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Big Rant about recent events

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Hello aion community.

I come here with great regret to communicate and share a recent experience I had with aion, I recently created a topic about the great scandal that we were or are still in the state of the current game, fortunately the topic created a great indignation in the community making the ncwest team acting like it or not, because let's face it the game is slowly dying both from the lack of team and the lack of interest from the team in the players of their own game, so I come to my second topic of conversation.
The topic I mentioned unfortunately backfired, you ask me, did you have a paragon +15 all this time? You're dumb? 
The answer is no and maybe for both questions. How is this possible? You ask me, simple ... I bought a paragon +7 from the broker exactly 6-7 days ago, a chromablaster to be more precise, yes, a paragon +7.
I paid the total of 3b500m, which I think is the fair price for a weapon that is equal to or slightly worse than its equivalents.
I wrote a ticket to ncwest asking if the weapon has been restored so that I could try to enchant it until it breakes and restore it with my token, the response was the standard saying that the weapon was eligible for restoration but that I didn't have enough tokens.

As you can see, ncsoft itself investigated the weapon as soon as I bought it, which leads me to think that there would be nothing wrong with it... I was wrong.

3 days later I received an email from ncsoft claiming that I participated directly in a known exploit of the game, and that by investigating logs my account would be PERMANENTLY suspended, I obviously appealed to understand the reason, explaining that if it was because of the weapon in question I did not know under any circumstances that the weapon was the source of an exploit, after all I would have no way of knowing, unless it was a paragon +10 above which we can agree that anyone who buys a +10 weapon in the broker knows that it is not something common.

The response was standard again, investigated and reviewed at the highest level and decided to maintain the permanent suspension without a right to reply and any ticket I sent could be passive to ignore and remain unanswered.

Now comes my questioning and sadness at the same time, I played aion from the beginning of the Ereshkigal server, and spent from there until now more than 50k $USD in total on my account, counting prestigious events, expansion of cube mounts pets and everything else

I have never had ONE SINGLE suspension on my account, with a clean and worthy record according to the EULA and TOS, unfortunately ncsoft didn't want to know, initially due perhaps to my own topic, wanting to show service to the community no matter what the consequences. 
Yes I am one more in the statistics table to report to the players that the work was done, now I ask you, how far is it fair to go to "punish" those who received or bought any item from the subject who initially the exploit started, or it wasn't an exploit and ncsoft is doing what it can to cover up some GM involvement, since my tickets and PM's for loki himel and kibbelz were ignored.

To summarize, do not spend anything on this game if possible, enjoy it in a free to play or casual way, because no matter how much you are a valuable customer, they do not care about you.

Sincerely, CommunityHero.


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Well now we know they are doing the right thing and banning all that bought them from the broker. That is one positive that came out of this considering people have always used it as a way to exploit and feed themselves items they got through exploits and played possum.

One thing i have learnt from my time playing Aion is if it looks like cheating/exploiting it probably is cheating/exploiting. I have met so many who try and exploit a little(EC exploit best example) Thinking they will not get banned if they do just enough to get an advantage but not quiet enough to make yourself look sus. 

That is exactly what this post looks like. Ohh sorry i had no idea that this paragon gear was not exploited. It was only +7 so i thought it was legit. Please unban me :(.

Chances are if you keep at it you will be unbanned anyways...Hell i got unbanned back during the mass perma ban saga of 4.0 CC hackers for talking and making deals with them for items in game.

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LOL it seems they keep screwing up the game. I'm sorry about what happened to you but I cannot say it surprises me much. Speaking for myself, I was playing Aion since 2012 and was always f2p but since last year I've been playing more actively because of covid lockdown and I decided that I could spend some money on this game. I was always surprised to see how some players were talking about ncsoft in a negative way and thought they were just overreacting.

However, since several months I saw many shocking things about how players are treated here by GM and not only I decided to stop spending money, but I deeply regret even having spent some at all. What is obvious for me now is that Aion NA looks like a private server, when GM can do with players and account whatever they want, with no right for players to speak, and it is even written in their terms of service.

That started first during stormwing event - they allowed some players to get free apostle contracts by granting them egg transfer using tokens, shortly after this service was suspended and even after 8k views and hundreds of comments on the respective forum thread - they said they "cannot pivot on this subject".

Second was this paragon exploit - again, we have totally no info about what's going on, it seems however that they started banning accounts, but OF COURSE they do it in their usual manner - without any logic and banning everyone who touched paragon gear. What they are going to achieve is that paragon gear become stigmatised and I am sure that NO ONE will buy an enchanted paragon item off broker anymore for the fear of being banned like you. And, again, look how they are speaking - telling you that their decision is final and cannot be discussed. Even judge's decision in real life can be discussed and protested in the court, but only NC West desicion is final and irreversible.

There are also many minor things - like the guy who got his runestone destroyed by a bug and GM telling him nonsense that it was an intended mechanics and refusing a restoration even using tokens.

To summarize, players have no voice here and GMs can do anything they want with the game, our accounts and items we hold. Spending money on this game is a big mistake, and luckily I didn't spend a lot. In the current situation the best way is to enjoy a f2p game while we can and then whatever happens, at least we have nothing to regret about in the end. In any case, for me, I made a decision that I am not gonna spend a single penny on this game anymore and I'm afraid "I cannot pivot on this one". 😁

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50 minutes ago, Gabrielis-KT said:

Telling you that their decision is final and cannot be discussed. 


They say that to everyone while an investigation is on-going, I went through it. Yet they unbanned me because i was innocent.


Also you do not even know if this person is telling the truth. If you look at his previous posts especially the one on the 22nd he clearly knew about the paragon exploit prior to buying the paragon item that got listed.

Seems pretty Sus to me knowing about a potential exploit but still buying an item that would never be listed on the broker.

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3 minutes ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

They say that to everyone while an investigation is on-going, I went through it. Yet they unbanned me because i was innocent.


Also you do not even know if this person is telling the truth. If you look at his previous posts especially the one on the 22nd he clearly knew about the paragon exploit prior to buying the paragon item that got listed.

Seems pretty Sus to me knowing about a potential exploit but still buying an item that would never be listed on the broker.

I admit, I always skip your posts and comments and I didn't even want to reply on that one at all. I never seen any remark you made that made at least a little sense.

But I want to clarify for the others that may read this thread, that there are many people who have +6 and +7 paragon after Tiamaranta eye event and it is totally normal. And I know someone who enchanted his paragon to +7 during Tia event and was selling it. There is totally nothing wrong in seeing a +6, +7 or even +8 paragon on broker and buying this. I do sincerely hope that the person I mentioned, managed to sell his paragon before this issue because I am 100% sure that now no one will ever buy an enchanted paragon (even +1, because this could be also made using the exploit of which we have no info and no details thanks to the "transparency" policy of this company)

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1 minute ago, Gabrielis-KT said:

I admit, I always skip your posts and comments and I didn't even want to reply on that one at all. I never seen any remark you made that made at least a little sense.

But I want to clarify for the others that may read this thread, that there are many people who have +6 and +7 paragon after Tiamaranta eye event and it is totally normal. And I know someone who enchanted his paragon to +7 during Tia event and was selling it. There is totally nothing wrong in seeing a +6, +7 or even +8 paragon on broker and buying this. I do sincerely hope that the person I mentioned, managed to sell his paragon before this issue because I am 100% sure that now no one will ever buy an enchanted paragon (even +1, because this could be also made using the exploit of which we have no info and no details thanks to the "transparency" policy of this company)

Event Duration: January 13 – January 27 < eye event time period.

You are saying people decided to hold out to buy/sell +7  gear till the last 1-2 weeks in which again the OP knew about the exploit going off his previous posts. 


People who buy an item knowing that the item can currently be exploited in some way are asking to get banned. Like i said they will more than likely get unbanned they just have to keep in-contact with them till the investigation is over and sort out how they got it. 

You are blindly trusting someone who has not told the whole story, For all we know he may of been banned for buying +10 pants but only talks about their weapon. 

If they end up getting unbanned i will gladly apologize to them but like i said. It does not add up, the story he is telling us now and how everything they knew leading up to it seems suspicious. 


Those who got perma banned during the EC ban wave got caught in the same way, NCwest made it look like they did not care and people feared falling behind so people started jumping aboard the EC infinite run exploit and got perma banned for it.

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19 minutes ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

Event Duration: January 13 – January 27 < eye event time period.

You are saying people decided to hold out to buy/sell +7  gear till the last 1-2 weeks in which again the OP knew about the exploit going off his previous posts. 


People who buy an item knowing that the item can currently be exploited in some way are asking to get banned. Like i said they will more than likely get unbanned they just have to keep in-contact with them till the investigation is over and sort out how they got it. 

You are blindly trusting someone who has not told the whole story, For all we know he may of been banned for buying +10 pants but only talks about their weapon. 

If they end up getting unbanned i will gladly apologize to them but like i said. It does not add up, the story he is telling us now and how everything they knew leading up to it seems suspicious. 


Those who got perma banned during the EC ban wave got caught in the same way, NCwest made it look like they did not care and people feared falling behind so people started jumping aboard the EC infinite run exploit and got perma banned for it.

Like I said, only nonsense coming out...

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1 hour ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

Well now we know they are doing the right thing and banning all that bought them from the broker. That is one positive that came out of this considering people have always used it as a way to exploit and feed themselves items they got through exploits and played possum.

One thing i have learnt from my time playing Aion is if it looks like cheating/exploiting it probably is cheating/exploiting. I have met so many who try and exploit a little(EC exploit best example) Thinking they will not get banned if they do just enough to get an advantage but not quiet enough to make yourself look sus. 

That is exactly what this post looks like. Ohh sorry i had no idea that this paragon gear was not exploited. It was only +7 so i thought it was legit. Please unban me :(.

Chances are if you keep at it you will be unbanned anyways...Hell i got unbanned back during the mass perma ban saga of 4.0 CC hackers for talking and making deals with them for items in game.

I wrote the ticket about the weapon when my friends asked who i bought it from, i said i bought it from the broker but i paid the normal price of the weapon and was probably nothing wrong with it, i wouldn't be dumb enough to buy something suspicious and write a ticking about it.


They can investigate it and im pretty sure i bought it before the topic i made i expressed myself wrong when i said 6-7 days even tho i would't be to much worried since i paid the fair price for the item, not like everyone who bought lots of pieces 10+ for not even 1billion, even tho if the item was not legit they could just remove the item from my account and suspend it for weeks, a perma ban for something that was out of my hands is too harsh.


https://imgur.com/a/rnpPzHp -> This is the answer and the date about the paragon i was asking



1 hour ago, Gabrielis-KT said:

LOL it seems they keep screwing up the game. I'm sorry about what happened to you but I cannot say it surprises me much. Speaking for myself, I was playing Aion since 2012 and was always f2p but since last year I've been playing more actively because of covid lockdown and I decided that I could spend some money on this game. I was always surprised to see how some players were talking about ncsoft in a negative way and thought they were just overreacting.

However, since several months I saw many shocking things about how players are treated here by GM and not only I decided to stop spending money, but I deeply regret even having spent some at all. What is obvious for me now is that Aion NA looks like a private server, when GM can do with players and account whatever they want, with no right for players to speak, and it is even written in their terms of service.

That started first during stormwing event - they allowed some players to get free apostle contracts by granting them egg transfer using tokens, shortly after this service was suspended and even after 8k views and hundreds of comments on the respective forum thread - they said they "cannot pivot on this subject".

Second was this paragon exploit - again, we have totally no info about what's going on, it seems however that they started banning accounts, but OF COURSE they do it in their usual manner - without any logic and banning everyone who touched paragon gear. What they are going to achieve is that paragon gear become stigmatised and I am sure that NO ONE will buy an enchanted paragon item off broker anymore for the fear of being banned like you. And, again, look how they are speaking - telling you that their decision is final and cannot be discussed. Even judge's decision in real life can be discussed and protested in the court, but only NC West desicion is final and irreversible.

There are also many minor things - like the guy who got his runestone destroyed by a bug and GM telling him nonsense that it was an intended mechanics and refusing a restoration even using tokens.

To summarize, players have no voice here and GMs can do anything they want with the game, our accounts and items we hold. Spending money on this game is a big mistake, and luckily I didn't spend a lot. In the current situation the best way is to enjoy a f2p game while we can and then whatever happens, at least we have nothing to regret about in the end. In any case, for me, I made a decision that I am not gonna spend a single penny on this game anymore and I'm afraid "I cannot pivot on this one". 😁

Indeed, i deeply regret of spending any money in this game nowdays, the support is not even close to the others mmorpg in quality, for someone who played wow for years and how a support treats you you get abnoxious when you write a ticket to ncsoft team, we all know they always did more for big spenders, i abused of this in the past to receive more ncoins when i was buying packs of 20k bcoins, but now that i come back to the game after taking a vacation and not spending, seems they had enough of me when it pleases them.


About the tickets i gave up on trying, it's like talking to myself in the e-mails, that's why i tried pm'ing loki hime and kibbelz here in the forum, kibbelz can't do much other than forward my msgs to hime/loki but as we all know ncwest staff cares too little for aion.

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1 hour ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

They say that to everyone while an investigation is on-going, I went through it. Yet they unbanned me because i was innocent.


Also you do not even know if this person is telling the truth. If you look at his previous posts especially the one on the 22nd he clearly knew about the paragon exploit prior to buying the paragon item that got listed.

Seems pretty Sus to me knowing about a potential exploit but still buying an item that would never be listed on the broker.

We had lots of paragon gear enchanted in broker before, +5 6 and 7, we all know 7 was doable in the tiamaranta event, i would never buy anything above that if i knew a exploit was going on, but even tho let's say we could never buy anything with a special value in broker because they item in question might be from an exploited source, that makes us hostage for the rest of the aion trade system.

And yes, i see no reason to be full transparent about the things i said, so i would never lie, i gave up on trying to recover the account in question cause im about to be done with aion if it wasn't for my friends, im only expressing myself to people not make the same mistakes that i did.

30 minutes ago, Unbuff-DN said:

So you are saying that you knew about the exploit going on, and yet bought a weapon on your own risk? 

A True Community Hero would just screenshot the name of the person selling it and report it. 

Im pretty sure i bought the item before the post  was made, i expressed myself poorly when i was counting the days, since my account was banned in the apil 29 i havn't slept much.


I will try to contact support only to ask when the item was bought from the broker, and i will share if they answer.

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31 minutes ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

Event Duration: January 13 – January 27 < eye event time period.

You are saying people decided to hold out to buy/sell +7  gear till the last 1-2 weeks in which again the OP knew about the exploit going off his previous posts. 


People who buy an item knowing that the item can currently be exploited in some way are asking to get banned. Like i said they will more than likely get unbanned they just have to keep in-contact with them till the investigation is over and sort out how they got it. 

You are blindly trusting someone who has not told the whole story, For all we know he may of been banned for buying +10 pants but only talks about their weapon. 

If they end up getting unbanned i will gladly apologize to them but like i said. It does not add up, the story he is telling us now and how everything they knew leading up to it seems suspicious. 


Those who got perma banned during the EC ban wave got caught in the same way, NCwest made it look like they did not care and people feared falling behind so people started jumping aboard the EC infinite run exploit and got perma banned for it.

I can guarantee you that it was only the chromablaster +7, i wouldn't risk my account buying anything knowing and asking for the team to investigate.

Buying an item suspicious from the broker after i made that topic and the amount of support players gave and answered would be plain stupidity, even tho i can guarantee i didn't buy it after the post i made, only comes to my attention when i said to my friends i bought a +7 endgame weapon and they only said "People have those item 10+ now, +7 is literally garbage"


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1 minute ago, HealingSquid-KT said:


Like i said if you are a legit player and not just someone regretting their decisions made due NCwest lack of speedy action against such an exploit, Then i will happily apologise to you as you will be unbanned. Till then it looks sus to me is all i am saying.

Again keep getting in contact with them and even contact NCwest HQ if you need to. I was banned for 3-4 days with the same response you got with the whole you have been permanently banned. After the investigation was over i had to run them through everything i said to the CC hackers and what my intentions were and what not and they unbanned me and wiped all ban's linked to my account clean. It took me about 2-3 weeks after the investigation period was over then i finally got unbanned.


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3 minutes ago, HealingSquid-KT said:


Like i said if you are a legit player and not just someone regretting their decisions made due NCwest lack of speedy action against such an exploit, Then i will happily apologise to you as you will be unbanned. Till then it looks sus to me is all i am saying.

Again keep getting in contact with them and even contact NCwest HQ if you need to. I was banned for 3-4 days with the same response you got with the whole you have been permanently banned. After the investigation was over i had to run them through everything i said to the CC hackers and what my intentions were and what not and they unbanned me and wiped all ban's linked to my account clean.

That gives me a spark of hope, i appreciate it, but the way they answers the ticket is just too harsh and as a customer we feel it grealy lack of human touch, but like kibbelz said "no way in hell" people banned will be able to play again, i would really like to @Kibbelz forward this msg and ask for @Loki or @Hime to investigate my account and prove that i only had the item in question in my account.

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I mean they have ability to see IP history on accounts, if they see you were involved in the making or trading of items then they rightfully banned you and it is pretty obvious on their end.

If they mistakenly took your IP to one where the item creation came from, then they'll probably reverse it but if the item was achieved through cheating (likely), then it'll just remain deleted as it should be. Chances are these weapons went through so many accounts they're probably just having a hard time pinpointing the sources from frequent trades, but, as someone with experience on this, it's not hard to pinpoint sources once they get all the data.

If you're innocent, just wait until they finish everything, I wouldn't doubt they made some pre-emptive mistakes but it sounds like they're at least doing this as aggressively as they should be, given how undeniably game breaking it is.

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Ideally they should remove the item and let you keep the account. The optimum solution ,presuming you speaking he truth, is to restore you kinah. Keep trying to prove yourself.


Trading via broker is a function of the game. The item is a product of the exploit so the item must be deleted not the player @Kibbelz.


I choose to believe , in a naive way, that you thought 3.5b is a legit price even though you knew about the current situation.

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39 minutes ago, Malloc-KT said:

Ideally they should remove the item and let you keep the account. The optimum solution ,presuming you speaking he truth, is to restore you kinah. Keep trying to prove yourself.


Trading via broker is a function of the game. The item is a product of the exploit so the item must be deleted not the player @Kibbelz.


I choose to believe , in a naive way, that you thought 3.5b is a legit price even though you knew about the current situation.

Yeah ideally i would think the same, that's what i asked them to do and i have nothing against it.


I fairly certain i bought the item before the topic was trending, i mentioned to my friends which i glady saved the kinah from the box events to buy the item, so i think i bought it right after the box event ended.

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How can we know that the item put on broker is true or exploit? I do understand that the item +15 came for sure by exploit but the item +7 it s completely possible in game, many people have the item +7, +8 or even +10 in game already.

Basically I wouldn't buy any item Paragon from now on, Cos there s no way of us players to know where it came from. clearly this is hurting the game and breaking even more.

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2 hours ago, TrueCommunityHero said:

I fairly certain i bought the item before the topic was trending, i mentioned to my friends which i glady saved the kinah from the box events to buy the item, so i think i bought it right after the box event ended.

Oh please we don't know how long these items have been in the game illegally. You can't be "certain" this item didn't come from exploit. We just know that people found out couple of weeks ago. 

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NCSoft doesn't ban lightly. People can say what they want but I think if they are banning someone then they have found some strong evidence that they were involved in the creation of the items in question. 

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20 minutes ago, Chamu-KT said:

Oh please we don't know how long these items have been in the game illegally. You can't be "certain" this item didn't come from exploit. We just know that people found out couple of weeks ago. 

Yeah i know, the items in question might be in the game for months or so, all im saying is i bought the item before i made the topic about it.

17 minutes ago, Crush said:

NCSoft doesn't ban lightly. People can say what they want but I think if they are banning someone then they have found some strong evidence that they were involved in the creation of the items in question. 

I can assure you the only thing i can think of to be banable was the paragon i bought from the broker, if i knew there was something i wouldn't even bother to make all this wall of text... plus the reason they banning now is because of the big comotion the community made about the issue, otherwise they wouldn't even bother.

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1 minute ago, GenericUser46589 said:

Why would you buy +7 paragon knowing that people are buying +10/15 paragon way cheaper than 3.5b and at that time not knowing that ncsoft would do anything about the exploiters? Doesn't add up.

I didn't even had a chance to see one of those in the broker, the chromablaster took me few hours to buy wondering if it was worth or not, and whoever bought the +10 or 15 paragon after the scandal should've sent an email to ncsoft warning them about the item they bought, i would do that anyway rather lose kinah/the item than my account which just happened.

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