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After 7.5 Patch

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Like title , after 7.5 patch we didn't get any good event , there are many players returned to AION again and they don't have good transformations.
look at transformations list there are so many new transforms, but how to get them?? we can't get them without EVENT now.

how about give us ultimate transfom event at next week ?

We don't need that ultimate enchant stones event , anyway price is expensive for most of us , and that skill skin worth $250 per one lol look at price look at the price.

I'd like to spend more money for ultimate transformations , because I still use bad legendary xfom now . alots ppl need that alots ppl going to pay for that , yup 100% pretty sure.

Please , thank you 

@Loki @Hime @Kibbelz

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Lugbug Dialy's, Lugbug Weeklys, Abyssal Shatter, Renown System, e.t.c.


Saying that 

1 hour ago, 17s1A83-KT said:

... we can't get them without EVENT now.

is totally fake, u can get the transformations in many ways and as u like, once more, the only way is farming, is a MMO not a shoter or a moba or seomthing else, 


Now u asked for ulti transform event, i missed an event like that too, but as far as i know that event was like 2 months before 7.5? so let me guess, we wont be seeing that event any time soon, i guess so?

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This reads like someone already with legendary wanting a free ultimate.

They should probably give a legendary box to returning players though - running ancients from a year ago here after re-DLing the game. It's quite a handicap when everyone around you has legendary.

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On 6/7/2020 at 9:04 AM, Delessa-DN said:

This reads like someone already with legendary wanting a free ultimate.

They should probably give a legendary box to returning players though - running ancients from a year ago here after re-DLing the game. It's quite a handicap when everyone around you has legendary.

Unfortunately this is what happens when one quits and restarts years later, or just starts playing fresh now. When you miss a good event you miss the opportunity.

There is a way for you to get legendary with lugbug weekly, it should take you about 2 months max, so it si not like THAT hard, people in 6.2 didn't even have this and others spend thousands buying the useless simple contracts and failing to get a single legendary.

At least now you can do it. 2 months to get a legendary at worst is not really THAT bad.

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On 8/7/2020 at 6:57 PM, Ele-DN said:

2 months of "farming" to get something you can't use. 2 months of farming to get a dupe to fuse into a dupe while you are missing 50% of the other xfroms.. yeah its not that bad.

Yes, RNG is garbage, I have combined 6 times (2x contracts each time) and I still kept getting the old 10 types, all 6 times. There are 17 new transforms and the odds were I always got the 10 old ones!

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On 7/8/2020 at 4:52 AM, Arhangelos-KT said:

Unfortunately this is what happens when one quits and restarts years later, or just starts playing fresh now. When you miss a good event you miss the opportunity.

There is a way for you to get legendary with lugbug weekly, it should take you about 2 months max, so it si not like THAT hard, people in 6.2 didn't even have this and others spend thousands buying the useless simple contracts and failing to get a single legendary.

At least now you can do it. 2 months to get a legendary at worst is not really THAT bad.

A significant investment of time to be frank. Also a possibility to roll half the list that doesn't apply to your class. So actually, it is pretty bad.

One thing NC has never gotten right is how to retain players. There's a good start with the guides giving a piece of ultimate end game gear for free (minus the enchantment which actually gives the most significant stats). This does give players an incentive to keep playing to get more. If one wishes to attract or retain players, effectively one has to make the game at least borderline competitive for them. Of course the entire system being RNG is problematic in itself.


Arguably, as this is now effectively a gacha game, they should just put the shards on BCM for sale.


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  • 2 weeks later...


does anyone know the logic of ncsof giving lugbug missions a legendary transformation totally unusable, i play sin and received a legendary transformation for magician (modor) with magic crit boost, magic acc, magic atack and i can't believe i invested more 8 hours a day, every day, to achieve this transformation and that if I want to TRY again I will have to shell out $ 50 for 2 legendary breath of transformation and spend another 2 months dedicating the day to get another one that may not be for my class again, I am leaving the game today after returning to 3 months after 7 years without playing, because I could not understand the logic of this except to force players to pay dearly for the uncertain, I played on average 10-12 hours a day in that period and now I see that really who doesn't pay to play will be left behind even if they dedicate 100% of their time to the game as I did in those 3 months, I will return to playing league of legends (great example of j ogo de sucess f2p) or counter strike because I completely lost interest in investing in this game, be it time or money. Great game for those who have a lot of money to invest, but for those who don't spend, it will be impossible to get close to the level of those who inevste $ 100- $ 250 + per month, in other words, the game is for p2w, and those who can't pay, can participate, either 1 hour a day or up to 24 hours, you will only participate.

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1 hour ago, HueBr-DN said:

legendary transformation totally unusable, i play sin and received a legendary transformation for magician (modor) 

thats completely wrong... the most important atribute of transformations are the Attack/Cast speed and Movement speed, wich Modor gives 35% atk speed and 60% move speed, so its really good for any Physical Class, even if you don't get attack or crit you still get some other useful stats like, Physical and Magical defense and Magical accuracy, also every transform unlocked even not for yout class its something possitive, that allows to unlock collections.

1 hour ago, HueBr-DN said:

 ...can't believe i invested more 8 hours a day, every day, to achieve this transformation ..

WTF dude already watched my dose of comedy central today i don't need more jokes, how the hell you waste 8 hours a day just to complete LugBug quests? the easier quests in game that pretty much complete themselves by just playing casual? Drama queen much xD ?

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13 hours ago, HueBr-DN said:

does anyone know the logic of ncsof giving lugbug missions a legendary transformation totally unusable, i play sin and received a legendary transformation for magician (modor) with magic crit boost, magic acc, magic atack and i can't believe i invested more 8 hours a day, every day, to achieve this transformation and that if I want to TRY again I will have to shell out $ 50 for 2 legendary breath of transformation and spend another 2 months dedicating the day to get another one that may not be for my class again, I am leaving the game today after returning to 3 months after 7 years without playing, because I could not understand the logic of this except to force players to pay dearly for the uncertain, I played on average 10-12 hours a day in that period and now I see that really who doesn't pay to play will be left behind even if they dedicate 100% of their time to the game as I did in those 3 months, I will return to playing league of legends (great example of j ogo de sucess f2p) or counter strike because I completely lost interest in investing in this game, be it time or money. Great game for those who have a lot of money to invest, but for those who don't spend, it will be impossible to get close to the level of those who inevste $ 100- $ 250 + per month, in other words, the game is for p2w, and those who can't pay, can participate, either 1 hour a day or up to 24 hours, you will only participate.

The lugbug weekly transform could have been selectable, but Modor is an attack speed user's transform. you do not rely on the transform's crit and m.crit to play, if you don't already have 5k critical by your gear and manastones you did somethign wrong.

You aim for attack speed + speed, or c.speed+speed. Be happy that your class is an attack speed class only and you do not need casting speed at all like many other classes need both. Imagine being a caster.

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On 30/07/2020 at 08:47, Arhangelos-KT said:

A transformação semanal do lugbug poderia ter sido selecionável, mas o Modor é uma transformação do usuário com velocidade de ataque. você não confia no crítico e no m.crit da transformação para jogar, se você ainda não tem 5k de crítica por seu equipamento e manastones, você fez algo errado.

Você aponta para velocidade de ataque + velocidade ou velocidade c. + Velocidade. Fique feliz por sua classe ser apenas uma classe de velocidade de ataque e você não precisa de nenhuma velocidade de conjuração, como muitas outras classes precisam de ambas. Imagine ser um lançador.

yes i already have 5.5k of crit without transformation, in this case i created a lot of expectation in a good legendary transformation and was very frustrated to see that i would lose physical and critical attack with the new transformation, i had already completed the ancient transformation and it came exactly the one I wanted (guardian of darkness) there when I got this legendary I saw that, instead of improving the physical and critical attack and I would lose these attributes of the transformation and I would stay with these weaker attributes, and I could not understand why I receive this transformation that was not for my class. what I did to take advantage of the new transformation was to take a sword to have more damage and stay at the attack speed limit due to the improvement in attack speed and I gathered my savings and bought a minium rank to compensate for the attack and lost criticism, no final the build was better than before but it could be much better.

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11 hours ago, HueBr-DN said:

yes i already have 5.5k of crit without transformation, in this case i created a lot of expectation in a good legendary transformation and was very frustrated to see that i would lose physical and critical attack with the new transformation, i had already completed the ancient transformation and it came exactly the one I wanted (guardian of darkness) there when I got this legendary I saw that, instead of improving the physical and critical attack and I would lose these attributes of the transformation and I would stay with these weaker attributes, and I could not understand why I receive this transformation that was not for my class. what I did to take advantage of the new transformation was to take a sword to have more damage and stay at the attack speed limit due to the improvement in attack speed and I gathered my savings and bought a minium rank to compensate for the attack and lost criticism, no final the build was better than before but it could be much better.

A friend of mine has a Sorc and he has 3 legendaries, all with attack speed only: Modor, Hamerun and Mastarious! He managed to get 3 legendaries and can't use a single one of them! The lubug legendary should have been selectable for sure.

RNG sucks, welcome to Aion.

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I agree that should be more events/options with select able transformations. The first transformation I got I think was Hamerun, it was useless  since  my main needs cast speed!

Honestly I have done alot of combining of legendary transform and still no ult (40+ times), I have a friend who has gotten on his 5th try. RNG is a true end game boss  lol...

Btw has anyone gotten the newer 7.5 Apostle transformations by combining? It must be a very rare chance because I havent seen anyone with one.

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3 hours ago, Hallo-DN said:

Btw has anyone gotten the newer 7.5 Apostle transformations by combining? It must be a very rare chance because I havent seen anyone with one.

The new legendary transforms are regarded "greater" and thus must have less chance to happen by combining. I have combined 2x transforms like 6 times so far and I always got the 10 old ones so there must be a lower chance to get those.

I got myself re-assured of this when runes came, normal runes are for the old 10 legendary transforms plus new 9 ones (the halloween,the legendary pixels and Irnin), the greater runes are for the 12 Apostle  transforms and major runes are for the 2 ultimate transforms.

The fact they are different in "grade" means they are treated differently when it comes to rates.


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