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Got hit with weekly renown deduction TWICE within the same hour!

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My Chanter participated in the 2020-06-15 12:00 Demaha Altar Siege, then did Altar daily quests, in the battleground server...

Server time 11:59



Server time 12:00

Normal weekly Renown deduction

  • Inggision: Lv5 70.81% -> Lv5 34.19% - 575.8k (36.62%)
  • Lakrum: Lv4 92.51% -> Lv4 70.28% - 205.8k (22.24%)
  • Demaha: Lv6 33.07% -> Lv6 12.72% - 575.8k (20.35%)
  • Katalam: Lv6 19.5% -> Lv5 98.48% - 575.8k (20.35%)



Server time 12:43

By the time the screenshot was taken, another weekly renown deduction had taken place again! In the meantime I have gained 15,738 Demaha Renown, and another 458,066 Katalam Renown by turning in quests.

  • Inggison: Lv5 34.19% -> Lv4 95.87% - 575.8k (36.62%)
  • Lakrum: Lv4 70.28% -> Lv4 48.04% - 205.8k (22.24%)
  • Demaha: Lv6 23.91% -> Lv5 87.27% - 575.9k (20.35%)
  • Katalam: Lv6 15.35% -> Lv5 90.99% - 575.8k (20.35%)

By reviewing my chat longs, there was a line telling me that my Demaha Renown got dropped down to level 5 on 12:24:45 Server Time (My timezone is EDT - UTC-4):

2020.06.15 14:24:45 : Your Demaha Renown is now level 5.



However my Spiritmaster did not got double deduction on renown points as my Chanter was online on that account by 12:24:45 server time...

Server Time 09:04



Server Time 13:49

Spiritmaster's Renown was only deducted once due to the regular weekly deduction:

  • Inggison: Lv4 12.61% -> Lv3 85.56% - 205.8k (22.24%)
  • Demaha: Lv3 44.17% -> Lv3 35.13% - 55.8k (9.04%)
  • Katalam: Lv4 1.16% -> Lv3 68.39% - 205.7k (22.23%)



NCWest, Gimme back 575.8k Renown for Inggision, Demaha, and Katalam, plus 205.8k Renown for Lakrum, to my Chanter


Anyone else who was in-game on 2020-06-15 12:24:45 lost twice as much renown points than they were supposed to for this week?


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I might be in the minority but does anyone else feel the weekly renown loss is a bit too high considering how slow it is to gain once you reach higher levels (lvl 5-7). The higher your renown for a zone it seems more is lost each Monday and I cringe to think how much is lost at max level 9. Trying to maintain so much renown every week for multiple zones feels like Ncsoft has reinvented the MMO treadmill as never seen before. Can't we have nice fun things without the feeling like you are committing to a second or third part time job?

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I have level 6 in Lakrum only due to the genesis quests, level 4 in Gelkmaros due to some lugbug dailies and level 1 everywhere else due to not stepping a foot there, I lose no renown points there simply by not doing it at all, problem solved lolz!

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This happened to me as well yesterday, I got hit with the renown drop twice i noticed the drop when i first logged in and then when i logged in later i noticed it went down again.  I submitted a ticket and they responded to me that per the patch notes renown points can be reduced anytime you are killed by a monster and that they can be recovered by visiting a soul healer...he then checked my logs and saw that i was killed by the alter 12 head priest at last nights alter siege which was hours after the renown was taken out twice.  Also i guess that is a new feature that if the alter priest kills you it takes all of your renown not just from Demaha....@loki please help.

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Double weekly renown deduction occured to my chanter again today! (Monday 12:00 Altar Siege)


Before Siege start / weekly renown deduction:



After normal weekly deduction:


In the meantime, gained 67,536 Demaha FEXP from altar sieges, then entered flight zone and flown into windstream toward Altar 10. However when exiting windstream at altar 10 instead suddenly warped to some random place and suddenly died!

That's a 0.55% (approx,. 31.3k) loss after soul healing.

And sent back to Inggison, standard server, another weekly renown deduction again!:



At renown levels 5 and 6, weekly renown deduction is 575.8k! But because of this double deduction bug I got deducted 1.152 MILLION Inggision, Demaha, and Katalam renown for this and past week!

Rechecked my past week's chat log, the second erroneous renown deduction occurred after moving the Battleground server back to the standard server after participating in the Monday 12:00 altar siege. (That move was by relogging, not death)

This week:

2020.06.22 14:11:08 : You may be unable to use certain skills or items in this area. 
2020.06.22 14:11:09 : Legion Message: [REDACTED] 6/12/2020 17:39 
2020.06.22 14:11:09 : Your Lakrum Renown is now level 4. 
2020.06.22 14:11:09 : A survey has arrived. Click the icon to open the survey window. 
2020.06.22 14:11:10 : You may be attacked by the enemy faction. 
2020.06.22 14:11:10 : You have joined Standard Server. 
2020.06.22 14:11:11 : A rift has opened in Elysea. 
2020.06.22 14:11:11 : You have daily quests available. 
2020.06.22 14:11:11 : You have weekly quests available. 
2020.06.22 14:11:13 : You activate the Power Shard. 
2020.06.22 14:11:14 : : : Welcome to Aion. 
2020.06.22 14:11:14 : : : Shadows Over Balaurea is now live! 
2020.06.22 14:11:16 : You have joined the Inggison region channel. 
2020.06.22 14:11:16 : You have joined the Inggison trade channel. 
2020.06.22 14:11:16 : You have joined the LFG Channel. 
2020.06.22 14:11:16 : You spent 1 Kinah. 
2020.06.22 14:11:16 : You received Soul Healing. 
2020.06.22 14:11:19 : You began using Invincibility Mantra. 
2020.06.22 14:11:19 : You have joined the Chanter Channel. 

Last Week:

2020.06.15 14:24:45 : You may be unable to use certain skills or items in this area. 
2020.06.15 14:24:45 : Legion Message: [REDACTED] 6/12/2020 17:39 
2020.06.15 14:24:45 : Your Inggison Renown is now level 4. 
2020.06.15 14:24:45 : Your Demaha Renown is now level 5. 
2020.06.15 14:24:45 : Your Crimson Katalam Renown is now level 5. 
2020.06.15 14:24:45 : A survey has arrived. Click the icon to open the survey window. 
2020.06.15 14:24:47 : You may be attacked by the enemy faction. 
2020.06.15 14:24:48 : A rift has opened in Elysea. 
2020.06.15 14:24:48 : Reward available upon completing Lugbug's mission. 
2020.06.15 14:24:49 : You have daily quests available. 
2020.06.15 14:24:49 : You have weekly quests available. 
2020.06.15 14:24:50 : : : Welcome to Aion. 
2020.06.15 14:24:50 : : : Shadows Over Balaurea is now live! 
2020.06.15 14:24:51 : [charname:Holomorie;0.5961 0.9294 0.0667]: Jigzyy u scawy  
2020.06.15 14:24:54 : You have joined the Inggison region channel. 
2020.06.15 14:24:54 : You have joined the Inggison trade channel. 
2020.06.15 14:24:54 : You have joined the LFG Channel. 
2020.06.15 14:24:57 : [charname:Holomorie;0.5961 0.9294 0.0667]: haii artiwiwi 
2020.06.15 14:24:57 : You have joined the Chanter Channel. 
2020.06.15 14:24:57 : Quest acquired: [Event/Daily] Thorough Inggison Cleaning 


Possible steps to reproduce bug:

  1. Enter the battleground server before Monday 12:00 (server time) and remain online there when the Monday 12:00 weekly renown deduction occurs.
  2. You lose a crap load of FEXP on all regions, equals to the weekly renown deduction.
  3. Participate in the altar siege.
  4. Leave the battleground server.
  5. You lose a crap load of FEXP on all regions (again), equals to the weekly renown deduction.

This will happen to all Monday 12:00 Altar Siege participants who show up on time!

See table in page 7 of this document for the (close approximation) normal weekly renown deduction amounts!

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Today didn't participate any altar sieges on any toons. Wasn't online at 12:00 server time.

My Chanter got hit by the double renown deduction again, and my Spiritmaster was only deducted once.

Chanter logged in at 7:20 server time and logged off after that.


At  around 12:20 I logged on my Spiritmaster, and renown was deducted once. Moved between instance server and standard server by entering Demaha and relogging. No second renown deduction on SM.


Later logged my chanter into the game at 13:59 server time. First renown deduction.

2020.06.29 15:58:50 : You learned Support: Exp Gain Boost (Level 1). 
2020.06.29 15:58:50 : You learned Support: AP Gain Boost (Level 1). 
2020.06.29 15:58:56 : You may be unable to use certain skills or items in this area. 
2020.06.29 15:58:56 : Legion Message: [REDACTED] 6/12/2020 17:39 
2020.06.29 15:58:56 : Your Inggison Renown is now level 5. 
2020.06.29 15:58:56 : Your Lakrum Renown is now level 5. 
2020.06.29 15:58:56 : Your Demaha Renown is now level 6. 
2020.06.29 15:58:56 : A survey has arrived. Click the icon to open the survey window. 
2020.06.29 15:58:57 : You may be attacked by the enemy faction. 
2020.06.29 15:58:57 : Your Abyss Rank has been changed to Elyos Army 4-Star Officer. Check the changed ranking on the Abyss Ranking Window. 
2020.06.29 15:58:57 : A rift has opened in Asmodae. 
2020.06.29 15:58:58 : You have daily quests available. 
2020.06.29 15:58:58 : You have weekly quests available. 
2020.06.29 15:59:01 : : : Welcome to Aion. 
2020.06.29 15:59:01 : : : Shadows Over Balaurea is now live! 
2020.06.29 15:59:02 : Methanol in Inggison has obtained [item:187205170] by upgrading [item:187205168] from Amabir. 
2020.06.29 15:59:03 : You have joined the Inggison region channel. 
2020.06.29 15:59:03 : You have joined the Inggison trade channel. 
2020.06.29 15:59:03 : You have joined the LFG Channel. 
2020.06.29 15:59:06 : You have joined the Chanter Channel. 


Then moved to battleground server after 8 minutes by entering Demaha, Second renown deduction.

2020.06.29 16:07:57 : You may be unable to use certain skills or items in this area. 
2020.06.29 16:07:57 : Legion Message: [REDACTED] 6/12/2020 17:39 
2020.06.29 16:07:57 : Your Silentera Canyon Renown is now level 2. 
2020.06.29 16:07:59 : You have joined Battleground Server. 
2020.06.29 16:08:00 : You have daily quests available. 
2020.06.29 16:08:00 : You have weekly quests available. 
2020.06.29 16:08:02 : : : Welcome to Aion. 
2020.06.29 16:08:02 : : : Shadows Over Balaurea is now live! 
2020.06.29 16:08:04 : You have joined the Demaha region channel. 
2020.06.29 16:08:04 : You have joined the Demaha trade channel. 
2020.06.29 16:08:04 : You have joined the LFG Channel. 
2020.06.29 16:08:07 : You have joined the Chanter Channel. 


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@Loki that is good new, i decided i'm not going to log back in today to see if that avoids the double hit this week.  Are you guys going to fix everyone that lost double each week since patch?  I'm assuming you have a way to pull up the logs and see which characters were impacted and give them back the extra renown that was taken away?

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  • Daeva

I dunno what the plan is. Right now I'm focused on getting the issue fixed asap so you guys don't lose any more RXP. I'd say for now try to keep track of your Renown on Mondays, like thesecretcowleve has been.

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I have the feeling this is hitting people randomly too. I haven't kept track of any of my characters and frankly I won't. I hope you guys simply fix this so we can avoid further FXP double reductions.

...next event : FXP in everything for 1 week so everyone can catch up :D

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