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Where is the chat filter

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2 minutes ago, Coheed said:

Waiting on 1 person to return from vacation to fix our broken chat filter.... lol 👌


Just shows how little people there are working for Aion. Must be maybe around 10 people with Kibbelz included.

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1 minute ago, Kubei-DN said:

Just shows how little people there are working for Aion. Must be maybe around 10 people with Kibbelz included.

You think there are that many? I was thinking 5 lol. Gideon, Hime, Kibbelz, Loki, and one other unnamed/possible person. 😂

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1 minute ago, Vantheria-DN said:

You think there are that many? I was thinking 5 lol. Gideon, Hime, Kibbelz, Loki, and one other unnamed/possible person. 😂

I'm taking into account only the GM's, Kibbelz and Loki. Hime is full-time occupied with L2 and BnS. She's no longer a CM for Aion.

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3 hours ago, Kibbelz said:

Hey ya'll - I will take a look into this with our Game Team. I do know we recently added a formally supported Chat Filter. Currently, the team member I was working on this with is out on vacation for a week, but my hope is that when he returns we can share more information on how to utilize it.

It sounds like Cerae and others are figuring out how to leverage the tool, but we'll def share more details soon on it. Sorry to hear that it might have interrupted your existing filter tools :(

The existing filter was from your NCsoft team. 

It was a plain text file called aionfilterline.dat  which you could edit with Notepad on your PC,  all it contained was a bunch of words, one per line, or any other characters you wanted to filter out eg. VVVVVV or .C0M etc. that the kinah spammers like to use.

What changed last maintenance, is the file aionfilterline.dat is no longer recognized by Aion, it now has to be a zip file renamed to aionfilterline.pak which is nowhere as convenient to work with as the previous aionfilterline.dat plain text file.  This small change puts editing the filter in the too hard basket for a lot of players, and it would be nice if it could be put back to the way it was.

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On 7/15/2021 at 12:45 PM, Kibbelz said:

Hey ya'll - I will take a look into this with our Game Team. I do know we recently added a formally supported Chat Filter. Currently, the team member I was working on this with is out on vacation for a week, but my hope is that when he returns we can share more information on how to utilize it.

It sounds like Cerae and others are figuring out how to leverage the tool, but we'll def share more details soon on it. Sorry to hear that it might have interrupted your existing filter tools :(


TBH, this just sounds like more excuses for a company that should have had this issue fully nipped in the bud a long, long, long time ago.  The fact that the community has had to step in to make any real progress that lasted for any period of time showcases that NCSoft as a company doesn't really care, because if they did, they would have this issue fully resolved by now. 

The fact that the option to check mark the "Block whispers from players below lvl 10" is STILL greyed out speaks volumes. These are features that should have been 100% working day 1, and to be told "we are looking into it" is frankly no longer good enough. I have had a few friends leave the game due to the ongoing spam of private messages and the inability to update the chat filter successfully as others have done. 

It seems to work for some, but then not work for many others. End result? Folks are actually filing disputes with their financial institutions and winning their case for refunding all money spent in game because no one enjoys the constant distractions of in-game whispers coming from the onslaught of lvl 1 gold seller bots. I myself have had to log off several times due to the increased anger and frustration I feel when I get spammed with these whispers for different gold seller sights, who now use new special characters and symbols.  

Just last night, I received over a dozen whispers within a few minutes time and decided to log off and go play another MMO that doesn't have this issue. 

I truly hope NCSoft gets their act together asap and not "we are working on it" and try to make your player base wait another week or months for a "fix".  

The #1 priority right now NCSoft should be doing is to enable the blocking of whispers from characters lvl 10 and under. However that will only be a temp solution as gold sellers will simply build a bot army to get past lvl 10 and start whispers all over again, which circles back to, providing your paying player base a proper chat filter and maintaining it as priority. 

I honestly do not know how much longer I can go before I decide this ongoing issue is just not worth the headaches and mental frustrations.

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On 7/8/2021 at 3:05 AM, Alvie said:

Only had to do two edits today, It's been working well.

The file you have to edit is called  aionfilterline.dat

The problem many of us are having is that we can no longer simply update that chat filter, as it is not updating / working for many of us even after we do. 

From what I understand now, folks are required to: 

change the .pak file into a .zip file

copy and paste the data file (actual chat filter) to your desktop or somewhere else

Edit the data file (chat filter) and then copy / paste it back to the proper file folder and overwrite the existing one

Then change the zip back into a .pak 

After which you then have to restart the client. 


I have done this multiple times since the patch and for whatever reason, it is not working for me. I still get spammed with gold seller whispers and in LFG chat. The whispers are the most anger and frustration inducing.  We shouldn't be required to update and do this change file extensions voodoo and back again to try and make things work. 

I have even had someone send me their current chat filter and after overwriting my current one, then relaunching the game, it STILL is not working! 

Yes, I am 100% sure I am setting it up correctly, as there is only 1 Aion Classic installation folder I have on my system.  I understand other folks are having success, while many others like myself are not and I do not understand why, and not sure what else to do. 

The fact that the in-game feature to Block whispers from low lvl players is currently broken and not able to be toggled speaks volumes as to the state of poor management this company is in, as they cant be bothered to fix their own in-game options.

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On 7/11/2021 at 4:42 PM, Rag-DN said:

Figure I'd make a tutorial on how to use the anti chat spam filter that NCwest added to our game since they didn't tell us how to update it.  


Don't forget this information and more tools can be found on the AionNotes webpage as well.  :P

 PS the chat filter stopped working for adding key words after last Wednesday's update.  Hoping it NCwest fixes it again soon so we can continue to add words to it because last week it was working beautifully.

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11 hours ago, Ayries said:


I have done this multiple times since the patch and for whatever reason, it is not working for me. I still get spammed with gold seller whispers and in LFG chat. The whispers are the most anger and frustration inducing.  We shouldn't be required to update and do this change file extensions voodoo and back again to try and make things work.


It's working fine for me.

All I did was take the  aionfilterline.dat  file which I had working before maintenance, compressed it with zip and renamed it to aionfilterline.pak.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I did what someone on here said. I open the file, added  a few words, saved it, made it a zip file, renamed it .PAK and I am still seeing spam. I used words that are being used by all of the spammers. Coupon and Coupons and I added $. It didn't work. I am starting to think that everyone saying that they aren't seeing spam are full of nyerk.

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6 hours ago, Honeysuckle said:

So I did what someone on here said. I open the file, added  a few words, saved it, made it a zip file, renamed it .PAK and I am still seeing spam. I used words that are being used by all of the spammers. Coupon and Coupons and I added $. It didn't work. I am starting to think that everyone saying that they aren't seeing spam are full of nyerk.

You need to enable the option to see file extensions on the windows configs and then change the extension.

What I'm guessing you did is you renamed the file to aionfilterline.pak.zip.

If not, it should work.


Alternatively I have a filter of my own that works. You can check it at https://github.com/loadrng/aion-classic-mods

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On 8/7/2021 at 12:19 PM, Honeysuckle said:

So I did what someone on here said. I open the file, added  a few words, saved it, made it a zip file, renamed it .PAK and I am still seeing spam. I used words that are being used by all of the spammers. Coupon and Coupons and I added $. It didn't work. I am starting to think that everyone saying that they aren't seeing spam are full of nyerk.

I didn't do any of that which you listed here. I was having the same issue, couldn't figure out how to work the filter after their update. I did this below exactly and it worked. I haven't seen any gold spam in a few days since I've done it.


On 7/31/2021 at 11:26 PM, Kitsuney said:

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting this because I was nyerking tired of it, too. Some nice Elyos (Nimrod on LFG, Siel Elyos) helped me with it. Hopefully, the admins/mods are sleep so enough people can get helped by this. 

Download this file: https://github.com/Yoress/Aion-Classic-Chat-Filter-NA/blob/main/AION_CLASSIC/l10n/ENU/Data/Strings/Chat%20Filter.pak

Place the .pak file into \NCSOFT\AION_CLASSIC\l10n\ENU\Data\Strings\

You don't have to extract the .pak file. Restart the client. Enjoy LFG free of Gold Spammers. It's been a nice evening. 


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  • 1 year later...

I don't know why this thread got necro'd; but, if you're going to use a chat filter off of GitHub, you may as well use the first one. It's more or less been lost to the community because it was never advertised by its creator (outside of a single post in the now missing ACN Discord). Even though it hasn't been updated since July 2021, it still works.

It can be found here:  Aion-Classic-Chat-Filter-NA


I'm only going to post this link once because I don't really care to join this pointless contest over credit/origin that the Aion developer community seems to insist on. The other link that was posted in the thread comes with other changes to the client; and, even attempted to make it more friendly to install for the end user. I think variety is good; so, if anyone is looking here for a chat filter, go ahead and pick the one that suits you best.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The instructions were slightly confusing.

What I did was

1) Grab the Chat Filter .pak file from https://github.com/Yoress/Aion-Classic-Chat-Filter-NA/tree/main/AION_CLASSIC/l10n/ENU/Data/Strings

2) Rename Chat Filter.pak to  aionfilterline.pak

3) Put   aionfilterline.pak  into the folder called  C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\AION_CLASSIC\l10n\enu\data\Strings

4) Restart Aion

5) Enjoy much less kinah spam.

The chat filter is just a normal text file which has been compresses with zip, so if you want to edit it and add your own words to filter out of chat, then rename the aionfilterline.pak file to aionfilterline.zip, unzip it, and edit it with Notepad, when finished zip it back up and rename it back to aionfilterline.pak


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On 4/2/2023 at 5:09 PM, Zurl said:

The instructions were slightly confusing.

What I did was

1) Grab the Chat Filter .pak file from https://github.com/Yoress/Aion-Classic-Chat-Filter-NA/tree/main/AION_CLASSIC/l10n/ENU/Data/Strings

2) Rename Chat Filter.pak to  aionfilterline.pak

3) Put   aionfilterline.pak  into the folder called  C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\AION_CLASSIC\l10n\enu\data\Strings

4) Restart Aion

5) Enjoy much less kinah spam.

The chat filter is just a normal text file which has been compresses with zip, so if you want to edit it and add your own words to filter out of chat, then rename the aionfilterline.pak file to aionfilterline.zip, unzip it, and edit it with Notepad, when finished zip it back up and rename it back to aionfilterline.pak


Hey, thanks for putting up instructions for other people. Everyone's at all different levels in terms of how savvy they are with computers. I didn't think the instructions were confusing, myself; but, I've seen several other people mention not knowing what to do, as well. I just wanted to point out that it's not necessary to rename the pak file -- it should work fine as-is.

The intention, in essence, was for people to use the green button at the top of the GitHub page (says "Code" with an arrow, at the time of writing) to download the files as a zip; from there, they can copy/paste or drag/drop the AION_CLASSIC folder -- the one inside the downloaded zip file -- directly onto their installation of the game client -- also a folder called AION_CLASSIC -- and Windows will merge the folders together because they have the same name (automatically placing the pak file in the correct location). The creator of that repository once reached out to the community to ask for a tutorial video of this process; but, I'm guessing they never got anyone to help them, and never got around to it themselves.

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10 minutes ago, Yon said:

Hey, thanks for putting up instructions for other people. Everyone's at all different levels in terms of how savvy they are with computers. I didn't think the instructions were confusing, myself; but, I've seen several other people mention not knowing what to do, as well. I just wanted to point out that it's not necessary to rename the pak file -- it should work fine as-is.

The intention, in essence, was for people to use the green button at the top of the GitHub page (says "Code" with an arrow, at the time of writing) to download the files as a zip; from there, they can copy/paste or drag/drop the AION_CLASSIC folder -- the one inside the downloaded zip file -- directly onto their installation of the game client -- also a folder called AION_CLASSIC -- and Windows will merge the folders together because they have the same name (automatically placing the pak file in the correct location). The creator of that repository once reached out to the community to ask for a tutorial video of this process; but, I'm guessing they never got anyone to help them, and never got around to it themselves.

That's good to know that you don't need to rename the file, one less step.


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