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Siege Compensation


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6 hours ago, YaMiiKaZe-KT said:

Cyan say that the compensation will be this Wednesday

"An issue where players of certain ranks were unable to acquire AP will be fixed.

We will send a compensation package to affected players by next week’s maintenance."


He said by next weeks maintenance but it is not looking good to meet that date however I am fine with it taking slightly longer as long as they do it right. Don't forget aside siege they have to compensate for all the instance runs too and they should try and do a blanket gift for all the missed open world pvp ap

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should be a hell of a lot more than 4 mil ap

Lets Review:

2 Weeks of not being able to solo HM = 12-15mil ap

2 weeks of no siege ap = min. 1.6mil ap + 8 legendary pvp stones

no ap from instances = 6.552mil ap minimum (not even counting IB)

This is a potential of at minimum 20mil ap that couldn't be earned if you normally solo 5 HMs a week, do all your pvp instances and attend every siege.


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Players should be compensated for the things they did and didn't get credit for. This should not be a blanket survey for all players or even for all players who were officers. Some players were officers from the second day of the bug. Others didn't get to officer until the last day. The first player should be a much larger compensation. Some players just stopped playing and others continued to siege and run instances. The first should get a much smaller compensation.

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2 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

Players should be compensated for the things they did and didn't get credit for. This should not be a blanket survey for all players or even for all players who were officers. Some players were officers from the second day of the bug. Others didn't get to officer until the last day. The first player should be a much larger compensation. Some players just stopped playing and others continued to siege and run instances. The first should get a much smaller compensation.

so cute, but it wont happen, embrace it =/, embrace the fact that everyone will most likely get the same thing

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