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Forth's Fort Log — Siege Numbers: Siel & Israphel — Updated Regularly [Classic]


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Once upon a time, in 3.x era, I began cataloging siege numbers on retail Siel when constant arguments arose about siege results and attendance, so I took it upon myself to tally siege numbers and publicly post them within the Siel server forums to promote productive discussion and community involvement over the situation. Back then, the result was beneficial to the server as a whole, for both Elyos and Asmodians.

I was... very thorough in my approach by documenting play-by-play scenerios and screenshots. Since I will be following two servers this time, I will only be posting rough siege attendance via realm count versus whole world with players who are able to attend, and a MyAion population pull check.  

I am leaving it entirely to the respective players of their server and factions to take the information for what they will and I rely on them to volunteer more detailed information to promote a healthy server for themselves.

Discussion is encouraged, but do not fall into arguments or insult one another. The goal of this thread is to lay bare problems and situations and address them as a community.

Siege Schedule:
1.x [Launch]

That said, let's begin.


All counts are players lv25 and higher (lv25 is when players can enter the Abyss).
** Presently, both servers are undergoing a bot problem. Take the world count and population pull with several grains of salt until NCSoft addresses the issue. **




1. Fixed entry error

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48 minutes ago, Matsukamy-KT said:

All the bots are in siel thats for sure.

But Israphel is sure doomed lol.

lock elyos immediatelly there.

Israphel's numbers are only half of Siel, the numbers in the upper layer are just those farming, there have been no effort to take any upper forts. I would be more interested to have seen the numbers for during lower fort siege.

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As much as I dislike complaining, the Ely-Asmo disbalancement on Israphel at the moment makes it impossible for the Asmo to have a presence in RvR content. While there might be something  that could have been done 1:2, there's much not much we can do at 1:3.

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11 hours ago, Arazith-IS said:

Israphel's numbers are only half of Siel, the numbers in the upper layer are just those farming, there have been no effort to take any upper forts. I would be more interested to have seen the numbers for during lower fort siege.

The events of that night is what finally prompted me to take this up again. While I do not have any record of those numbers, I will be documenting numbers from now on, until I find it no longer necessary or I lose interest. My first Log lasted 2years. 


I’m looking forward to what happens tonight

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Very much appreciated.  Is-Asmos are looking extremely bad.  Since this is not a fresh game release, i'm afraid it's the beginning to an end for the server.  The upper forts are easier to defend then lower, and it takes a hell of alot of lvl 50's to even take it on the offensive side which the Elyos-IS have in gear, experience, and pure numbers.  

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1 hour ago, Arazith-IS said:

So IS-Asmos won't even show up to show numbers, denying evidence for the players to see if there is even an imbalance. (Perceived imbalance isn't evidence enough since we see red easier than blue/whites)

I am a little annoyed this happened the day after I've chosen to dedicate my time into doing this, but it's ultimately their decision on how they will handle their own faction. I will still take numbers regardless.


SL-Asmo went to Krotan to have fun with PVP and mess with the Elyos... SL-Elyos did not take the fort. Seems their players were tired from excessive pre-sieging. SL-Asmo formed up 10min before siege.




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On 7/11/2021 at 6:22 PM, Tyd said:

As someone playing on Israphel the numbers we near even league wise.  The Asmo leadership however likes to use the same strategy every siege.  Bum rush arti room get kisked in there.  Elyos wipe them in arti room and Asmos have to spend time getting back together.  They have deployed this same strategy everytime with the same result.  When one side continues to wipe people stop showing up.  Yesterday they could of I dunno went right to sulfur to take that while Elyos were at Siel.  Trust us Most Elyos would of let that fort go Blue.  However the Asmos decided to use the same strategies again and the same result happened.  So what has happened now is since every siege since server start been like this people are going to level or anything else over siege since no confidence in leadership, they will also reroll etc.  I would not be surprised now is some Sl E and IS A are both rerrolling to  IS E and SL A.

On 7/11/2021 at 8:32 PM, Tyd said:

and you weren't even there so your comment is irrelevant.  You have zero idea about classic sieges as last I looked you not even playing it.  The asmos drib and drab into the arti room and proceed to get wiped.  However based on league numbers they were the same.  So I am taking your comment as whaty it is, which is irrelevant since I don't believe you were even there or playing.  If I am wrong then I apoligize.  Trust me as some one who has led many upon many sieges and was a siege leader for years then I believe I 100% can call it as I see it and point out something they could improve on

Thank goodness you were there and you saw the numbers. The rest of us should shut up because you know and we don't!

Edited by Arhangelos-KT
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So basically NCsoft needs to transfer all of the IS-A players to Siel and all of the SL-A players to Israphel as that would balance everything out. 😂 Both servers would then have around the same number of total people (with Israphel probably being a little more populated) and the two factions would be decently balanced.

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2 hours ago, Arhangelos-KT said:


Thank goodness you were there and you saw the numbers. The rest of us should shut up because you know and we don't!

Again spewing crap you know nothing about.  The Asmos did not even try to siege, The Asmo leader after having equal and more to league numbers first few sieges and losing has decided to protest sieges and stop doing them because wants to show disparity.  Again you need to just stop posting about any and every thing on the forums you think you know, because you don't.    So yes will their be a number problem in future where IS E will outnumber IS A I believe yes but the reason is not because it was that way.  The reason is because of bad calls at every early siege when number wise according to league numbers were even or in IS A favor.  They kept getting wiped due to same strategy deployed every siege.  Thanks goodness you were there to see , but oh wait you weren't and have decided to take the current stuff as Gospel.

So now that they are demoralized many have started to reroll to either SL A or IS E simply because they lost faith in their leadership which is now going to cause the disparity you see, again you think you know but you don't and instead come on here like a some kind of Forum Messiah to preach your Gospel according to Arhangelos and you really have no idea how things led to this.  Classic is still so early on rerolling is easy to do now especially with the 1 week double xp coming up. 

So if you have no idea or server politics or how things led to this or the fact that they never showed up to siege and why the numbers were as they were then you should just stop being a keyboard warrior drink your warm milk and go to bed.  

Again classic is so early rerolling now is happening due to simple bad calls and IS A leadership now refusing to siege as a form of protest.

Anyway I will dip out of this thread since it is Forth's Fort log thread and I respect Forth and known him long time.  I don't want this to become a crap storm thread.  Just passing on the previous history which obviously is to late to capture now and I fully expect ongoing the Numbers for IS e to grow and IS a to shrink now but it wasn't due to what Arhangelos was saying


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46 minutes ago, Kubei-DN said:

We all here knew there would be imbalance but NCWest's neutral stance to address the issue (they only did during server launch) shows they have no plans whatsoever to actually help.

It's sad because we KNOW they won't help.  They could have locked down IS-E and SL-A two weeks ago. Like, we've all been here long enough to know how this ends. We know from retail experience, etc. But people still hope. Well, lots of people will transfer to IS-E and SL-A during this week and we'll all just enjoy our pve sieges. 😂

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6 hours ago, Tyd said:

Again spewing crap you know nothing about.  The Asmos did not even try to siege, The Asmo leader after having equal and more to league numbers first few sieges and losing has decided to protest sieges and stop doing them because wants to show disparity.  Again you need to just stop posting about any and every thing on the forums you think you know, because you don't.    So yes will their be a number problem in future where IS E will outnumber IS A I believe yes but the reason is not because it was that way.  The reason is because of bad calls at every early siege when number wise according to league numbers were even or in IS A favor.  They kept getting wiped due to same strategy deployed every siege.  Thanks goodness you were there to see , but oh wait you weren't and have decided to take the current stuff as Gospel.

So now that they are demoralized many have started to reroll to either SL A or IS E simply because they lost faith in their leadership which is now going to cause the disparity you see, again you think you know but you don't and instead come on here like a some kind of Forum Messiah to preach your Gospel according to Arhangelos and you really have no idea how things led to this.  Classic is still so early on rerolling is easy to do now especially with the 1 week double xp coming up. 

So if you have no idea or server politics or how things led to this or the fact that they never showed up to siege and why the numbers were as they were then you should just stop being a keyboard warrior drink your warm milk and go to bed.  

Again classic is so early rerolling now is happening due to simple bad calls and IS A leadership now refusing to siege as a form of protest.

Anyway I will dip out of this thread since it is Forth's Fort log thread and I respect Forth and known him long time.  I don't want this to become a crap storm thread.  Just passing on the previous history which obviously is to late to capture now and I fully expect ongoing the Numbers for IS e to grow and IS a to shrink now but it wasn't due to what Arhangelos was saying


...this is literally a thread that shows the number difference and you still go on about it. Everyone knows Asmodians on Israphel are far less and they have been like this since day 1, even your grandma knows it.

I already have a character in IS and all towns are empty of players.

You are being proven wrong at every post you make and keep on pretending you know something we don't. Elyos have enough people to have the artifacts, dps 2 fortresses and still enough time to go wipe Asmodians that went to one fortress from start and failed to dps enough to capture it, all while you got 2 already!

This is literally week 3 and you talk about what  happened in the past, what past? Asmodians on IS have been losing forts since day one for the exact same reasons.

Stop commenting on server number imbalances, you are obviously wrong and with your antics you make yourself look like a keyboard warrior.

In short: You didn't win the fortresses because you are awesome, you just outnumber your enemies, accept it.

BUT: if you insist you guys are so good at sieging, why don't you come to Siel to teach elyos how to siege? Elyos here have nothing, I guess they have no leaders too or something. Don't waste your time on IS, you could be No1 on Siel (really!)

Edited by Arhangelos-KT
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42 minutes ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

...this is literally a thread that shows the number difference and you still go on about it. Everyone knows Asmodians on Israphel are far less and they have been like this since day 1, even your grandma knows it.

I already have a character in IS and all towns are empty of players.

You are being proven wrong at every post you make and keep on pretending you know something we don't. Elyos have enough people to have the artifacts, dps 2 fortresses and still enough time to go wipe Asmodians that went to one fortress from start and failed to dps enough to capture it, all while you got 2 already!

This is literally week 3 and you talk about what  happened in the past, what past? Asmodians on IS have been losing forts since day one for the exact same reasons.

Stop commenting on server number imbalances, you are obviously wrong and with your antics you make yourself look like a keyboard warrior.

In short: You didn't win the fortresses because you are awesome, you just outnumber your enemies, accept it.

BUT: if you insist you guys are so good at sieging, why don't you come to Siel to teach elyos how to siege? Elyos here have nothing, I guess they have no leaders too or something. Don't waste your time on IS, you could be No1 on Siel (really!)

LMAO you are one special person. I obviously have made you upset.

Both my Grandmothers are dead thanks for bring that up and them into it just shows the class of person you really are sarcasm or not.

Back to the real issue.  Maybe read this one since reading seems hard for you either cause you don't or some other reason

One at no time ever have the IS Elyos been dpsing 2 forts again shows you have no idea about IS

Two Only one fort a cycle has ever flipped and in fact still not enough high level elyos to take a inner they tried it failed

Three I suggested that early sieges and bad decisions have helped lead to the current number problem

Four  this is a snapshot of number from one siege, yes one siege in which Asmos never even formed, but omg it must be how everything was for last 3 weeks.  Go check out any IS A stream from weeks ago and you can see what their numbers were really like not hard do some looking around

11 hours ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

So let me get this straight, Asmodians went straight to one fortress and started attacking it, elyos had enough people to the artifacts, took 2 fortresses and still had time to go to the other fortress and wipe Asmodians... but that has nothing to do with numbers but tactics! The intelligence is so tough there.

You guys should come to Siel, elyos have nothing there! You are so smart you are wasting yourselves on Israphel!

Five Instead of Offering suggestions your master plan is have them reroll to Siel.  Oh geez what a great prophet you are.

Six I never once said it was Elyos siege tactics that won every time.  I said The bad Asmos tactics and decisions and using same thing over and over made it easy to counter and is contributing to their lacklustre performances and now number drop.  Remember it was IS Asmo character creation that got locked to not IS Elyos

Six I have a toon on Siel, however people like you are the exact reason not to play there.  You just spread such utter positivity and lack of knowledge about most things Aion it just makes Siel look so Appealing.


Now I again Say this is Forthyn's thread so if you wanna talk to me my pm's are open if not then keep the clown shoe, keyboard warrioring shoes on that you wear.  As looking at post you seem to post way more then anyone here.  Good look sir.

I apoligize again Forthyn please continue your fine work

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36 minutes ago, Tyd said:

LMAO you are one special person. I obviously have made you upset.

Both my Grandmothers are dead thanks for bring that up and them into it just shows the class of person you really are sarcasm or not.

Back to the real issue.  Maybe read this one since reading seems hard for you either cause you don't or some other reason

One at no time ever have the IS Elyos been dpsing 2 forts again shows you have no idea about IS

Two Only one fort a cycle has ever flipped and in fact still not enough high level elyos to take a inner they tried it failed

Three I suggested that early sieges and bad decisions have helped lead to the current number problem

Four  this is a snapshot of number from one siege, yes one siege in which Asmos never even formed, but omg it must be how everything was for last 3 weeks.  Go check out any IS A stream from weeks ago and you can see what their numbers were really like not hard do some looking around

Five Instead of Offering suggestions your master plan is have them reroll to Siel.  Oh geez what a great prophet you are.

Six I never once said it was Elyos siege tactics that won every time.  I said The bad Asmos tactics and decisions and using same thing over and over made it easy to counter and is contributing to their lacklustre performances and now number drop.  Remember it was IS Asmo character creation that got locked to not IS Elyos

Six I have a toon on Siel, however people like you are the exact reason not to play there.  You just spread such utter positivity and lack of knowledge about most things Aion it just makes Siel look so Appealing.


Now I again Say this is Forthyn's thread so if you wanna talk to me my pm's are open if not then keep the clown shoe, keyboard warrioring shoes on that you wear.  As looking at post you seem to post way more then anyone here.  Good look sir.

I apoligize again Forthyn please continue your fine work

I have been writing peacefully so far you have been writing aggressively trying desperatelly to go against the whole IS Asmo server calling them impotent at leadership and pretending you know the reason why they don't. You are the only one hurt here. They are those playing on their side not you, so stop trying to pretend you know anythign about their side. I have an Asmodian on IS, do you?

You never had the numbers on week one, yet you keep making claims of "same numbers". You are just trying helplessly to provide your own proof to your faulty arguments. If it wasn't for this thread you would still be going on with "they lost because of leadership". Thank goodness this thread exists.

--> The whole asmodian side kept saying IS Asmo is dead from day 1, except you. The absolute messiah!

I defo hit a nerve there, I do not care about your explanations, I know Asmo-IS is dead and everyone knows that, I know a lot will follow my suggestion and reroll on Siel, and whatever you write is just your saying against the actual facts and the whole Asmo side on IS saying, the facts and the outcomes will always prove you wrong.


P.S. I have a hint of who you really are with a different name here. Same mannerisms and same stubbornness, you probably were ashamed to come with your real name in classic and you decided to be back on another name. Different name, same path.

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The mere existence of this thread is because of people like you. The guy had to go to the extra step to provide proof because the last 2 weeks every elyos came here to make fun of Asmodians and still give their opinion on why they lose calling them bad etc. While the Asmodians kept saying it from day 1 that they are outnumbered.

 @Forthyn - Asmodaes Pea-k  already said he wishes he had done this from day 1 to simply have the solid proof.

The IS Asmodians already proved they are better than you because at least they provided proof for their argument while you still write your claims. They are those logging in a dead server-faction and still took the time to give you a goodbye letter for the reasons they will have to leave.

Enjoy your free ride to success and keep telling yourself how awesome you are. It is still OK and not too late to admit you don't know it all and the other side was right.

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