change, the damage we do in PvE is extremely high so with 1 or 2 skills on a mob they can go from the brink of death, from 5k HP to full life 100k HP in 1 second. Remember Berserking lasting 30 seconds but 3 minute CD and also giving them negative stats like defence penlaty for such high dmg gain? well no more now give like 5 positive stats and last 1 minute with 2 min cd lol, and they will get even more stronger in upcoming patches.

Healer classes

As always Chanter and Cleric are good at PvP, if they can't kill you directly they can just outheal your dps and kill you later when your key skills or buffs are on CD, they literally can tank a 1 v 6 lol.

Cleric: i don't remember all the changes but they got cd reduction on silence and stun resist buffs and shields, so its even harder to do a bury silence on them.

Chanters have a permanent Recovery + dispell, like a mini acquital, 10 sec duration 10 sec CD, so its really hard to bury silence them too.

Songweaver, they got pretty huge dmg buffs, they have rlly good low cd disable skills, self heals, dispell and strong damage back.

What about templar and SM?  Strong, but not as strong as these 4?

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35 minutes ago, KongOfDong-DN said:

What about templar and SM?  Strong, but not as strong as these 4?

They are good when perma geared. Templar is the solid tank and the class does dmg and SM hasn't changed really that much in being an op class mostly due to fear.

A geared templar that opens all the skills and charges at you can kill you in seconds depending on your class and that pull thing is like paralyze and he can go slightly away and pull you again rendering you useless for enough seconds for you to die.

But this comes from a sorc, since my class is made to die from all classes take what I say with a grain of salt. Templars cannot beat many class easily but they can do it. they usually cannot beat classes that have also high defenses and will not die with their burst wave.

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I erased by mistake the SM part, historicaly they were always one of the strongest classes in PvP. You know, fear is a broken mechanic for PvP. 

in most cases if you don't get the upperhand on them with a perfect cc chain it is impossible to make a comeback, (unless vs really geared tanky classes). With their big arsenal of dots and debuff is super easy for them to make a bind/silence cover. And with the new extra fear duration daevanions you get feared once and is game over. After the first fear another 3 or 4 will come and if you are still alive after that you will be binded & silence buryed.

From the cloth classes they are the tankiest one, depends your stigma build you can have 2 bodyguard skills and 2 other small shields, they also reach high HP pool with the 30% extra hp buff from spirit, also they have new movement speed buffs.

I think SM is not played much anymore since they nerfed the Ultra-Fear (?) lol from 6.0 to 7.0 they could fear Xforms (GP rank xforms) so it was beyond ez mode for them.


They in a lot better position than in 6.0 now, they got several buffs

Their damage is pretty good and they are Extremely tanky.

They have a few dmg reduction shields, and recovery skills with lower cd than in the past

Last time i fought 1vs1 a geared temp, some asmo great general, took me 6 long ass minutes to kill him lol, and i managed to win only coz it was open world so plenty space for a ranger to move around and mobs to get some life steal, but i would lose in a Arena of Discipline.

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13 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Just wait until I +15 my DP Daevanion skill. 1000 fear resist! D:<

Alas, it will take me a long time lol.

Isn't their DP daevanion fear one that is unable to be resisted by simple resist buffs (like it can be resisted by 100% resist buffs but not by having increased resistance to fear or something)

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On 4/23/2020 at 4:04 PM, DevilNest-KT said:


Songweaver, they got pretty huge dmg buffs, they have rlly good low cd disable skills, self heals, dispell and strong damage back.

Self Heals on a DPS SW are rubbish now.  Impassion reduces Healing Boost by 800.  They changed Hymn of Rejuvenation from a normal stigma to a greater stigma.

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On 4/26/2020 at 11:07 AM, KongOfDong-DN said:

How is ranger now?

Dont go ranger.. I think is the weakest right now... I think the OP classes right now are 1. Glad 2. Vandal and 3. PVP Cleric. The game is not balanced.

Glad stun shock every hit, so u cant move while the nyerk you in 1 second.

Vandal Chroma 3/4 shots on you crit hit 20k, what left?


And about game balance..

For example in one side you have the defender (Temp, Glad, Aethertech) they are made to resist a lot, in the other side, you have the leather/cloth they are suppose to be weak on defense and strong on attack. But imagine a ranger hitting a glad doing 3k damage, and the glad doing 18k damage. Where is the balance?

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many wrong info here.

first, gladi is not top tier pvp class even with extendable it is NOT TOP TIER

second, vandal still OP sugarbaba <--- this guy has 15+ stigma and he can kill me (fully geared gladi with kaishinel) in 2 sec

third, you gotta think what kind pvp you talking about? and you want ez win? group pvp? 

fourth, if i were you i wouldnt care about how strong one class since almost every patch op classes changes. 

so please tell us more about what you looking for


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38 minutes ago, Excalibur-KT said:

many wrong info here.

Pls tell me wich part of my info is wrong.

On 23/4/2020 at 6:04 PM, DevilNest-KT said:


They are crazy strong, they hit like a truck, have multplie super high resistances buffs, fear, sleep, slow, aether lock, stun, knockdown. They are immortal in Open world with multiple life steal skills, and since 6.0 damage formulas change, the damage we do in PvE is extremely high so with 1 or 2 skills on a mob they can go from the brink of death, from 5k HP to full life 100k HP in 1 second. Remember Berserking lasting 30 seconds but 3 minute CD and also giving them negative stats like defence penlaty for such high dmg gain? well no more now give like 5 positive stats and last 1 minute with 2 min cd lol, and they will get even more stronger in upcoming patches.

About what @Arhangelos-KT said i pretty much agree with him

On 23/4/2020 at 5:40 PM, Arhangelos-KT said:

AT has always been a tank-canon, doesn't die and can kill easily. Gladiators are also tank-canons.

About what @Camalus-KT said is also true.

On 3/5/2020 at 6:57 PM, Camalus-KT said:

And about game balance..

For example in one side you have the defender (Temp, Glad, Aethertech) they are made to resist a lot, in the other side, you have the leather/cloth they are suppose to be weak on defense and strong on attack. But imagine a ranger hitting a glad doing 3k damage, and the glad doing 18k damage. Where is the balance?

Ranger hardest hiting skill is viciouds arrow with around 2200 phy dmg 90 sec CD, while Gladiator have some skills with around 3200 dmg and far less cooldown.

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On 4/5/2020 at 0:57 AM, Camalus-KT said:

And about game balance..

For example in one side you have the defender (Temp, Glad, Aethertech) they are made to resist a lot, in the other side, you have the leather/cloth they are suppose to be weak on defense and strong on attack. But imagine a ranger hitting a glad doing 3k damage, and the glad doing 18k damage. Where is the balance?

I totally agree on this and this is where the imbalance is imported, a templar for example with all of his things open will take a 3-digit dmg from a sorc because he is a tank and he is supposed to have insane survivability, BUT at the same time he can hit me for 10k dmg or even more with one hit. He has 100k HP I have 60k HP. I need to cast my skills for a tiny dmg, he will instantly use his skills for insanely higher dmg than I do to him. And as for the "CC" god, please sleep is the most outdated of all because it still needs to be slowly casted and is not affected by c.speed, while he can pull me instantly, stun me instantly, knock me down instantly, 2 solid seconds to cast my sleep which he will most likely resist anyways or break it.

So the problem with Aion is that EVERY class is a dps class plus their original role, but the dps classes haven't gotten a survivability mode too at least not all of them (like Gunner got enough survivability with the shileds).

As in:
Tank + DPS + enough self healing: Templar, AT, Gladiator
DPS + amazing Heal (and/or) buffs/debuffs: Cleric, SW, Chanter
3xDPS + enough survivability: Vandals
DPS + Debuffs + Fear: SM
DPS + enough suvivability: Gunner
Mobile instant DPS: Archer
Immobile + insane amount of HP: Test Dummies in Cities
slow casting DPS: Sorcerers

If I have 2 seconds to cast sleep, then might as well I cast Illusion Gate in 1~1.5 seconds (affected by c.speed) and teleport me to Pandaimonium and avoid dying.

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On 2020. 4. 23. at 2:04 PM, DevilNest-KT said:


They are crazy strong, they hit like a truck, have multplie super high resistances buffs, fear, sleep, slow, aether lock, stun, knockdown. They are immortal in Open world with multiple life steal skills, and since 6.0 damage formulas change, the damage we do in PvE is extremely high so with 1 or 2 skills on a mob they can go from the brink of death, from 5k HP to full life 100k HP in 1 second. Remember Berserking lasting 30 seconds but 3 minute CD and also giving them negative stats like defence penlaty for such high dmg gain? well no more now give like 5 positive stats and last 1 minute with 2 min cd lol, and they will get even more stronger in upcoming patches.

Healer classes

As always Chanter and Cleric are good at PvP, if they can't kill you directly they can just outheal your dps and kill you later when your key skills or buffs are on CD, they literally can tank a 1 v 6 lol.

Cleric: i don't remember all the changes but they got cd reduction on silence and stun resist buffs and shields, so its even harder to do a bury silence on them.

Chanters have a permanent Recovery + dispell, like a mini acquital, 10 sec duration 10 sec CD, so its really hard to bury silence them too.

Songweaver, they got pretty huge dmg buffs, they have rlly good low cd disable skills, self heals, dispell and strong damage back.

since you are ranger you feel gladi is op (leather < plates), ranger is only class gladi can fight for but even ranger they can run and hide waiting for UD is gone.

good ranger have no problem killing gladi.

let's bring it to arena gladi is almost bottom in food chain.

just think this way, while you can kill cleric, gladi cant kill cleric (same gears, same skill)

i play ranger too and when i do solo pvp i love ranger way more than gladi. (even though ranger has less gears than my gladi), ranger can be very good class depend on how you play it.

ranger > sorc, sm , gunner, cleric, chanter, sw, vandal (these are sure win if you know how to play ranger, not that i am saying you dont, i hope you wont get offended)

gladi > ranger, maybe sin but without UD gladi is just toy for sin, chanter but real hard or cant sometimes if that chanter have evasive set. (gladi acc set doesnt have enough attack to burst him down)

ranger < gladi, templar, sin, AT but all these classes are beatable if you really want to win (hide, drain hp, short skill cd, well i felt that way when i play ranger)

gladi < sm, sorc, cleric, AT, gunner, sw, vandal(maybe not but fully geared and stigma, gladi cant even face vandal) there are no way can kill these classes as gladi

gladi is good on field (with mobs) but without mobs gladi is ez win (i kill mobs when gladi try to drain hp from mob, or i back up and drain hp myself too so both reset but gladi dont have UD so i can stun him and use trap (free dps time for ranger good 2~3 sec).

i played gladi 8 years and i am not ez gladi to kill (DQQKI-KT,MooHyul-KT, BEAT-DN) but i am thinking changing class to ranger, it is way more fun to solo pvp on field and can run away if i want but gladi cant unless you have MR set with all red manastones which i have on my gladi but still harder to run. 

for me i dont give a F how strong class is i ONLY CARE about HOW FUN IT IS!

also only devilnest is pvp player here but rest of them i never saw field pvp.

so back to threat starter,





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