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Mega buffed dredge commanders -.-


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Good to know it wasn't just Elyos having issues with dredge commanders. There was only one aggroed on Dux at Siel's East and its HP bar was still >95% before Dux died. I assumed it had to do with our higher influence ratio, but that shouldn't be the case for asmos. 

NC once again applying buffs that may have been applicable in Korea to the significantly smaller playerbase on NA. Please tell the devs to revert this change @Kibbelz

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This was implemented in KR as 1000's attended siege and the commanders were dying in seconds.. we DO NOT have the population for this to be implemented here. I hope NCWest looks into this.. but, who knows. Doesn't seem they look into much but copy/paste and wait for US to test it. -__-

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5 hours ago, Stormwing said:

I do not even primarily complain about that implemention. Moreover I complain about the lack of communication and accurate patch notes, which seem to be standard for this game or rahter publisher.

Oh, 100% with you on that!

you should look through the KR forums, they are transparent about everything for their players there.

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On 10/14/2021 at 6:32 PM, Kibbelz said:

Hey @Teaj,

Thanks for the feedback, I've shared this with the team and it's definitely a sensible thing to highlight for us to be aware of. I'll share if there's an update on this.

While I appreciate the confirmation, I hope you all are aware that siege attendance is down greatly this week due to this change. What's the point in capturing forts if we'll lose them the next time it goes vulnerable? Elyos have been dredged 4 times now and lost all 4 forts. If a hotfix isn't out for this within the next 2 weeks, Abyss/Sieges (particularly Uppers) will be dead. 

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8 hours ago, Alexandriae said:

While I appreciate the confirmation, I hope you all are aware that siege attendance is down greatly this week due to this change. What's the point in capturing forts if we'll lose them the next time it goes vulnerable? Elyos have been dredged 4 times now and lost all 4 forts. If a hotfix isn't out for this within the next 2 weeks, Abyss/Sieges (particularly Uppers) will be dead. 

Yeah, I'm really concerned at this point that they've created a problem in five minutes that is going to take them five weeks to solve. This is a bring-the-servers-down level hotfix, not a meander-its-way-through-back-channels-patch-it-next-month one. :l Medals are shooting up in price as they drop off the face of the earth too.

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On 10/17/2021 at 10:26 AM, Alexandriae said:

While I appreciate the confirmation, I hope you all are aware that siege attendance is down greatly this week due to this change. What's the point in capturing forts if we'll lose them the next time it goes vulnerable? Elyos have been dredged 4 times now and lost all 4 forts. If a hotfix isn't out for this within the next 2 weeks, Abyss/Sieges (particularly Uppers) will be dead. 

Elyos on IS haven't taken a mid fort for weeks, I don't know if this is related or they just lost interest.

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3 hours ago, Zarbi said:

Elyos on IS haven't taken a mid fort for weeks, I don't know if this is related or they just lost interest.

Maybe they just quit due to NC incompetence. I don't understand why do they keep promoting Israphel tbh. Whoever thinks that server will ever recover is plain stupid.

They should have merged 2 months ago and banned hackers and traders on first report. But noooooo! Let's wait 3 months to start acting, after 70% of the players have quit... roflmao.

Follow KR on patch delivery? WHY? Lets delay to make even more people quit.

101 on how to fail with NCsoft. All over again.

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On 10/14/2021 at 6:32 PM, Kibbelz said:

Hey @Teaj,

Thanks for the feedback, I've shared this with the team and it's definitely a sensible thing to highlight for us to be aware of. I'll share if there's an update on this.

Just revert the Commanders/Gate HP Pool back to normal. This is a dead game. You putting stats from Korea to NA isnt going to work anymore.

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