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What quests reward Kinah?


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Hi guys, so yea my question is as the title states. What quests reward Kinah? I haven't found any that mirrors the current state of the economy.I understand how to sell items on the broker and make Kinah that way but I am curious as to where the origin of the Kinah comes from.

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Actually a lot of quest gives kinah, but the amounts are really small. But you can get kinah from some items too. As an example, you can get supps from some instances like adma o ttc. Those are not greater so maybe you wont want to use them to enchant, but you can sell them on NPCs for some kinah. You can even sell the greater ones for even more kinah if you feel like you have so many of them. Supps used to be a source of kinah even some years ago. You can also try to check with other random items. useless gear also tends to have a decent price on NPCs. Sometimes you get a better profit selling them than making enchantments powder. 

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23 minutes ago, LilHotii-KT said:

Just buy it. It's why there's so much kinah in the game already. I can also say ncsoft don't care because I knew a few ppl who said they bought kinah. 

oh come on!!

Even if NCsoft does nothing about this, we can do our part. Is the game we enjoy and we will suffer the consequences if more people do things like this. In the past I´ve encouraged my legion mates to avoid ilegal actions. And I´ve even provided them better ways to get kinah in a legal way. And actually is not fake. If you want to pay some real money to get kinah, are more profitable options in BCM. You have just to take a time to compare prices in ncoins and kinah in the broker and you will find items that will give you more than RMTs (just don´t go with the regular and obvious items. everybody buy those and tends to have a lower price ingame).

But about the thread topic: 

kinah comes from the game in small amounts from quest, variable amounts from drops and decent amounts by selling low quality gear, supps and some other items to NPCs. Even when those quantities seems to be so small, the game takes out from npcs (teleports, SS, some potions and scrolls, etc) even less. So after some time the players have incresing amounts of kinah. Take into consideration that the kinah you pay to other players to buy their items is not taken out the game. It just changes the owner. 

In  the last patches NCSoft added more NPCs and actions to take out kinah. Now we have more gear with expensive conditions, the current enchantment/modify menu takes kinah in many of the actions and other things. But some time ago the kinah had less ways to go out the game and we experienced a progresive inflation. Also the RMTs made the situation even more complicated with a lot of bots farming 24 hs 7 days a week and farming billions of small items. 

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27 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Do your weekly Theos, Admas, and AoEs. Disenchant the gear. Sell the resulting chronos/crafting stones. :) 

yes. but I think he is asking about how the kinah is "created" in the game. He saw that there is a lot of kinah in players hands and prices in the broker are really high for some items and he is courious about how all that kinah was produced in the beggining and how we can move the amounts we do, if the game apparently provides or create so small amounts from quests. So, maybe your quest and drops provide 10-20 millions each week but you can move 500 millions in different transactions each week. Or at least that is what I understand. 

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Thank you for your original reply and yes that's exactly what I'm asking. The quests that reward kinah are so little its laughable and the drop rate of trash items to vendor sucks. Which leads me to believe the majority of Kinah circulating in the economy was originally farmed by bots 24/7 and sold.

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Yeah...and for part of 4.8, this 100mil vendor item dropped in the Idian Depths. Hyperinflation. Gold sellers were giving them away for free with the purchase of kinah. Was an insanely stupid move by NC devs to add it to the game.

Now we have people..."soloing"...certain instances that give greater supps and vendoring those for kinah.

Yeah, a lot of kinah in the economy came from bots and buyers. :| I knew a person who had 20+ bots they were farming with. Temp ban. Still not happy.

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6 hours ago, Azzmaria-KT said:

kinah comes from the game in small amounts from quest, variable amounts from drops and decent amounts by selling low quality gear, supps and some other items to NPCs. Even when those quantities seems to be so small, the game takes out from npcs (teleports, SS, some potions and scrolls, etc) even less. So after some time the players have incresing amounts of kinah. Take into consideration that the kinah you pay to other players to buy their items is not taken out the game. It just changes the owner.

The broker charges commission on every item sold through there. When you pay to other players to buy their items via the broker, about 2-5% (see below) of these are deducted and removed from the game before they are given to the selling player.

  • Items 1-10: 2.2% * price * (1 + tax)
  • Items 11-15: 4.4% * price * (1 + tax)

Before patch 5.3, this kinah sink was far stronger where every time you list an item on the broker, you are charged the above commission fees regardless if your item gets sold or not. When you grossly overpriced an item on the broker it just meant lots of kinah got removed from the game.

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6 minutes ago, mooMOOMooMoomoo-KT said:

The broker charges commission on every item sold through there. When you pay to other players to buy their items via the broker, about 2-5% (see below) of these are deducted and removed from the game before they are given to the selling player.

  • Items 1-10: 2.2% * price * (1 + tax)
  • Items 11-15: 4.4% * price * (1 + tax)

Before patch 5.3, this kinah sink was far stronger where every time you list an item on the broker, you are charged the above commission fees regardless if your item gets sold or not. When you grossly overpriced an item on the broker it just meant lots of kinah got removed from the game.

Yes. that it is true. I thought about that, and in some way that tax acts like a inflation control item. Cause if the inflation goes too high and the prices grows so much, the amount of kinah deducted on the broker will start to drain more kinah from the game and at some point will be the same than the kinah created. 

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With the release of Iluma/Esterra and Norswold/Nosra with patch 5.0, the open world monster drops did not generate kinah at all. Then with 5.6 they added kinah value to archdaeva/high daeva gear, but that also came with a major nerf to open world mob drop rates. That meant bots that farmed there did not generate new kinah into the economy. Combined with the massive broker listing fees, this resulted in long term deflation (Siel Elyos). (Remember that in early days of 5.0, Omega/APES costed over 500m each and Tempering/Upgrade Serums nearly 1 billion each)

NCSoft's efforts to migrate deflation with later patches while greatly limiting what bot farms can do:

  • 5.3: Broker listing fees (paid on item listing) changed (mostly) to commission fees paid on sale of item
  • 5.3? Arena of Tenacity / Gold Arena kinah award for participants making to round of 16 or higher
  • 5.6: Archdaeva / high daeva gear sale price increased from nearly-nothing to more-sensible amounts
  • 5.6: Massively increased NPC sale price of greater/mighty mythic supplements, which come from archdaeva / high daeva group instances, and are not open word bot-able
  • 5.6: Crucible Spire / Tower of Challenge awards kinah by clearing levels
  • 5.6? Iluma/Esterra and Norswold/Nosra daily collection/weaving quests that award around 1.8m kinah changed into daily quests instead of nearly-2-day cooldowns


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Yes. I totally remember our old prices. Tempering solutions around 1 billion kinah each one as you said. Omegas at 250-300 millions and sometimes even more. Having 10B kinah was nothing.  But I left before the deflation. when I came back, I saw all those new smaller prices and I was surprised. But I saw another theory about why that deflation happened. Some players said that a person that used to expend huge amounts of money in the game, sold a lot of items and took a lot of the kinah from the market and after that, he left the game and that kinah is just waiting in his pockets. It could be just an exaggeration. I wasn´t there to see. 

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On 11/8/2017 at 6:28 AM, LilHotii-KT said:

Just buy it. It's why there's so much kinah in the game already. I can also say ncsoft don't care because I knew a few ppl who said they bought kinah. 

I'm not ashamed to admit it, back in the day I purchased some kinah from one of those types of sites.  I was scared to death of getting in trouble from NCSoft but surprisingly nothing happened.  I wouldn't recommend anyone doing that now but it is something I did do without any consequence.

On topic, I think many others have answered your question about quests & kinah so I won't.  I will say that there are other ways to get kinah if you're willing to spend a little real world money on NCoin to buy stuff on the BCM.  Aion's Chosen sells very well for 1.5-2.5B kinah depending on the day & online population.  Unbinding Stones, Tempering Solution, Omega Stones, etc sell very quickly for a decent amount of kinah.

If you are considering the "illegal" route, I'd suggest looking into buying NCoin first & buying to resell items instead.  Generally speaking, the price of BCM items sell for 1M per 1 NCoin spent with the exception of the Aion's Chosen title selling slightly lower than that ratio but still for a large amount.

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On 11/10/2017 at 11:00 PM, Plezurenpain-DN said:

I'm not ashamed to admit it, back in the day I purchased some kinah from one of those types of sites.  I was scared to death of getting in trouble from NCSoft but surprisingly nothing happened.  I wouldn't recommend anyone doing that now but it is something I did do without any consequence.

On topic, I think many others have answered your question about quests & kinah so I won't.  I will say that there are other ways to get kinah if you're willing to spend a little real world money on NCoin to buy stuff on the BCM.  Aion's Chosen sells very well for 1.5-2.5B kinah depending on the day & online population.  Unbinding Stones, Tempering Solution, Omega Stones, etc sell very quickly for a decent amount of kinah.

If you are considering the "illegal" route, I'd suggest looking into buying NCoin first & buying to resell items instead.  Generally speaking, the price of BCM items sell for 1M per 1 NCoin spent with the exception of the Aion's Chosen title selling slightly lower than that ratio but still for a large amount.

Pricing on aion was ruined from when I played, everything was way to expensive. To many greedy turds. Even sitting at like 4bil I felt poor it's sad.

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