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No credit from siege


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Jesus Christ Ele, you are again complaining for siege contribution. 10k AP... in a siege? I keep getting the AP cap in every siege constantly and continuously. I think it is 10k AP per 10 minutes or so from pvp, then it unblocks and you can get more AP again until you hit the cap again. I am not sure of the formula. Contribution is also killing the npcs in the siege, hit doors and the deity which doesn't have a cap.

You did the right thing posting the amount of AP you got in the siege because now we know why you never get contribution... the answer is no it is not enough. And this is not sarcasm but how did you only get 10k AP, did you afk solo or something?

You are a Song Weaver, aka sorc with heals, you hit from 25m range, you are self sustained, you should be able to get a ton of contribution.

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7 hours ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

Jesus Christ Ele, you are again complaining for siege contribution. 10k AP... in a siege? I keep getting the AP cap in every siege constantly and continuously. I think it is 10k AP per 10 minutes or so from pvp, then it unblocks and you can get more AP again until you hit the cap again. I am not sure of the formula. Contribution is also killing the npcs in the siege, hit doors and the deity which doesn't have a cap.

You did the right thing posting the amount of AP you got in the siege because now we know why you never get contribution... the answer is no it is not enough. And this is not sarcasm but how did you only get 10k AP, did you afk solo or something?

You are a Song Weaver, aka sorc with heals, you hit from 25m range, you are self sustained, you should be able to get a ton of contribution.

You mean, going to a defending fort where theres no pve mobs to hit for real credit, and attacking front wave of xforms where you can't kill in 3 mins because dux's hp is less than 5% siege? why even bother going if thats how it works?lucky to even get credit unless there deliberate ap trading.


Ssw is just as rubbish as sorc in sieges.

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1 hour ago, Ele-DN said:

Ssw is just as rubbish as sorc in sieges.

Erm... when I was going to sieges I was governor for 2 months and I am a sorc. You are doing something wrong there.

There were no enemies to kill you mean? What are you, Asmodian or Elyos?

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In sieges, AP and Contribution are 2 different things (I think, based on patch notes) that are awarded from siege NPCs and PvP, similar to XP, AP, and GP, but are not visible from your client. I don't think AP buffs increase siege contribution points gained.

In 7.2 patch notes, it is mentioned that Contribution points from PvP have been reduced, and each character must have gained a certain amount of Contribution points in order to qualify for siege rewards.

You need to be alive and within the XP/AP/GP share radius of each kill (player, fortress, deity, etc.).

Fortness gates don't award much AP but are likely worth more contribution points than PvP.

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PVP kills arent worth that much anymore to siege credit. Its all about getting credit from the gates.

Lakrum fort is the worst. If your faction isnt the one controlling the fort and you miss the gates, you might get screwed over even if you have decent amount for ap from pvp that has happened to me twice.......


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@Hellish-DN and I have kind of experimented with what each siege requires for credit because we like sleeping at a decent hour.

Divine: You need at least 10k AP. Usually helping kill at least one gate and then killing 1-2 of the opposite faction will get you this. Just killing one gate is not enough. We've done this before without killing any Elyos and we did not get credit. Killing two gates would probably be enough if you get there fast enough.

Demaha: Same as above.

Lakrum: This one seems to be a little stricter about the AP required. We used to just kill one gate and that was enough, but with the 7.3 update, we also have to get AP from 5-10 Elyos kills as well. Just attacking the deity with no gate/pvp credit will NOT be enough to get siege credit most of the time unless you were there from the very start of the deity. Coming in when the deity is already at like 40% will probably not get you any credit unless you find some pvp action too. For defensive siege, we pretty much have to be active and killing Elyos for at least 10 minutes.

Note, it is possible to do all of this solo. I am a very support-style chanter; I don't 1v1 or help kill very often. It's usually Hellish doing all of the attacking while I'm healing. So if you're by yourself, just try to stay back with all the white names and pick off the opposite faction. Don't throw yourself into the sea of red and expect good results.

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