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So...they still got a buff defending?


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I'm confused- are these Asmo- DN confused about why Asno-Elysos got the buff today? In which case- of course Elyos would get the buff. After losing every week except for the last defense, we get to keep the buff, it will drop after a certain point.


This is price you paying for winning too often. Alternative? A dead server. Your choice.

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lol still complaining about buff.  today had to be level 4 only had 50 K more hp.  Honestly the elyos with there numbers today should of still took it but imo made a few bad calls.  With numbers todays buff not as strong



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still, not so much the hp, but have 3x the pvp attack, and defense as we do.

I'm just gonna simply point out that so far just about all attempts they have made to balance pvp, have just about failed... lmao.

either tips the scales completely one way, or the other, just find a middle ground for christ sake.


Level 4:

PvP Attack +1560 

PvP Defense +1560

HP +60000

PvE Attack +1920

PvE Defense +1920

Healing Boost +400

All Status Resist +100%

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2 minutes ago, Acheillies-KT said:

still, not so much the hp, but have 3x the pvp attack, and defense as we do.

I'm just gonna simply point out that so far just about all attempts they have made to balance pvp, have just about failed... lmao.

either tips the scales completely one way, or the other, just find a middle ground for christ sake.


tbh this buff does balance sieges more.  Without it not a chance Asmos would of ever seen the fort we simply cannot compete with 2 to 3 times the numbers.  Also the pvp attack etc was only double today.  Instead of me having normally about 2.4 K had 4.5 for siege.  So saying it failed completely is simply untrue as for to many years 1 faction or the other dominated sieges and this at least allows the dominated faction due to numbers to at least compete

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Don't get your panties in a bunch. I was replying to the OP, not you.

The buff just ensures a single faction cannot hold the fort for an indefinite amount of time... what's so bad about that?

You people had the fort for like a month and come crying to forums when you cannot have it for what, 3 days? Yikes.

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8 minutes ago, Tyd-KT said:

tbh this buff does balance sieges more.  Without it not a chance Asmos would of ever seen the fort we simply cannot compete with 2 to 3 times the numbers.  Also the pvp attack etc was only double today.  Instead of me having normally about 2.4 K had 4.5 for siege.  So saying it failed completely is simply untrue as for to many years 1 faction or the other dominated sieges and this at least allows the dominated faction due to numbers to at least compete

It would give a competing edge of the buff capped out at level 3, level 4 and worse 5, literally just let the dominated faction steamroll through it.

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  • Aion Team

I know faction stuff is always a heated discussion but please keep it civil. The buff will go up and down depending on how successful the faction is during siege. If you are unsuccessful, you'll get +1 to the level of the buff. If you are successful you will get -1 to the level of the buff. The text seems to be bugged currently and only display it as level 1.

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7 minutes ago, Aeerin-DN said:

It would give a competing edge of the buff capped out at level 3, level 4 and worse 5, literally just let the dominated faction steamroll through it.

You do realize that the gate dropped in 5 minutes without having to take down the generator(Asmo's take 30 minutes to get gate to down to 30%).  Without the buff, Asmo's would have been steam rolled due to straight out number advantage.  Makes me wish all sieges were like the Panestera sieges.  Equal numbers vs Equal numbers.  Don't be mad cause Asmo's got to understand what its like to have a successful fort defense.  It honestly makes for a better game because it helps ensure that Asmo's stay on the server.  Unless you hate PvP and a healthy active player base.  Please stop with the QQ.    

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Here is a great idea....STOP GIVING BUFFS....AND IT STAYS EVEN NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!......you finally fix the classes nc and now you have this ridiculous buff!!!!...the classes are fixed...stop giving buffs and let us play yo.....

it would actually be very easy to take the buff away during siege and give it back to the winning faction afterward!!!!

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25 minutes ago, Flay-KT said:

You do realize that the gate dropped in 5 minutes without having to take down the generator(Asmo's take 30 minutes to get gate to down to 30%).  Without the buff, Asmo's would have been steam rolled due to straight out number advantage.  Makes me wish all sieges were like the Panestera sieges.  Equal numbers vs Equal numbers.  Don't be mad cause Asmo's got to understand what its like to have a successful fort defense.  It honestly makes for a better game because it helps ensure that Asmo's stay on the server.  Unless you hate PvP and a healthy active player base.  Please stop with the QQ.    

You didn't even bother to read what was actually written did you.

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3 hours ago, Flay-KT said:

You do realize that the gate dropped in 5 minutes without having to take down the generator(Asmo's take 30 minutes to get gate to down to 30%).

Speaking about the gate, I noticed that the shield buff from the generator was removed even though the generator was still alive. Without that shield buff, the gate is pretty much like cutting through cream cheese. I think it reduces like 40%-50% of the incoming damage, not quite sure though. 

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3 hours ago, Arkaida-KT said:

Here is a great idea....STOP GIVING BUFFS....AND IT STAYS EVEN NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!......you finally fix the classes nc and now you have this ridiculous buff!!!!...the classes are fixed...stop giving buffs and let us play yo.....

it would actually be very easy to take the buff away during siege and give it back to the winning faction afterward!!!!

sorry, what game are you playing? this is Aion. maybe they fixed the classes in another game, because we clearly aren't playing the same game- and why would you give any buff to a winning faction...making no sense at all ...

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20 hours ago, Acheillies-KT said:

no shit, which means, it will just be reversed, the longer you hold the fort, we will have a higher buff if and when we do take it back, so still no "balance" just tipped the other way...


The more you do not have a fortress the more it will keep getting higher, the more you keep a fortress the more it will get lower. It doesn't get removed once you get a fortress because that function that just won it, will simply lose it 2 days later.

This is not a new buff, the losing function always got a buff, at some point the buff you get will be high enough and the buff we have will be low enough and you will reverse things.

If you had the fortress for 1 whole month you can realize the difference in numbers, we even used to be like 3:1 ratio. This buff balances the number disparity and I find it a game saver since it will allow a balance to come at some point. The point is that you cannot win a fortress by relying on a zerg, at some point the function with many people will have a specific buff lvl 2 lets say and the side with less people will have a buff lets say 4, in this case the offense of both will be equal (less people with higher buff, more people with smaller buff) and thus you will have to rely on tactics and not a sheer amount of a zerg.

This buff has been since like forever. Are you new to this game?

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I'd like to just leave this here 'cause I found it funny.


You haven't had forts in 4 days. FOUR DAYS and you're already boohoo'n this hard.

We didn't have them for 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS.

So it's alright for us to go through that for 3 weeks but it's not alright for you to go through that for 4 days? Yikes.

(bold and color in case you miss the point)

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