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Rotation Costume Suggestion


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Still need Sailor Uniform (110901552) and Sailor Cap (125046004), released in early 5.5~5.6 in Korea.

Also, the Cute Maid's Outfit (110900766) and the Cute Maid's Bonnet (125045449) were released some time ago (could be anywhere between 4.7 and 5.3) but not added to the game in any way, would be nice to have them.

Additionally, it would be nice to have any word about the Miss Meow series (items 110901075, 110901049, 110901050 for the costumes; 125045630 and 125045640 for the headgears and 190100197 for the mount)- specifically, to know if we'll get them at all.

Or yeah skins we already got from multiple events.

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3 hours ago, knee-DN said:

Still need Sailor Uniform (110901552) and Sailor Cap (125046004), released in early 5.5~5.6 in Korea.

Also, the Cute Maid's Outfit (110900766) and the Cute Maid's Bonnet (125045449) were released some time ago (could be anywhere between 4.7 and 5.3) but not added to the game in any way, would be nice to have them.

Additionally, it would be nice to have any word about the Miss Meow series (items 110901075, 110901049, 110901050 for the costumes; 125045630 and 125045640 for the headgears and 190100197 for the mount)- specifically, to know if we'll get them at all.

Or yeah skins we already got from multiple events.

I would love to have all the Miss Meow series items, but, as they are actually "Hello Kitty" probably have licensed issues just like many other items that i die to get... :(

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10 minutes ago, Noona-DN said:

They would make so much profit putting the Wonder Girls dances on the BCM (again) for even just 3 days, way beyond what it would cost to license them.

that's what i've been saying for so long... they could even put them by 1200 or 2k NC coins and they will sell tons anyways....

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