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윤송이 사장님께 말씀드립니다 (To ceo Yoon song)


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안녕하세요 전 미국에 사는 아이온 유저 입니다.

북미 아이온을 한지 8년됐고요.

엔씨웨스트가 470억 적자인것도 알고 있습니다. 일손이 부족하시겠지요

저는 핵커까지는 이해할수있습니다 일손부족과 적자 회사 운영에 일일이 다 잡기는 힘들것으로 생각해봅니다 

하지만 이건 다른 문제 입니다. 엔씨 소프 트 직원이 돈을 목적으로 게임 생태계를 회손하고 있습니다.

핵커들이야 유저들 선택이라하지만 이번 극강 고 강화 장비를 그것도 많은 유저들이 직원분한테 돈을 지불하고 받는다는건 법적으로도 유저들이 대응가능합니다

더 늦기전에 해결은 아니더래도 저희 유저들에게 답장이라도 해주십시오



Hello Yoon Song CEO, I am an Aion user living in the United States. It's been 8 years since I played Aion in North America.

We also know that NC West has a deficit of 47 billion. You will be short of labor. I can understand you cant do anything about hackers due to short on time and money.

I think it will be difficult to manage all the workforce shortages and deficit companies. But this is another matter. NCsoft employees are damaging the game ecosystem for the purpose of money.

Hackers are the user's choice, but it is legally possible for users to respond to the fact that many users pay and employees recieve money for this end game equipments.

Please reply to our users even if it was not resolved before it was too late.

Thank you


i will put it up on korean server as well and i will make it loud as possible 

even korean govermen website (국민청원) 

한국 기업 이미지 나빠지게 하지 않으셨으면 합니다

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디스코드라는 게임유저 음성 쳇에 스스로가 포스트한 글입니다

this is dicord msg that he posted himself (person who selling gears)


어디서 났는지 무기와 장비를 50개 정도 팔았다고 스스로 말한 글입니다.

모두 10강이상 무기는 대부분 15강인걸로 알고 있습니다 


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What about asmo side as Thunderspank / anjooo or even Starika dn 

the first ones are  red dps meter . no animations and use script and starika suddenly is so tank for a cloth and appearantly can see people in hide

maybe someone learned copy items Id or maybe person who own paraly tool / vanilla tool . Since no one say smth from gm or Aion Na hq and they allow such hacks 

@Hime @Loki

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9 hours ago, KissYB-KT said:

안녕하세요 전 미국에 사는 아이온 유저 입니다.

북미 아이온을 한지 8년됐고요.

엔씨웨스트가 470억 적자인것도 알고 있습니다. 일손이 부족하시겠지요

저는 핵커까지는 이해할수있습니다 일손부족과 적자 회사 운영에 일일이 다 잡기는 힘들것으로 생각해봅니다 

하지만 이건 다른 문제 입니다. 엔씨 소프 트 직원이 돈을 목적으로 게임 생태계를 회손하고 있습니다.

핵커들이야 유저들 선택이라하지만 이번 극강 고 강화 장비를 그것도 많은 유저들이 직원분한테 돈을 지불하고 받는다는건 법적으로도 유저들이 대응가능합니다

더 늦기전에 해결은 아니더래도 저희 유저들에게 답장이라도 해주십시오



Hello Yoon Song CEO, I am an Aion user living in the United States. It's been 8 years since I played Aion in North America.

We also know that NC West has a deficit of 47 billion. You will be short of labor. I can understand you cant do anything about hackers due to short on time and money.

I think it will be difficult to manage all the workforce shortages and deficit companies. But this is another matter. NCsoft employees are damaging the game ecosystem for the purpose of money.

Hackers are the user's choice, but it is legally possible for users to respond to the fact that many users pay and employees recieve money for this end game equipments.

Please reply to our users even if it was not resolved before it was too late.

Thank you


i will put it up on korean server as well and i will make it loud as possible 

even korean govermen website (국민청원) 

한국 기업 이미지 나빠지게 하지 않으셨으면 합니다

Mr. Taek-Jin Kim (CEO and Founder of NCSoft) is a good option as well - contact info is public let me know if want it (lynxie in game or here)

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54 minutes ago, Dikless said:

What about asmo side as Thunderspank / anjooo or even Starika dn 

the first ones are  red dps meter . no animations and use script and starika suddenly is so tank for a cloth and appearantly can see people in hide

maybe someone learned copy items Id or maybe person who own paraly tool / vanilla tool . Since no one say smth from gm or Aion Na hq and they allow such hacks 

@Hime @Loki

YOu got be new here, starika run faster than speedy gonzales... and when you tell him he hack he reply cause he got good ping LOL
This dude is a joke... 

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1 hour ago, Zappies-DN said:

Mr. Taek-Jin Kim (CEO and Founder of NCSoft) is a good option as well - contact info is public let me know if want it (lynxie in game or here)

taek jin has nothing to do ncwest he is not ceo his wife is 

2 hours ago, Dikless said:

What about asmo side as Thunderspank / anjooo or even Starika dn 

the first ones are  red dps meter . no animations and use script and starika suddenly is so tank for a cloth and appearantly can see people in hide

maybe someone learned copy items Id or maybe person who own paraly tool / vanilla tool . Since no one say smth from gm or Aion Na hq and they allow such hacks 

@Hime @Loki

i dont know about thunder but anjoo did himself i know 

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