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Kinnah weekly limit (merchants)


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@Kibbelz @Loki

Here is the thing.. we re still many months from 8.0, and 7.9 dont really brought any big update to the game, and we still doing the same instances the last 2 year +-

The only stuff an endgame player can do now, is get their gemstones/runestones maxed, farm Yorgos or the most important: stock kinnah for 8.0

What about rise the weekly limit that you can sell at merchants? There is many sources of kinnah right now in the game, and 350m per week doesnt sounds reasonable for an active player. Also, that rising would not affect the playerbase that farm kinnah by coff coff other ways coff coff.. actually gonna benefict most the "manual players"

I would suggest you guys to talk internaly and maybe raise that limit to maybe something like 500m already would be better.

What the community think about it? :) 

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LOL at this ... 
You do realise the limit there cause ncsoft belive we can farm kinah from open world ...
So they basicly keep that limit to stop bots from selling kinah...
The same dumb reason we dont have Auto-Hunt in open world...
Those GM belive be can farm infini kinah in open world from mobs who dont drop kinah or gears we can sell for kinah ...
GL with that LOL


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they will not change anything  they  want you to buy kinah from others player  or  push you to use hack and  farm ur  kinah  they  care  only about the  store nothing more how to make  you spend money all the  time  they think about thus because that  we  see NA aion dead 

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On 14/05/2021 at 18:00, Bjorn-DN said:

@Kibbelz @Loki

Aqui está a coisa ... ainda estamos muitos meses de 8.0 e 7.9 realmente não trouxemos nenhuma grande atualização para o jogo, e ainda estamos fazendo as mesmas instâncias nos últimos 2 anos + -

A única coisa que um jogador de final pode fazer agora é tenha suas gemas / pedras rúnicas maximizadas, cultive Yorgos ou o mais importante: estoque kinnah por 8,0

Que tal aumentar o limite semanal que você pode vender nos comerciantes? Existem muitas fontes de kinnah agora no jogo, e 350m por semana não parece razoável para um jogador ativo. Além disso, esse aumento não afetaria a base de jogadores que farm kinnah por coff coff outras maneiras coff coff ... na verdade, vai beneficiar a maioria dos "jogadores manuais"

. Sugiro que conversem internamente e talvez aumentem esse limite para talvez 500m. sê melhor.

O que a comunidade pensa sobre isso? :) 

I hope you don't change that amount of kinah a week while you're infested with vanilla !! that 2,000,000,000 a week will only happen when aion is free of these pests!

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13 hours ago, Dominiun-KT said:

I hope you don't change that amount of kinah a week while you're infested with vanilla !! that 2,000,000,000 a week will only happen when aion is free of these pests!

Alas, the weekly kinah limit only punishing regular players, not bots. The bots create dozens of accounts so they don’t care even if the limit was 10mil. Legal players cannot farm on more than 2, maximum 3 accounts.

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Ya know half the fun for me on this game 12 years ago was trying to see how much money I was able to earn through the Broker. I never once purchased kinah from n e of those gold spamming SOBs, personally I couldn't stand seeing their farming bots taking taking the mobs I needed in order to complete a quest. Every single coin I got came from honest time consuming work on the game. I gathered mats so others wouldn't have to, I made potions again so others wouldn't have to and farmed for lower lvl gear so the more experienced players where able to twink their new baby toons out so they where able to fly through the levels and not have to slosh it out like they did their first time around. So imagine my surprise on my return to the game with caps on how much kinah you were able to make and not to mention the added fees you had to pay at the Broker now. Those blasted gold spammers really ruined the game in more ways than one, so I get all these rules NC is trying to put forth, but geez cut a heifer some slack will ya and allow me the chance to be happy cause all I want is to pull a $crooge McDuck and count my money.

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