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i think it's time


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i know alot of you guys don't want to leave the game because we all worked so hard on our accounts and it would just hurt us too much to leave a game that we grinded so hard in, it's not about loving the game that's stopping you from quitting it's just most of us can't handle the fact that we lost so much time and work in this game to just quit. 

but i think alot of us have to do something as a community whether it's boycotting the game or just flat out not logging in until the gm's decide to actually acknowledge us on the forums. we are being strait extorted and abused in this game. with the most untraditional enchantment rates that make no sense and we are obviously being lied to about , with ncsoft giving us a candy bar then just letting us have a bit out of it before taking it back forcefully. and before you guys say it's not up to ncsoft on how they handle there player base, it's up to KR. that's not true at all. 

the issue with ncsoft is they believe they hit a gold mine by hyping players up and letting us down after we already spent money on the game for the hype. and we keep complaining as a community but do nothing.

ive been playing aion since release and i stayed loyal to it spending thousands in all the years ive been playing. iv'e been one of those players enjoying the game and watch everyone QQ'ing about how the game is imbalanced and not caring but after seeing ncsoft strait up abusing it's playerbase is something no one should ignore. our GM cyan comes and responds to us 1 time every blue moon and when we get upset about the way he treats us with answers or ignoring us he plays the victim card and tells us to keep the forums civil or else he'll delete it... (so you time to play the victim card but not address the situation in a more professional manner?) but really he knows exactly what he is doing.

share your opinions here! please no hateful comments

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If you think NCwest is that smart to bait players with something when they are unhappy you are so wrong.  They fully don't care about the state of the game.  If they did you would see simple changes.  Again If they wanted money they would do simple stuff like sell ANY of the items from KR shop. 

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The problem is that Ncsoft doesnt care about this game anymore. Cyan just logging in here for once a week and not trying to replay to anyone already proofs it 100% (+ they dont care  to update the bmc that makes them money lol).

It seems like Ncsoft is forcing people to quit this game and no one will change my mind. Unless a miracle happens......

Its sad fact but very true. Personally I'm having more fun reading the forum posts than actually playing the game. When I do log in game, I just check who is online and soon log off since I dont really see  anything worth doing......

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Here's the brutal truth. Boycotting this game won't cause NCsoft to fix anything. It will cause them to shut down the game faster. Why? It's their lowest money-maker. So, we can all either put up with it and continue playing it with all of its faults until it shuts down, or we can move onto other games. Only each person can decide which of those options is best for them.

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6 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Here's the brutal truth. Boycotting this game won't cause NCsoft to fix anything. It will cause them to shut down the game faster. Why? It's their lowest money-maker. So, we can all either put up with it and continue playing it with all of its faults until it shuts down, or we can move onto other games. Only each person can decide which of those options is best for them.

The single best part about it being their lowest money maker is the fact that they don't even try to make money.  Any random player could could suggest items for the cash shop and increase profits by 1000 %

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If you want to attempt to fix things you need to get together and attempt it. The issue is your half-assed attempts that the Aion community always done is sad.

  • Letter from the community(forth and satyx)
  • Says what we need to fix the game

2 great examples of half-assed forum attempts of please listen to us. Its not that either of them were not thought-out and well put together it was the fact that they lack execution.

Half the attempts posted on the forums is due to the community in Aion. I have never came across a single Aion player where i thought man nyerk this guy/girl/non-binary i am going to block them. You got LFG trolls but even them they are just on the meme train 99% of the time. Just from the two examples i mentioned did any of them delete the people on their block list to say hey we are planning to try and change things come join us we are putting the past behind us for the time being? Did they involve people outside their skill range and playtime range? I doubt it. 

BDO is the best example of a game that changed due to its players rising up. Not only did it improve them game tenfold for the f2p/smaller spenders but it also brought more payment options for the big spenders. It was a triple win. They are also going to apply these changes to future titles released in the west as well so not only did they fix it for BDO but they fixed it for future games not having to go through the same BS that BDO had to go through. 

The difference between BDO and Aion is that the big spenders as well as the top tier players wanted change and put aside their differences to obtain the change.  The Aion community is so mentality defeated that caring about the game your spending 100s of hours on a month is pointless.

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Well when you post something constructive on the forums and it gets deleted because other people quoted it and a week goes by without any other acknowledgement the only other option is to write or print off a letter voicing concern for how things are handled/being ran and send it to Gideon's boss because it's quite obvious that the producer of aion does give 2 flying nyerks about the game he is directly responsible for. 

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As customers it is not our job to fix their game. It is Ncsoft job to do it as as mentioned it seems they miss-manged it so badly they aren't trying to even make money cause if they were they would actually spend some time communicating with the player base then implementing those ideas that works for both sides. Close to a year people have been airing their grievances and what they want or expect and what they are willing to spend money on if Ncsoft would implement a few not so difficult changes which they ignore to this day (affordable and large quantity transparent scrolls hello). Their cash shop bcm has gone to shit and they just don't seem interested in making money or improving the quality of this game so honestly stop trying to offer ideas and fixes when they are fallen on deaf ears and for Christ's sake stop spending money on it if you disagree on the direction and state of the game cause if you are on here complaining but then opening the credit card then you all that proves is they can make you eat shit and you in return thank them for it.

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Already left this game just come to forums every once in a while to see whats new... cause this was my first mmo and has a special place in my gaming history.  Anyway already went back to FFXIV with its magnificent (thus far) expansion.  There is even a waiting list to log on... seriously a game that old and I still have to wait to get on.  

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5 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Here's the brutal truth. Boycotting this game won't cause NCsoft to fix anything. It will cause them to shut down the game faster. Why? It's their lowest money-maker. So, we can all either put up with it and continue playing it with all of its faults until it shuts down, or we can move onto other games. Only each person can decide which of those options is best for them.

Sadly, Vantheria's right about this. Boycotting the game isn't the answer. My only difference of opinion here is that I remain a lil more optimistic concerning the third sentence: I don't feel I'm 'putting up with it until the game shuts down,' I feel I'm 'putting up with it "until things get better," for which the upcoming 7.0 patch is a step in the right direction (patching my EU acct. as I type this to experience it in English). However 7.0 is just the first of many positive steps Aion needs to take in order to "regain it's lost footing," as I've put it before. It is my sincere hope that Aion will continue in the spirit of 7.0 with future patches and doesn't stumble too much a long the way back.

One can hope...............

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9 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Here's the brutal truth. Boycotting this game won't cause NCsoft to fix anything. It will cause them to shut down the game faster. Why? It's their lowest money-maker. So, we can all either put up with it and continue playing it with all of its faults until it shuts down, or we can move onto other games. Only each person can decide which of those options is best for them.

I'd rather them to shut Aion down if they don't want to work for it then let it die,I'd rather a company like GF or Innova took over and restart Aion NA.

Nobody forcing them to keep open.Just close it down and let other company took over I'm very ok with this option.

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I think people need to stop overreacting and stop with the boycotting. As a free to play player I got over 12k luna for free from the luna conversion and I'm quite happy with that. You have to understand that few weeks ago people were happily playing Aion when we had more costly and fewer luna designs and no conversion.
I am disappointed with the nerf but my experience with the Luna system is more positive than few weeks ago.

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17 minutes ago, Neleth-KT said:

I'd rather them to shut Aion down if they don't want to work for it then let it die,I'd rather a company like GF or Innova took over and restart Aion NA.

Nobody forcing them to keep open.Just close it down and let other company took over I'm very ok with this option.

This might be the answer if it could happen. GF might be able to as they already work with Korea but I'm not sure about Innova. Then again Aion seems to be hanging on as it is so, maybe we should just wait and see? I dunno. I don't have the answers tho as many of you know I've been playing Aion since release. I think this is why most of my posts have been rather double sided these days, as it were, because I don't know what the answer is. I can only go with the flow, so to speak.

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12 hours ago, kingss-DN said:

i know alot of you guys don't want to leave the game because we all worked so hard on our accounts and it would just hurt us too much to leave a game that we grinded so hard in, it's not about loving the game that's stopping you from quitting it's just most of us can't handle the fact that we lost so much time and work in this game to just quit. 

but i think alot of us have to do something as a community whether it's boycotting the game or just flat out not logging in until the gm's decide to actually acknowledge us on the forums. we are being strait extorted and abused in this game. with the most untraditional enchantment rates that make no sense and we are obviously being lied to about , with ncsoft giving us a candy bar then just letting us have a bit out of it before taking it back forcefully. and before you guys say it's not up to ncsoft on how they handle there player base, it's up to KR. that's not true at all. 

the issue with ncsoft is they believe they hit a gold mine by hyping players up and letting us down after we already spent money on the game for the hype. and we keep complaining as a community but do nothing.

ive been playing aion since release and i stayed loyal to it spending thousands in all the years ive been playing. iv'e been one of those players enjoying the game and watch everyone QQ'ing about how the game is imbalanced and not caring but after seeing ncsoft strait up abusing it's playerbase is something no one should ignore. our GM cyan comes and responds to us 1 time every blue moon and when we get upset about the way he treats us with answers or ignoring us he plays the victim card and tells us to keep the forums civil or else he'll delete it... (so you time to play the victim card but not address the situation in a more professional manner?) but really he knows exactly what he is doing.

share your opinions here! please no hateful comments

Where were you before 19th June when the Luna system was changed. Were you happy with what it was before because I tell you what we have now is way better than what we had before 19th June.

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4 minutes ago, Amiteahx-KT said:

I think people need to stop overreacting and stop with the boycotting. As a free to play player I got over 12k luna for free from the luna conversion and I'm quite happy with that. You have to understand that few weeks ago people were happily playing Aion when we had more costly and fewer luna designs and no conversion.
I am disappointed with the nerf but my experience with the Luna system is more positive than few weeks ago.

I second this. Boycotting is definitely not the answer.

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