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Stats, Caps, recomendations for PvE?


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I was mostly inactive for many months and I´m playing a little more now. But after reading some post (thanks again Papa-Kt) I found that some of my maths and numbers are probably wrong now. And if I keep those, I will probably waste resources. So, do you know the current caps and technical caps for our stats?. Wich are the limits we can reach on some of them?

I know that some of them has no cap, like attack, HP, MP and other similar. But others have soft caps, like crit strike (that improves the benefit with smaller % after some points). Or even others have hard caps and will not give aditional benefit after certain number, like MB, MAcc, block (In PvE, cause in PvP it depends on the stats that your opponent have).

as an example, at the end of 4.9 when the harder instance was DD, the limit for MB was around 4250. Game cap was 3000 but Beritra MSup was near 1250. So was the same to have 4250 MB or 4500. the dps was the same. About MAcc, with 2200 - 2300 was enought. 

Max MB taking into consideration the max MSup we can find in PvE, Minimun MAcc to not see "resist", Max strike resist in Bosses, Max Block, Evasion, Parry on Bosses to calculate our required Accuracy. 

I also know that NCSoft never provides the formulas or stats from instance´s Bosses, but some players take the time to discover them :P 

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I don't have the numbers but to give you an idea I do 11K DPS in AOE with 5k MB 800 Crit so its safe to assume that I either reached the cap for this instance or close to it.

And for COE I do half that DPS so the cap must be around 6.5k I guess maybe? with 900+ Crit.


Unless someone has the exact numbers for the new instances I would just tell you to get Full harvester accessories with harvester weapon (wouldn't bother much with the armor unless you're really elitist about that) and I would socket it with full Knowledge +7 and if you're too poor just go for +6 for now as they are only around 1m each which is cheap.


Also, I would like to tell you that in 5.8 you will be able to upgrade your Harvester to holy harvester which almost doubles in pve dmg stats so right now is the right time to get the boxes since they are available at really reasonable prices.

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he has a harvester with asherion under orb... we ran DSL for our final pumpkin together last night, I wanted book, he wanted orb and we got the other's choice... and +15 that and full sop fridgidia gear,  he's tryign to figure out if 6/7's are enough in it or should it be 9;s I think

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32 minutes ago, Yubin-KT said:

Azzmaria from Last Resort israphel ?

Nope. I´m from Siel. legion: Union Hispana. 

25 minutes ago, Yubin-KT said:

I don't have the numbers but to give you an idea I do 11K DPS in AOE with 5k MB 800 Crit so its safe to assume that I either reached the cap for this instance or close to it.

And for COE I do half that DPS so the cap must be around 6.5k I guess maybe? with 900+ Crit.


Unless someone has the exact numbers for the new instances I would just tell you to get Full harvester accessories with harvester weapon (wouldn't bother much with the armor unless you're really elitist about that) and I would socket it with full Knowledge +7 and if you're too poor just go for +6 for now as they are only around 1m each which is cheap.


Also, I would like to tell you that in 5.8 you will be able to upgrade your Harvester to holy harvester which almost doubles in pve dmg stats so right now is the right time to get the boxes since they are available at really reasonable prices.

Oh. I see.... that 6.5k seems to be really high. :S . I was checking a calculator and that number apparently is not possible. So maybe we are with a technical "no cap". 

tx for your info and sharing your experience. 

PS: sorry for creating this thread in the wrong section. 

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You take the base cap (3200- so for mobs without MS at 3200 you're hitting at max strength, not counting crit spell and magical attack) and you add the number you find in that list for the boss you want to be capped against. So atm if you want to be MB capped against all mobs in the game, you'll need 3200+2798 MB (Shurak/Opel's MS)= 5998 MB, not accounting for any MS reducing skill your alliance could have (but usually they aren't on at all times); aethertech's Sundering Blade, gunner's Juggernaut Canon (not sure it works on bosses actually), spiritmaster's Magic's Freedom and cleric's Judge's Edict (and there might be some more I'm forgetting atm).

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infernal blight and shackle of vulnerability  from an SM as well... but it does point out things should be going smoother/faster damage-wise IF other people understand their class's skills. Granted I likely do less dps that I could but with said skills in pve/pvp, the sorc/SW/dps cleric does hit harder...

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11 hours ago, Papa-KT said:

You take the base cap (3200- so for mobs without MS at 3200 you're hitting at max strength, not counting crit spell and magical attack) and you add the number you find in that list for the boss you want to be capped against. So atm if you want to be MB capped against all mobs in the game, you'll need 3200+2798 MB (Shurak/Opel's MS)= 5998 MB, not accounting for any MS reducing skill your alliance could have (but usually they aren't on at all times); aethertech's Sundering Blade, gunner's Juggernaut Canon (not sure it works on bosses actually), spiritmaster's Magic's Freedom and cleric's Judge's Edict (and there might be some more I'm forgetting atm).

Great. There are some of the numbers I was asking for!. thanks again Papa-Kt!

So MB base cap is 3200 now and max mag supp we can find is in Shurak/Opel and it is 2798. That means that in PvE more MB than 5998 MB could be a waste now. (of course, nobody knows how much MSupp will have the bosses from next updates). And yes, better to not count on those temporal debuffs.

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Ok. maybe for some players we are talking in chinese. 

Some players do not know how the different stats work and how much to get on each of those. NCSoft does not provides the maths and the knowledge usually came from players who spend a lot of time testing and trying to discover the formulas. So I will make a short description about what I found in the past and probably still work in the same way 

Physical Stats:


It increases your damage with physical attacks. Increase your auto attacks and also your special attacks. This stat has no cap or penalization after certain values. So it will increase the damage even at high values in the same way. Each point of attack will increase your base damage by 1 added to your weapon damage for each point of attack you add. That number will be multiplied also by some values from your class. It is one of most important stats for physical classes and it is totally useless for magical clases (it wont give you more damage on skills or autoattacks on magicals)

Crit Strike and Strike Resist

This stat gives you the chance to have "Critical" hits. That means a Double Damage attack. If you normally do 100 damage in one hit, when is "Critical" will deal 200 damage. 
But how works the amount of Crit Strike?
This stat is not linear. And the final value to take into considertation is the difference between the attacker´s Crit Strike and defender´s Strike Resist. If you have 300 Crit Strike and your oponent have 120 Strike Resist, your attacks will work as you have 180 Crit Strike (300 - 120 = 180) and will follow the next:

          from     0  to  440   Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 10 points
          from 441  to  600   Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 20 points
          from 601  or more Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 50 points

So the most important is to try to complete the first range. Those first 440 Crit Strike (over your oponent Strike Resist) will result in 44% of "Critical". If you can, you can try to also complete the second stage and add 160 more points to make an aditional 8%. But the last part gives you a very tiny improvement. It is important to know how much Strike Resist has your oponent so you can add that number to your needs. If your oponent have 500 Strike Resist and you only have 450 Crit Strike, you will never land a "Critical" cause your final Crit Strike is -50. If you reach 900 Crit Strike and fight against the same oponent, you will have an effective Crit Strike of 400 (900 - 500 = 400) and you will have 40% of your hits as "Critical" . Some bosses may have Strike Resist values from 600 to 800 or even more. Thats why it is require to add a lot of Crit Strike in our gear. We try to have at least 440 points more than that. Also Strike Resist is important if you want to improve your defenses against physical attacks. 

Accuracy and Evasion-Parry-Block

Your accuracy provides you the chance to do clean attacks (without reduccions from parry, evasion or block). If your Accuracy is higher that the values of parry, evasion or block that your oponent have, you will make all clean hits. So if you have 3500 Acc and your oponent have 3200 evasion, he will not evade a single hit and you will do all your damage. 
Evasion, Parry and Block will start to do a difference only if they are higher than the Accuracy on the attacker. So do not use those manastones if you see that you can not reach a significative amount to counter normal values of Accuracy in the game. But if you have Evasion or Parry or Block in a higher value they will work in this way:

        Every 10 points on evasion over your oponent´s Accuracy will give 1% chance of "evade the attack". To a max of 30% (or 300 points  evasion over your oponent´s Acc). 
        Every 10 points on parry over your oponent´s Accuracy will give you 1% chance of "parry the attack". To a max of 40% (or 400 points on parry over your oponent´s Acc)
        Every 10 points on block over your oponent´s Accuracy will give you 1% chance of "block the attack". To a max of 50% (or 500 points on block over your oponent´s Acc)

what that means? Evading an attack means no damage at all. If you evade it, it will do 0 damage. Parry will reduce the damage to only the half. Block is a little more complicated. First at all you need a shield equiped to be able to block. No matter if you reach a high value, if you do not have a shield, you will never block. If you have a shield and you "block" the attack that means the attack damage will be reduced in the percentage of "damage reduction" that your shield shows. In mythical gear is that "50%" that you see at enchanment lvl 0 and increases 2% for each level of enchantment to a maximum value of 70% at +10 . So if you are making a block set, it is important to enchant your shield to have better reductions. 
Also is important to check the base values in some gears before chosing a defensive gear. Some gears will provide higher values of evasion, some will have bonus on parry or block. Remember that you need to raise that value higher than your oponent Accuracy so sometimes only with manastones is not enought. Also take into consideration the maximum values that you can reach. Having 5000 points of block when nobody has more than 3500 Accuracy is a waste. 

Physical Defense

This stat will provide you a reduction in damage from all physical attacks. Every 10 points on Physical Defense will reduce the damage in 1 point. If you have 3000 Physical Defense, all the physical attacks against you will have a reduction in 300 points. Note that the minimum damage is 1. So even with high values in Physical defense and low level mobs, if they hit you they will do 1 damage. 

Magical Stats

Magic Accuracy and Magic Resist

Works similar than Accuracy and Evasion-Parry-Block. Your Magic Accuracy provides you the chance to hit with your skills. If your M Acc is higher than your oponent MR, you will land all your skills and they will do damage. But if your oponent MR is higher than your M Acc, he will start having a chance to "Resist" your skills and no damage will be done. As you can see MR is totally useless if you can not reach your oponent MAcc in value. If he have 2200 MAcc and you have 2100 MR, you will not "Resist".  But if your MR is higher than the oponent´s MAcc it will give you the chance to "Resist" the skills in 1% for every 10 points over his MAcc. If you have 2500 MR and he have 2200 MAcc, you have 300 points of efective MR and that means 30% of "Resist" chance on skills. Some years ago we had no cap for this, but now some people think it is more or less at 50% (500 efective MR points). 

Also in this area, a lot of skills have bonus on their MAcc. You can see a lot of this in physical clases. They usually have low values of MAcc and that is needed for some effects like roots, silence, paralyzis, sleep, etc. So in those classes the skill have a bonus on MAcc to make them possible. But still with higher values of MR you will see that you can also resist a lot of those. 

Magic attack

Even if your weapon show a value, it is totally useless. It is not added to your skills damage. 

Magic Boost and Magic Suppresion

Magic Boost improves the magical damage of your skills. If you have 0 MB your skills will just do the damage they say in the description. For each 12 points on MB you will have 1% more damage. (1200 MB means +100% damage). This have a limit (Cap) at 3200 now. (that value changes sometimes with updates). So if you reach that 3200 "efective" MB your skills will do a maximum damage and will be an aditional 267% (multiply what the description say for 3.67 and that damage they do). Why I say "efective" MB? And why a lot of people is trying to get values from 5500 to 6500 MB if there is a cap at 3200? That´s beacuse Magic Suppresion acts like a counter. For every point in MSupp on the defender, the attacker MB is reduced by 1 point too. So If you have 4000 MB but you attack something with 2500 MSupp, you will only have 1500 "efective" MB and still you are far from the cap. 

For that reasson when Papa-Kt said that the max MSupp we can face now is 2798 in Shurak/Opel, we can add 3200 to that quantity and see wich is the maximum MB we can get and still make a difference. (3200+2798=5998 MB to have an "efective" 3200 MB there). Today in PvE is useless to have more than 5998 MB. Maybe on next updates we will need more. 
Magic Suppresion is a nice defensive skill agains magical classes cause you can reduce so much their damage if you reach high values. Take into consideration that is not MR so you will not "Resist", but the damage will be smaller. 

Also, some people tested on bosses and even when some of them looks like mages and apparently do magic damage, they said that MSup does not reduce the damage from those skills. Apparently even if they look magical, they land as physical damage all the time. 

Crit Spell

It seems to work similar than Crit Strike. If your skill is done as "Critical" it will make an extra 50% damage (not double damage like crit strike). The counter for this one is Spell Resist. and they follow the same formula:

          from     0  to  440   Crit Spell you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 10 points
          from 441  to  600   Crit Spell you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 20 points
          from 601  or more Crit Spell you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 50 points


Final note: none of these maths or research were made by me. All that comes from other players (that I do not remember now). I just want to share some info I got a long time ago and worked for me and maybe for some of you. I´m not sure if the formulas changed in all this time. And, english is not my native language so please forgive me if you see something wrong.  

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On 11/9/2017 at 0:15 PM, Azzmaria-KT said:


Crit Strike and Strike Resist



Chance to crit strike in %: (Crit Strike - Strike Resist) / 10

Minimum 0%, maximum 50%

Some skills count your critical strike value at a different percentage compared to your actual crit strike, but still subject to 50% crit chance cap (research still ongoing).

For example, Gladiator's Sharp Strike have a higher than normal chance to crit, while Mocking Blast cannot crit at all.

ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 1    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 10    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 2    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 3    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 4    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 5    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 6    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 7    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 8    70%
ASSASSIN    Searching Strike / Ambush Raid Lv 9    70%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 1    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 10    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 2    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 3    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 4    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 5    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 6    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 7    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 8    85%
FIGHTER    Cleave Lv 9    85%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 1    0%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 2    0%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 3    0%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 4    0%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 5    0%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 6    0%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 7    0%
FIGHTER    Crushing Blow Lv 8    0%
FIGHTER    Exhausting Wave Lv 1    70%
FIGHTER    Exhausting Wave Lv 2    70%
FIGHTER    Exhausting Wave Lv 3    70%
FIGHTER    Exhausting Wave Lv 4    70%
FIGHTER    Exhausting Wave Lv 5    70%
FIGHTER    Exhausting Wave Lv 6    70%
FIGHTER    Great Cleave Lv 1    90%
FIGHTER    Great Cleave Lv 2    90%
FIGHTER    Great Cleave Lv 3    90%
FIGHTER    Great Cleave Lv 4    90%
FIGHTER    Great Cleave Lv 5    90%
FIGHTER    Mocking Blast / Blade of Incitement Lv 1    0%
FIGHTER    Revival Wave Lv 1    70%
FIGHTER    Revival Wave Lv 2    70%
FIGHTER    Revival Wave Lv 3    70%
FIGHTER    Revival Wave Lv 4    70%
FIGHTER    Revival Wave Lv 5    70%
FIGHTER    Revival Wave Lv 6    70%
FIGHTER    Righteous Cleave Lv 1    80%
FIGHTER    Righteous Cleave Lv 2    80%
FIGHTER    Sharp Strike Lv 1    200%
FIGHTER    Sharp Strike Lv 2    200%
FIGHTER    Sharp Strike Lv 3    200%
FIGHTER    Sharp Strike Lv 4    200%
FIGHTER    Sharp Strike Lv 5    200%
FIGHTER    Sharp Strike Lv 6    200%
FIGHTER    Wind Lance / Blade Allround Strike Lv 1    60%
FIGHTER    Wind Lance / Blade Allround Strike Lv 2    60%
FIGHTER    Wind Lance / Blade Allround Strike Lv 3    60%
RANGER    Heart Shot / Raging Wind Arrow Lv 1    200%
RANGER    Heart Shot / Raging Wind Arrow Lv 2    200%
RANGER    Heart Shot / Raging Wind Arrow Lv 3    200%
RANGER    Heart Shot / Raging Wind Arrow Lv 4    200%
RANGER    Heart Shot / Raging Wind Arrow Lv 5    200%
RANGER    Heart Shot / Raging Wind Arrow Lv 6    200%
RANGER    Lethal Arrow Lv 1    500%
RANGER    Lethal Arrow Lv 2    500%
RANGER    Lethal Arrow Lv 3    500%
RANGER    Lethal Arrow Lv 4    500%
RANGER    Lethal Arrow Lv 5    500%
RANGER    Lethal Arrow Lv 6    500%
RANGER    Ripthread Shot / Spear of Penetration Lv 1    200%
RANGER    Ripthread Shot / Spear of Penetration Lv 2    200%
RANGER    Ripthread Shot / Spear of Penetration Lv 3    200%

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MB flat cap as of Aion 5.6: 3200 mb / 500 crit spell

modified by mob MSupp

- AoE and below: 1232 (totals 4432 MB cap) / around 870 crit spell cap

- CoE: 1392 MSupp (totals 4592  MB cap) / around 870 crit spell cap

- ToE: 1512 MSupp (totals 4712 MB cap) / around 870 crit spell cap

- BoS: ~2800 MSupp (totals 6000 MB cap) / around 1000 crit spell cap




On 9.11.2017 at 6:15 PM, Azzmaria-KT said:

Crit Spell

It seems to work similar than Crit Strike. If your skill is done as "Critical" it will make an extra 50% damage (not double damage like crit strike). The counter for this one is Spell Resist. and they follow the same formula:

          from     0  to  440   Crit Spell you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 10 points
          from 441  to  600   Crit Spell you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 20 points
          from 601  or more Crit Spell you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 50 points


No, Crit Spell is a linear modifier 

          from     0  to  500   Crit Spell you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 10 points

directly countered by spell resistance, reducing the crit spell 1 : 1 (same as MB and MSupp)

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On 9.11.2017 at 6:15 PM, Azzmaria-KT said:

Crit Strike and Strike Resist

This stat gives you the chance to have "Critical" hits. That means a Double Damage attack. If you normally do 100 damage in one hit, when is "Critical" will deal 200 damage. 


I can't edit my post anymore for some reason, so excuse my double post:

Crit strike does not equal double damage. That's why in case of dual wielding the main hand weapon is important, because it dicates the crit dmg modifier chosen


Dagger = x2.3 (230 dmg instead of 100)

Sword = x2.2

Mace = x2.0

GS/PA =  x1.8

Bow/Staff = x1.7



It increases your damage with physical attacks. Increase your auto attacks and also your special attacks. This stat has no cap or penalization after certain values. So it will increase the damage even at high values in the same way. Each point of attack will increase your base damage by 1 added to your weapon damage for each point of attack you add. That number will be multiplied also by some values from your class. It is one of most important stats for physical classes and it is totally useless for magical clases (it wont give you more damage on skills or autoattacks on magicals)


That's not entirely correct either, as attack is not the same as attack when it comes to damage calculation. For example manastone attack is calculated differently than weapon primary attack value as it does not affect the skills damage value. But there were a lot of explanations on this topic in different threads already and I am too lazy to write a lengthy explanation on that :)

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Crit Strike modifier is reduced by Strike Fortitude in pvp, at a rate of 100 SF = 0.09 crit strike modifier reduction. (Crit Strike modifier cannot be reduced below 1, in the case where unarmed base crit strike modifier is 1.0)

So for example, when using a dagger against a target with 200 strike fortitude, the net crit strike modifier is:

  • 2.3x - 0.0009x * 200 = 2.3x - 0.18x = 2.12x net crit strike modifier

Critical damage multiplier is applied after deduction from target's physical defense.

And for Witch Modor / Grendal the Witch in Crucible Spire / Tower of Challenge, she has:

  • around 650 strike resist (around 1150 crit strike for maximum crit chance)
  • exactly 350 magic suppression (3550 magic boost for maximum magic damage)


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4 hours ago, mooMOOMooMoomoo-KT said:

Crit Strike modifier is reduced by Strike Fortitude in pvp, at a rate of 100 SF = 0.09 crit strike modifier reduction. (Crit Strike modifier cannot be reduced below 1, in the case where unarmed base crit strike modifier is 1.0)

So for example, when using a dagger against a target with 200 strike fortitude, the net crit strike modifier is:

  • 2.3x - 0.0009x * 200 = 2.3x - 0.18x = 2.12x net crit strike modifier

Critical damage multiplier is applied after deduction from target's physical defense.

And for Witch Modor / Grendal the Witch in Crucible Spire / Tower of Challenge, she has:

  • around 650 strike resist (around 1150 crit strike for maximum crit chance)
  • exactly 350 magic suppression (3550 magic boost for maximum magic damage)


Your name makes me feel like i forgot my cereal today morning, but reading what you write is very nutritious as it is.

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On 11/9/2017 at 11:15 AM, Azzmaria-KT said:

Crit Strike and Strike Resist

This stat gives you the chance to have "Critical" hits. That means a Double Damage attack. If you normally do 100 damage in one hit, when is "Critical" will deal 200 damage. 
But how works the amount of Crit Strike?
This stat is not linear. And the final value to take into considertation is the difference between the attacker´s Crit Strike and defender´s Strike Resist. If you have 300 Crit Strike and your oponent have 120 Strike Resist, your attacks will work as you have 180 Crit Strike (300 - 120 = 180) and will follow the next:

          from     0  to  440   Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 10 points
          from 441  to  600   Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 20 points
          from 601  or more Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 50 points

So the most important is to try to complete the first range. Those first 440 Crit Strike (over your oponent Strike Resist) will result in 44% of "Critical". If you can, you can try to also complete the second stage and add 160 more points to make an aditional 8%. But the last part gives you a very tiny improvement. It is important to know how much Strike Resist has your oponent so you can add that number to your needs. If your oponent have 500 Strike Resist and you only have 450 Crit Strike, you will never land a "Critical" cause your final Crit Strike is -50. If you reach 900 Crit Strike and fight against the same oponent, you will have an effective Crit Strike of 400 (900 - 500 = 400) and you will have 40% of your hits as "Critical" . Some bosses may have Strike Resist values from 600 to 800 or even more. Thats why it is require to add a lot of Crit Strike in our gear. We try to have at least 440 points more than that. Also Strike Resist is important if you want to improve your defenses against physical attacks. 


So is crit strike not capped at 50% (600 crit) anymore?


Magic Boost and Magic Suppresion

Magic Boost improves the magical damage of your skills. If you have 0 MB your skills will just do the damage they say in the description. For each 12 points on MB you will have 1% more damage. (1200 MB means +100% damage). This have a limit (Cap) at 3200 now. (that value changes sometimes with updates). So if you reach that 3200 "efective" MB your skills will do a maximum damage and will be an aditional 267% (multiply what the description say for 3.67 and that damage they do). Why I say "efective" MB? And why a lot of people is trying to get values from 5500 to 6500 MB if there is a cap at 3200? That´s beacuse Magic Suppresion acts like a counter. For every point in MSupp on the defender, the attacker MB is reduced by 1 point too. So If you have 4000 MB but you attack something with 2500 MSupp, you will only have 1500 "efective" MB and still you are far from the cap. 

For that reasson when Papa-Kt said that the max MSupp we can face now is 2798 in Shurak/Opel, we can add 3200 to that quantity and see wich is the maximum MB we can get and still make a difference. (3200+2798=5998 MB to have an "efective" 3200 MB there). Today in PvE is useless to have more than 5998 MB. Maybe on next updates we will need more. 
Magic Suppresion is a nice defensive skill agains magical classes cause you can reduce so much their damage if you reach high values. Take into consideration that is not MR so you will not "Resist", but the damage will be smaller. 

Also, some people tested on bosses and even when some of them looks like mages and apparently do magic damage, they said that MSup does not reduce the damage from those skills. Apparently even if they look magical, they land as physical damage all the time. 

I don't think that the old MB formula works anymore. I recently experimented with the MB-damage scaling by having my songweaver alt attack one of my toons with all of his gear off, and then perform the same attack with more PvE armor pieces equipped to increase MB. The damage increase was almost consistently 2.5% per 100MB, but the damage increase was higher the lower my MB was, so apparently magic boost has a little bit of diminishing return the closer you get to the MB cap.

Example: 2639 MB -> 2840 MB: my damage increased by 2.589% per 100 MB

But at 2840 MB -> 3090 MB: my damage increased by 2.413% per 100 MB


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2 hours ago, Rinkusan-KT said:

So is crit strike not capped at 50% (600 crit) anymore?

I don't think that the old MB formula works anymore. I recently experimented with the MB-damage scaling by having my songweaver alt attack one of my toons with all of his gear off, and then perform the same attack with more PvE armor pieces equipped to increase MB. The damage increase was almost consistently 2.5% per 100MB, but the damage increase was higher the lower my MB was, so apparently magic boost has a little bit of diminishing return the closer you get to the MB cap.

Example: 2639 MB -> 2840 MB: my damage increased by 2.589% per 100 MB

But at 2840 MB -> 3090 MB: my damage increased by 2.413% per 100 MB


Oh wow this is interestingg, I should experiment on this too....I shall try this on various bosses/mobs

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3 hours ago, Rinkusan-KT said:

So is crit strike not capped at 50% (600 crit) anymore?

The chance of critting your target is still capped at 50%.

I tested this sometime during 5.1 patch. Level 70 chanter with 975 crit strike hitting training dummy in Iluma / Esterra.

2765 attacks, 1427 crits = 51.61% crit rate (Note this is due to variation in RNG, and the numbers are gathered from my own test code, not ARM)

Test spreadsheet (5.3 and before)

On 11/9/2017 at 0:15 PM, Azzmaria-KT said:

Crit Strike and Strike Resist

This stat gives you the chance to have "Critical" hits. That means a Double Damage attack. If you normally do 100 damage in one hit, when is "Critical" will deal 200 damage. 
But how works the amount of Crit Strike?
This stat is not linear. And the final value to take into considertation is the difference between the attacker´s Crit Strike and defender´s Strike Resist. If you have 300 Crit Strike and your oponent have 120 Strike Resist, your attacks will work as you have 180 Crit Strike (300 - 120 = 180) and will follow the next:

          from     0  to  440   Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 10 points
          from 441  to  600   Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 20 points
          from 601  or more Crit Strike you will receive 1% chance of "Critical" for each 50 points

So the most important is to try to complete the first range. Those first 440 Crit Strike (over your oponent Strike Resist) will result in 44% of "Critical". If you can, you can try to also complete the second stage and add 160 more points to make an aditional 8%. But the last part gives you a very tiny improvement. It is important to know how much Strike Resist has your oponent so you can add that number to your needs. If your oponent have 500 Strike Resist and you only have 450 Crit Strike, you will never land a "Critical" cause your final Crit Strike is -50. If you reach 900 Crit Strike and fight against the same oponent, you will have an effective Crit Strike of 400 (900 - 500 = 400) and you will have 40% of your hits as "Critical" . Some bosses may have Strike Resist values from 600 to 800 or even more. Thats why it is require to add a lot of Crit Strike in our gear. We try to have at least 440 points more than that. Also Strike Resist is important if you want to improve your defenses against physical attacks. 



Under the above old formula, 971 crit strike on a level 1 training dummy (no strike resist) should give:

440 / 10 + 160 / 20 + 371 / 50 = 59.42%

But my testing above is nowhere close to that. So the 3-tiered thingy is wrong.

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1 hour ago, mooMOOMooMoomoo-KT said:

The chance of critting your target is still capped at 50%.

2765 attacks, 1427 crits = 51.61% crit rate (Note this is due to variation in RNG, and the numbers are gathered from my own test code, not ARM)

Test spreadsheet (5.3 and before)

Under the above old formula, 971 crit strike on a level 1 training dummy (no strike resist) should give:

440 / 10 + 160 / 20 + 371 / 50 = 59.42%

But my testing above is nowhere close to that. So the 3-tiered thingy is wrong.

afaik that "old formula" that was being circulated was never correct to begin with. a small amount of math already shows

440/10= 44%


44+7 = 51%

so the known and verified crit cap would already be broken at the 2nd tier.


If I remember correctly the correct formula (which would make a lot more sense) is

0 - 440 crit = every 10 crit strike results in 1% crit chance (accumulated 44%)

441 - 600 crit = every 20 crit strike results in 0.5% crit chance (accumulated 44% + 4% = 48%)

601 - 800 crit = every 50 crit strike results in 0.5% crit chance (accumulated 44% + 4% + 2% = 50% capped at 800 crit strike total)

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4 hours ago, Sofie-KT said:

If I remember correctly the correct formula (which would make a lot more sense) is

0 - 440 crit = every 10 crit strike results in 1% crit chance (accumulated 44%)

441 - 600 crit = every 20 crit strike results in 0.5% crit chance (accumulated 44% + 4% = 48%)

601 - 800 crit = every 50 crit strike results in 0.5% crit chance (accumulated 44% + 4% + 2% = 50% capped at 800 crit strike total)

If that is true then 502 crit strike should only give 45.55% critical chance, but...

Today's test session - Level 65 dual wield glad with 502 crit strike on mainhand, 452 on offhand.

The following are the critical rates results from this test:

Auto attacks: 3532 hits, 1764 crits (49.9434%)

  • Wind Lance x99 - 48 crits (48.4848%)
  • Siegebreaker x453 - 234 crits (51.6556%)
  • Mocking Blast x223 - 0 crits
  • Sure Strike x145 - 66 crits (45.5172%)
  • Cleave x350 - 164 crits (46.8571%)
  • Sharp Strike x750 - 350 crits (46.6667%)

Equipment: https://aiondb.ru/tools/equipment/4333/



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On 9/11/2017 at 2:15 PM, Azzmaria-KT said:


. So I will make a short description about what I found in the past and probably still work in the same way 


Final note: none of these maths or research were made by me. All that comes from other players (that I do not remember now). I just want to share some info I got a long time ago and worked for me and maybe for some of you. I´m not sure if the formulas changed in all this time. ...

I just tried to give a little guide. Those formulas were from some years ago and maybe some of them changed and none of the are from me. Somebody else did them ( I just do not remember who). I am too lazy to do all those test by myself. :P

some of them worked for me. I played with my cleric and the defense stats apparently are correct. I played also as DPS and those magic damage stats worked too. About physical classes, I played so little with them. 

Apparently someone has a new formula for Crit Strike and it is capped at 50%. 

Remember that NCSoft does not provide a single formula. All the maths we can find are done by players that are trying to do their best job, but could be wrong. 

And I saw what other people said, but I can not edit an old post to modify the info about Crit Strike. 

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On 11/13/2017 at 5:31 AM, Rinkusan-KT said:

So is crit strike not capped at 50% (600 crit) anymore?

I don't think that the old MB formula works anymore. I recently experimented with the MB-damage scaling by having my songweaver alt attack one of my toons with all of his gear off, and then perform the same attack with more PvE armor pieces equipped to increase MB. The damage increase was almost consistently 2.5% per 100MB, but the damage increase was higher the lower my MB was, so apparently magic boost has a little bit of diminishing return the closer you get to the MB cap.

Example: 2639 MB -> 2840 MB: my damage increased by 2.589% per 100 MB

But at 2840 MB -> 3090 MB: my damage increased by 2.413% per 100 MB


Each 10 Net Magic Boost increases your spell damage by 1% of the spell's base damage.

  • Total Damage = Base Spell damage (White Knowledge / 100 + Net Magic Boost / 1000 )
  • Net Magic Boost = Magic Boost - Magic Suppression, minimum 0, maximum 3200

Note that the in-game tooltip damage is not the same as the spell's base damage.

  • Tooltip magic spell damage = (Base Spell damage * White Knowledge / 100)

White Knowledge does not include CP stats and archdaeva manastones.


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17 minutes ago, mooMOOMooMoomoo-KT said:

Each 10 Net Magic Boost increases your spell damage by 1% of the spell's base damage.

  • Total Damage = Base Spell damage (White Knowledge / 100 + Net Magic Boost / 1000 )
  • Net Magic Boost = Magic Boost - Magic Suppression, minimum 0, maximum 3200

Note that the in-game tooltip damage is not the same as the spell's base damage.

  • Tooltip magic spell damage = (Base Spell damage * White Knowledge / 100)

White Knowledge does not include CP stats and archdaeva manastones.


If that were true though, a 100 MB increase would increase my spell damage by 10%. My experimental results with a Songweaver's song of ice show an approximate 2.5% increase, with the % increase slightly diminishing the closer you get to the MB cap.

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