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sieges ap broken


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31 minutes ago, Earringle said:

with the current hp changes in siege deity is giving way more ap than it should some people are getting 50k+ per siege after defeating the deity 

What's the problem here? 

I'm not sure it was intended to work this way, but can't we just be happy about it and enjoy it? 

Imagine having a ''bug'' that encourages players to come out and participate in sieges........

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its not a bug lol, do u know that if u kill opposite race u get ap? dux gives ap based on how much dps u did on him and since dux has less hp we get more ap

and 50k is impossible unless if u kill dux with a small ally lol at least in uppear max ap isaw was like 20k for the top 1 dps

right now my only motivation to do siege is the ap, so if they change that gonna kill siege once again

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u supossed to get ap from balaurs like always, its based on ur dps so only ppl that does lots of dps on deity gonna get lots of ap, which is fair in my opinion, ppl in allies getting 4-6k ap and top 10 dps is like 16-25k. tbh this encourage ppl to do siege and be competitive which is healthy for the game , i don't see this as "bug" just a funny change to make game more active in na lol, if u feel this is unfair im so sorry but u need to get better and dps harder

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I understand ur point of view but this change is making the game better because encourage ppl to do siege and don't afk in landing, which is healthy for the game i dont see the problem or why this change is bad for the game or who gets hurt, and since NA likes to delay patches this change gonna keep sieging alive till we get 1.7

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5 minutes ago, Stormwing said:

In before every damage class goes solo again to "deserve" more abyss points.

well that happened always damage classes can farm faster resourcers lol, also this change to siege makes ppl stop afking towers for credit and actually play game and do siege properly

well tbh if u are a support class u can always go with ur friends and ap will be equitably distributed (and idk which class has low dps everyclass hurts in classic, maybe cleric? because chanter with dps spec can do same dps than any other dps class lol)

its funny how the dude from the post made an alt just to post this, why not come to post with main?

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I do not mind the idea of the change. People that attend should get something out of it. They should just consider the trinity of the game and the social aspects more. If none heals the tank all your damage is for naught. Also 50'000 a dux surely is too much. A fifth would suffice.

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2 hours ago, Earringle said:

it is bugged because the reward was increased 10x and hp was increased 10x for korea's population 

but in classic na they just reduce hp and ketp the reward the same this is unintended 

It absolutely is a bug, and as Earringle said, this is the reason.
You can't have it both ways.
If we need the HP reduced because of population, the AP needs to be reduced too.

Nearly 100k should be strippable tbh.

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whoever thinks this should be left as is is just a fool. It takes days /hours long farming to get 50-100k ap. You do realize how many Dredges you need to get 100k ap? With quest it's around 7-8k so that's close to 13 dredges. If you farm guards let's say you get 10k an hour that's 10 hours worth of ap. Yet forts give 100k in what 25m? In what world would that actually be fair? So you have a previous commitment can't make it to a fort and miss out out 100K ap?? 


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Sieges have been broken for weeks (months?), and now we have a change that finally benefits the players, and people really want to complain about it? And guess what, you still need medals to buy abyss gear. 

Point 2: Plenty of people already have max gear - if you still need AP at this point, you're playing catch-up. Why not let the more casual players catch up?

Point 3: The gear progression system in this game is garbage anyway. I would actually prefer it if everyone logged in tomorrow with 1 billion AP / full 50e/ whatever. I don't want to have a gear advantage over my opponents

1 hour ago, Nitaru said:

This should be fixed ASAP. Having AP gains this high from siege invalidates all other parts of the game - eg. Dredge, Rifting, World Bosses, and Radiant Ops dailies.

What are you gonna do once you get max gear? You either continue to dredge, rift, and WB for fun, or you quit. If if you only play this game for the gear progression and don't see yourself doing these activities for fun, you might as well quit now.

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10 minutes ago, Stormwing said:

It is funny that for every different opinion players are asked to quit and in the end the leftovers are puzzled why people actually quit.

We're not puzzled at all though? Aion is a very niche MMO. The players who will actually stick around DO NOT want a continuous character progression game, and the players who do are impossible to please (they require new content constantly to stay busy). The last time the devs did this and increased the gear ceiling to infinity (plumes, augment) the game completely died - the competitive players left, and the casuals/gear grinders eventually left too. I stand by my opinion - don't ruin this game with these garbage ideas. If you want continuous character progression, go play Runescape

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Everyone can  guess why people actually left to fit his/her narrative, so I am not going there.

Yet I can easily mirror your argument.
People who do not want continuous progression are usually found on private servers. The game is built on continuous progression - new level - new gear - higher crafting - higher medals - long before plumes. I stand by my opinion - don't ruin this game with these garbage ideas. If you want gear for free, go play on a private server.

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