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 I will also leave here as suggestions ...

1° Stop making classes stronger than others. This is unfair and totally ridiculous, in this version 6.0 many players will stop playing because NCSOFT have downgraded some classes while others have led to the top!!!

2° An absurd and totally ridiculous Npc of augment charge more than 1,000,000 to raise the level of equipment, very expensive and disproportionate.

3° The mobs of the Crucible Spire have an absurd damage, because you do not let us make an alliance because the damage of those Mob is ridiculous!!!

4° Arena Of discipline has horrible maps to play, the intention is a fair 1 vs 1 ! So you should not have maps with the purpose of harming the fight, because the maps are bugged and horrible.

4° NCSOFT when they are doing a big update like this 6.0, give back the money spent by the players ... since all equipment, time, and money spent will be in vain and thrown in the trash...

Some things are reasons for revolt in this game!


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1. Covered this in your other "IT'S NOT FAAAAAAAAAAAAIR" tantrum thread.

2. You can buy Augments with bloodmedals from the Landing. You can get Augments as drops in the new solo instance. Every EB run drops an Augment. Thing is, you should be making AP while using your PvP gear. So you are actually making the AP you will need to re-augment it. Die less. 

3. You want to make an alliance to do a solo instance? Umm. Alrighty then! Moving on.

4. Perhaps try learning the arena maps and use the terrain to your advantage? Each map contains unique opportunities and pitfalls.

4. You used 4 twice. Did you know that? So you think we will login on the day 6.0 launches and find ourselves totally nakkies? Seriously. RELAX. You are overthinking things. Every new update brings out new gear that makes our old gear obsolete. And any items that will be discontinued (like essence cores, for example) we will be compensated for in game monies.

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Aly, I do not need your useless opinion, I thought that someone important of ncsoft would see the suggestions and not any player, that defends to nc, you are nc's lawyer? I think not! That's my opinion and that's it! I do not want anyone's opinion. I want important people like game administrators for answer 

4 minutes ago, Ayuzawa-DN said:



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6 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

1. Covered this in your other "IT'S NOT FAAAAAAAAAAAAIR" tantrum thread.

2. You can buy Augments with bloodmedals from the Landing. You can get Augments as drops in the new solo instance. Every EB run drops an Augment. Thing is, you should be making AP while using your PvP gear. So you are actually making the AP you will need to re-augment it. Die less. 

3. You want to make an alliance to do a solo instance? Umm. Alrighty then! Moving on.

4. Perhaps try learning the arena maps and use the terrain to your advantage? Each map contains unique opportunities and pitfalls.

4. You used 4 twice. Did you know that? So you think we will login on the day 6.0 launches and find ourselves totally nakkies? Seriously. RELAX. You are overthinking things. Every new update brings out new gear that makes our old gear obsolete. And any items that will be discontinued (like essence cores, for example) we will be compensated for in game monies.

Sorry Aly and I'm disgusted, bro.

5 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Laughed in real life at this. xD

What is 4 twice

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@Ayuzawa-DN.. I can see being disgusted. I understanding being upset. But you really do need to relax. Everything is not a conspiracy. The sky is not falling. This is a game. Treat it as such. Go with the flow. And if all of this becomes too much, take a break. You will feel so much better.

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3 hours ago, Mayinne-DN said:

If you don't want anyone's opinion, why did you post this on public forum, which is designed for people to exchange opinions?

'cause if you send a ticket, they will tell you to write a suggestion on the forum (that no one from the staff will read/forward in any case). So yeah, the conclusion is pretty much what Aly said: suck it up and wait.

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