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Danaria Server is super unstable, we're getting mass disconnects all the time


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@Cyan Me and my friends are running FM in multiple characters (as everybody lol) to farm Sovereign gear and we're disconnecting at the same time, causing our instance to close and losing the loot.

There are more people having the same issues and getting disconnets all the time


already sent a ticket to support but i'm sure they will copy paste a reply :(



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I was in a Benirunerk's Estate last night and a few people were dcing constantly, but it seemed to only be Brazilian people (those more likely to be using ping reducers), so what @Naduah-KT said might be correct? Interesting.

10 hours ago, Naduah-KT said:

I think it is only people using ping reducing programs with this problem


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I do not use a ping reducer but I play from Europe. But I didn't have such a problem before, right now it looks like I struggle to even login. I didn't change my ISP or anything.

They probably put us in a 3rd grade line now that the game is a little bit more dead. Eventually they will allow max 100 people online or something :D

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KT is not good, today on siege was 2s delay for use a potion, rollback, random lag using skills. You guys need to do a routine maintenance, reset the server, something. This lag is annoying to play and is being common.

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AION is practicing social distancing. lol. If you get within 6 feet of another character you will be bumped off the server, lol, he, he, he, Heeeereeeeeeee!!! Corona has gone digital folks!! Pfffft!, He, he, he, he - Sorry, my Midori is flowing so don't mind me.......

(Midori is a type of booze made from melons {for the "spirits-ually" challenged, lol}).

On a serious note. I had absolutely no problem logging in today and staying logged in for over 3 hours until I had to go out for utterly stupid reasons unimportant to this thread. So @Vantheria-DN you could be onto something concerning Brazil, and @Naduah-KT, you could be onto something about the ping reducing programs. Those of us that don't use them do not seem to be experiencing the problem.

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Crap, forgot to include this,....Oh well.

Brazil is a country that I sadly never got to visit during my DOD days so I'm not sure how things work there especially internet and gaming wise so please excuse me if this sounds ridiculous: What I suggest is, that if it is possible, that you temporarily shut down your ping reducing programs and login without them as an experiment to see if you stay logged in. If you do then you will have identified the problem which you can pass on to support with your ticket which will help them in solving your issue.

I sincerely hope this helps.

And all this half looped on Midori, lol, Heeeeeeeeee!

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I'm from EU as well, I get randomly bad ping spikes at certain times. I check my internet connection,its only in game.

Sometimes I have 2 clients on but only one dcs and has bad ping, 2nd one is fine. If it was something with my connection, shouldn't both clients have the same issue?

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31 minutes ago, Hallo-DN said:

I'm from EU as well, I get randomly bad ping spikes at certain times. I check my internet connection,its only in game.

Sometimes I have 2 clients on but only one dcs and has bad ping, 2nd one is fine. If it was something with my connection, shouldn't both clients have the same issue?

The connection you do to server has the same IP but different connection (diffrent port as well) to the game server for each client, which is obviously reasonable, just because it is the same IP that means nothing to the connection itself.

Now, if your internet connection was generally bad (which as you stated it is not), you would find problems in everything during lag times, even opening a site would be slow. So if your ISP was bad in general when one client got dc due to bad internet, your other client would also dc. But this is not the problem you have.

The problem is the game servers are kinda unstable. So if your ISP and the Aion game servers have issues connecting to each other, one connection might be more stable and another one might not. And this happens not because the internet is bad, but because one of the server is unstable, so some connections are safer and others might fail. It also has to do with losing packets, when it is about server instability, it might lose packets to one connection regardless of where it is, so that connection will be discarded.

(I know better than this is not as simple as I explained it, but generally this explanation and example explains why one client is OK while another gets dc)

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On 5/2/2020 at 9:33 PM, Aieryn-DN said:

Sorry, my Midori is flowing so don't mind me

Midori Sour is my favorite cocktail!

So the past few days, I might randomly dc from the game. However, my boyfriend (whose computer is in the same room) does not dc. Le sigh~ #justaionthings

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