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Why is there a time to Q for PVP instances

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I dont understand where pvp instances are timed. This is the only game that limits people. I have to make my schedule around the game if I want to play the game. To be frank I am getting tired and bored of this game. Sieges are at 11 PM eastern us times. Pvp opens at 9 PM and end at 4 am. It only runs for 2 hrs during the day when people are working. It feels like NCWest does not want us to play Aion. maybe I should just charge back what I spent on Aion and leave this POS forever. I dont think they will ever fix this nonsense. 

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If they allowed the instances 24-7, you might be waiting for hours and hours for a match. We just don't have a large enough population. The window has to be small enough so that we get pops.

As an aside, if you do a chargeback be prepared to have your account banned permanently. There is no coming back from that.

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Personally i have a different view then most if not all other Aion players past and present <---- dramatic i know.

By this i mean the only reason i can see NC having timed PvP instances is to improve open world. The issue is NA players seem to not want PvP for PvP's sake, They want to PvP for rewards and that is it. Most do not consider the daily PvP quests and the joy of dynamic encounter PvP worth leaving town for.  

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12 hours ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

Personally i have a different view then most if not all other Aion players past and present <---- dramatic i know.

By this i mean the only reason i can see NC having timed PvP instances is to improve open world. The issue is NA players seem to not want PvP for PvP's sake, They want to PvP for rewards and that is it. Most do not consider the daily PvP quests and the joy of dynamic encounter PvP worth leaving town for.  

The problem is, majority of folks are busy or have better things to do. Not only would I be wasting my time running around the map, I'd actually end up losing things I've worked for by burning scrolls (which cost kinah) and buffs. I might as well be watching TV--same enjoyment, zero effort; so yeah, real enjoyment in PvP is hard. Only having rewards, a net gain not loss, would motivate that. Or when you're just that bored and have nothing else going on in life that you charge into the other faction's capital. Or if your hobby just turns out to be defeating online opponents for personal feel-goods/brags, which you can't expect more than a small niche of people to actually have.

Outside of Illumiel brawl, you also need gear to be able to have a fair chance. Why waste time trying and dying than actually working on gear? That's another reason why. Only a masochist finds enjoyment in e-dying over and over.

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It’s funny, if you actually take the time and sit back to think about how aion is played you come to realize how bad of a game aion truly is. It has beautiful graphics, and cool classes / skills, but then the gameplay is a utter disaster. Only game where skill can literally not be measured, Zerg wins sieges, pvp gear progression is enjoyable to me, but the advantage of gear it gives is insane, and literally pvp game breaking this is the reason people just afk. No trading, time restrictions for the lack luster pvp, entry restrictions on literally everything? When did this become a thing in mmorpgs. You can’t see your character you made you have to be some ugly soldier looking thing or a bunny, and if you don’t have that you are also at a huge disadvantage. Aion is simply alive right now because theirs no other mmo worth investing into while waiting for the new powerhouse mmos to be released I don’t even have to say their names everyone knows what I’m talking about. The new patch just came out, and I’m sitting here ready for 7.0 just to have a reason to play other than Wednesday - Friday. Aion will be a forgotten memory come Q4 2019. I haven’t even talked about the poor customer service that no one takes responsibility for or the sad attempt at a cash grab bcm (10 ancient pvp stones for like $30) are you that oblivious? What is Aion? I never tried this game until 6.2 while my friends played it for years and I only came to have something to play with them and my god... was I right about not touching this game. 

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1 hour ago, Envio-KT said:

It’s funny, if you actually take the time and sit back to think about how aion is played you come to realize how bad of a game aion truly is. It has beautiful graphics, and cool classes / skills, but then the gameplay is a utter disaster. Only game where skill can literally not be measured, Zerg wins sieges, pvp gear progression is enjoyable to me, but the advantage of gear it gives is insane, and literally pvp game breaking this is the reason people just afk. No trading, time restrictions for the lack luster pvp, entry restrictions on literally everything? When did this become a thing in mmorpgs. You can’t see your character you made you have to be some ugly soldier looking thing or a bunny, and if you don’t have that you are also at a huge disadvantage. Aion is simply alive right now because theirs no other mmo worth investing into while waiting for the new powerhouse mmos to be released I don’t even have to say their names everyone knows what I’m talking about. The new patch just came out, and I’m sitting here ready for 7.0 just to have a reason to play other than Wednesday - Friday. Aion will be a forgotten memory come Q4 2019. I haven’t even talked about the poor customer service that no one takes responsibility for or the sad attempt at a cash grab bcm (10 ancient pvp stones for like $30) are you that oblivious? What is Aion? I never tried this game until 6.2 while my friends played it for years and I only came to have something to play with them and my god... was I right about not touching this game. 

Just waiting for halo! Rip mmorpgs!! My instance boost pack ran off so now I don't have more runs to do! Thank God... Rather give my druggy cousins 15 bux a month then give to ncsoft?? dumpster game. Get our buddy fatalbert to quit and we can all be saved!! Well just us 3.

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22 hours ago, SevenLions-KT said:

The problem is, majority of folks are busy or have better things to do. Not only would I be wasting my time running around the map, I'd actually end up losing things I've worked for by burning scrolls (which cost kinah) and buffs. I might as well be watching TV--same enjoyment, zero effort; so yeah, real enjoyment in PvP is hard. Only having rewards, a net gain not loss, would motivate that. Or when you're just that bored and have nothing else going on in life that you charge into the other faction's capital. Or if your hobby just turns out to be defeating online opponents for personal feel-goods/brags, which you can't expect more than a small niche of people to actually have.

Outside of Illumiel brawl, you also need gear to be able to have a fair chance. Why waste time trying and dying than actually working on gear? That's another reason why. Only a masochist finds enjoyment in e-dying over and over.



I don't know you, but your vision of pvp is so wrong I wonder if you ever got out Pandaemonium. lol.

You don't have to be mega geared to enjoy pvp, just gotta be wise & kite your opponents. Doesn't always work, but when it does it is pretty rewarding already. 

Not getting any rewards from world pvp? Wrong.

  • You can make a pretty fair amount of AP from it, which is highly needed to advance in the game. 
  • You can get a lot of Genesis Crystals from the dailies. 


This whole post got me pretty confused. lol. 

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23 minutes ago, Kayame-DN said:



I don't know you, but your vision of pvp is so wrong I wonder if you ever got out Pandaemonium. lol.

You don't have to be mega geared to enjoy pvp, just gotta be wise & kite your opponents. Doesn't always work, but when it does it is pretty rewarding already. 

Not getting any rewards from world pvp? Wrong.

  • You can make a pretty fair amount of AP from it, which is highly needed to advance in the game. 
  • You can get a lot of Genesis Crystals from the dailies. 


This whole post got me pretty confused. lol. 

There's a wrong to how someone perceives PvP? That's a new logical black hole. That's like saying your colorblindness (e.g., what you see that color as) or your preferences (e.g., what you like) are so wrong. Lol.. I'm not even going to go into this.

I didn't actual say one needs to be geared to enjoy PvP, but that it's hard to enjoy open map pvp in general, and that not having the gear makes it harder. Read more carefully next time, yeah?

"You can make a pretty fair amount of AP from it" -- who still mainly grind their AP in open world? Because now THAT is truly wrong. AP has never been easier with the massive handout from even AFK-ing or failing ID/AD/EC/IB/siege. What used to take hours of killing to get now takes 10-15 minutes. Not to mention, the only thing you need AP for is to purify. It's not even important outside of that for the avg player, esp ones who don't PvP.

Ok, you think the measly 10 crystals per 5 kill in one zone is worth it, that's fine.. you do it. For me, that's nothing but rubbish; not even worth my time. I'll just do my weeklies and get 6x that within 5 minutes. Again--READ and digest first. You literally picked a few words and thought you had some sort of case, which you don't.

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7 minutes ago, Cheesecake-DN said:

Be wise and kite your opponents...









Don't you know? The real trick to PvP is to run circles around your opponent, even though they're wearing +20% speed shoes, +5% title, +75% transform, and you're just sitting at a fat +0%. 9_9 You're melee? you can start running with the ranged as well. :ph34r:

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