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Sendlog issues?


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Hi, i just notice me and my friends are having sendlog issues really often, and other people from LFG are complaining about sendlog issues too... is this happening to most people? Im trying to gather information for a worth ticket support.

Leave your comments about the sendlogs. ty.

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If i crash on Evergale the game window simply close. No send log, no warning: "the programming got a critical error and it was closed" nothing. Simply closes. And i get 2 or 3 times a day. "Funny thing" is tends to happen when im on a winning run...... curious, very curious....

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Evergale dcs are a real plague. Sometimes I get just a disconnect, sometimes the client locks up and dies, but the important thing is that 9 times out of 10 when that happens, I log back in to find that it happened to most of the other Asmos, too, all at the same time. Needless to say that typically costs us the match. It's a fairly frequent occurance, too.

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