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Actually Aion 6.X is focused on PvP. Not totally but much more than 5.X. The new map it is perfect for open world PvP. Fast, cheap, easy.... We also have the PvP instances. We get a free starting PvP gear in the quest. We can lvl up to max level in no time so we can be endgame soon. We have those stone-tokens to get more PvP gear. It is almost like a private server focused on PvP now. 

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4 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

Aion is a PvEvP game. If you are looking for a game that has PvP as totally optional, then you are playing the wrong game. Try GW2 or BnS.

Completely agree. In some releases the PVP was toned down a bit, in some releases the PVP maps totally sucked, however it has and has always been PvPvE. There has never been a PVE only server.

In addition, whenever I see people seeing "but I only PVE"-  well- best of luck trying to get many things- cubics, getting to your instances, etc, etc

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6 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

Aion is a PvEvP game. If you are looking for a game that has PvP as totally optional, then you are playing the wrong game. Try GW2 or BnS.

You can't fly in GW2 or BnS. Seriously the PVP in Aion really is avoidable if your like me and only want PVE. We don't need another thing FORCED upon us or another Choice taken from us anyway, 6.2 is doing enough of that already.

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You can't fly in Aion outside of the Divine siege either. And you can glide in GW2.. and it's a much better glide than Aion.

In Aion PvP will be FORCED on you if you run into an enemy while you are trying to just PvE. It will be. That's the way the game was designed.

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4 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

You can't fly in Aion outside of the Divine siege either. And you can glide in GW2.. and it's a much better glide than Aion.

In Aion PvP will be FORCED on you if you run into an enemy while you are trying to just PvE. It will be. That's the way the game was designed.

I find it kind of funny that one of Aion's original selling points was the ability to fly and aerial combat (not that it was any good.) Now there's what? Two or three spots in the whole game where you can actually use your wings for their intended purpose? Still nice to glide but it feels like wings are now just another piece of gear to pad stats, granted it's been that way for a while I suppose.

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2 minutes ago, LilHotii-KT said:

Uh that can't be a real trailer is it lmao?

PvP is one the best thing that I finally jumped into when I was decently geared and able to stand up against most. Now with the changes I can't wait to get decent PvP gear again. I feel like a potato right now with the gear I got.

It was a commercial, I believe, run in the EU.

And I think everyone feels that way. It's no fun to die and it is less than not fun to have no chance. It's good to recognize that once you do gear, you will be able to hold your own or at least have a chance rather than crying and screaming and nashing your teeth that the game is designed as a PvEvP game and you don't want to PvP.

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11 hours ago, Jagblade-DN said:

I find it kind of funny that one of Aion's original selling points was the ability to fly and aerial combat (not that it was any good.) Now there's what? Two or three spots in the whole game where you can actually use your wings for their intended purpose? Still nice to glide but it feels like wings are now just another piece of gear to pad stats, granted it's been that way for a while I suppose.

They took out the Abyss where you flew everywhere. 

And for those of you who think they can force PVP on me, lol, Come try, lol. I loathe PVP in any game, in any way, shape, or form so I won't give in. If you like fighting someone who won't fight you back then come get me. Prove how cowardly you are, he, he.  Because I won't participate in your "forced" PVP.

And finally, I've been playing Aion since it's release. Aion used to have a very rich wonderful story. I can still remember Katalaim and Danaria, Tiamatra and how beautiful they were. So don't tell me I'm playing the wrong game k.

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