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Vote to End the Coalition Mechanic


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The Coalition Mechanic has failed.

  • "Coalition is the new siege mechanic introduced in Aion: 5.3 encouraging all players of a faction to work together."

The Coalition Mechanic does not encourage players to work together. We tried it, but instead, the Coalition Mechanic has created resentment and has discouraged players from taking part in the game.

  • "If you have witnessed or have been on the receiving end of what we consider abuse please submit a ticket."

Submitting tickets should never become necessary to encourage players to work together. In the passed, if we were treated unfairly by Alliance Leaders, then we could simply switch to another alliance. Over time, poor leadership got less and less people who wanted to follow their lead, and good leadership was rewarded with more and more people who wanted to follow them. We had no need to submit tickets to create an environment of working together.

A survey should be sent to all Aion players asking for feedback on the Coalition Mechanic.






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I agree with your supporting arguments (and would even add some of my own!), but not with your conclusion.

I don't think that the "fix" for Coalitions is throwing them out, but I do think they need to be changed to make them better.

First, the way I see it, Coalitions were added to prevent the solo sieger. It prevents the "every man for himself" attitude that just about every faction had fallen into. It forces everyone who wants siege rewards to work together with everyone getting the same reward. All of that are good things and things we needed.

To fix what seems to be your main issue with Coalitions, I believe that there should be a mechanic that allows people to join as a group or even as a whole alliance. That way leaders could recruit their group/alliance and then join as a whole. This not only prevents the abuses you were talking about, but also allows us to play with our friends and legionmates. It also allows us to make sure that our group/alliance has the appropriate heals. (Nothing worse that a great dps joining an alliance that either doesn't give them a heal or has no heals!)

Also, I think that there should be a mandatory contribution minimum to prevent at least some of the rampant afk-ism. Everyone getting the same reward was supposed to encourage the super geared to bring the low level and undergeared along with them. Instead it brought out all the lazy in players where even the super geared are just sitting afk and forcing the weaker to carry them.

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The NCwest team do not have the power to take the coalition mechanic out of the game. They do not develop the game, and at most for this aspect, can only forward your opinion to NCKorea.

It also works just fine on Katalam, and the Koreans don't seem to mind it at all.

You do not get my vote, but I understand your frustration.

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37 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

(Nothing worse that a great dps joining an alliance that either doesn't give them a heal or has no heals!)

Is there really no way to move clerics from one ally to another? An ally may have 6 or more clerics, but some other ally has only 2?

34 minutes ago, Mempo-KT said:

It also works just fine on Katalam, and the Koreans don't seem to mind it at all.

I do not wish anyone to fail; however, with the Coalition Mechanic, we have only once choice. The "works fine" is RNG and a house of cards. One poor leader can ruin the gaming experience and a dozen good leaders are helpless.

When we do have choices, we need only one good leader and a dozen poor leaders would have no ill effect on the gaming experience.

I created this post after reading comments on these threads (and there are more threads):



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2 minutes ago, MayBlue-DN said:


I created this post after reading comments on these threads (and there are more threads):



Again, it's an issue on Danaria, and these problems would still exist if the sieges were Alliance based.

In warfare, shitty generals lead to defeat, and the populous rise up in revolution.

Your server is just Russia in WW1.

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@MayBlue-DN.. no. There is no way to transfer characters from one alliance to another. 

You should know that the issues on DN-E regarding the governor and commander and their abuses during sieges have been cleared up. As soon as Cyan posted that what they were doing could result in punishment, those two cowards stopped. Ofc, that doesn't mean that on occasion alliance leaders on all servers in either faction don't break the rules, but the wide spread abuses that were seen on DN-E are no longer occurring. 

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Peter,great powers come with great reponsibilty.

This floating in my head everytime I read there's someone abusing coalition.
I've read many ways how to solves this problem,and the one that interested me most is add 3rd point aka siege point.

AP determines rank 9 - rank 1
GP for 1 star  - 4 star 
From 5 star til governor will be judge by SP (Siege Point)

How to get siege points ? Siege point can be only obtain by quests from landing

The siege points will require to kill gate x amount of balaurs or x amount of opposite faction NPC then General.
Ofc if u afk or not moving with alliance you will not get kills from quest that lead to complete quest.This will solves afkers and not active high ranks in same time.

Ofc SP will reset every1-2 months so inactive high rank will be derank.

Well just my idea tho :)
If you find a flaw in this system let me know.

Edit : about kicking issue you just can't kick 5 star and above.


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On November 23, 2017 at 1:58 AM, Neleth-KT said:

Peter,great powers come with great reponsibilty.

This floating in my head everytime I read there's someone abusing coalition.
I've read many ways how to solves this problem,and the one that interested me most is add 3rd point aka siege point.

AP determines rank 9 - rank 1
GP for 1 star  - 4 star 
From 5 star til governor will be judge by SP (Siege Point)

How to get siege points ? Siege point can be only obtain by quests from landing

The siege points will require to kill gate x amount of balaurs or x amount of opposite faction NPC then General.
Ofc if u afk or not moving with alliance you will not get kills from quest that lead to complete quest.This will solves afkers and not active high ranks in same time.

Ofc SP will reset every1-2 months so inactive high rank will be derank.

Well just my idea tho :)
If you find a flaw in this system let me know.

Edit : about kicking issue you just can't kick 5 star and above.


I don't know how this will work out very well...if everyone was getting the same amount of "siege points", because we have at least 200+ asmos killing NPCs, etc... how will rankings really be determined? If it was based on damage dealt, I wouldn't like this because people could have a lot of damage but don't know how siege mechanics work and the rankings would literally just be dominated by gladiators, sorcerers, and other high damage classes. 

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17 minutes ago, Commission-DN said:

I don't know how this will work out very well...if everyone was getting the same amount of "siege points", because we have at least 200+ asmos killing NPCs, etc... how will rankings really be determined? If it was based on damage dealt, I wouldn't like this because people could have a lot of damage but don't know how siege mechanics work and the rankings would literally just be dominated by gladiators, sorcerers, and other high damage classes. 

Hi thank you for interested I already said

"If everyone got same SP then the rank will determine by GP :)"

I hope that make u clear :)

The point is only the most active high rank iin siege will make it to governor if that governor quitted or no longer play someone more active will take the rank :)

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4 minutes ago, Neleth-KT said:

Hi thank you for interested I already said

"If everyone got same SP then the rank will determine by GP :)"

I hope that make u clear :)

The point is only the most active high rank iin siege will make it to governor if that governor quitted or no longer play someone more active will take the rank :)

I don't remember you saying this or mentioning this, unless it was not specified that well. But either way, I'll probably want others to hear about this system, it's interesting but however it might really just be a huge stalemate since mostly the same people siege nowadays.

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12 minutes ago, Commission-DN said:

I don't remember you saying this or mentioning this, unless it was not specified that well. But either way, I'll probably want others to hear about this system, it's interesting but however it might really just be a huge stalemate since mostly the same people siege nowadays.

It's in a post above ur post :P 

However I want to fix something quest should count in coalition not alliance thank you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i hate this system i liked the old one, i get stuck with 23 ppl i dont know half of who are afk and want me to carry them oh and 0 clerics no chanters 1 sw (who is afk)  but sure its totally fair other than that. and if the dont like u they wait till 5 min before time up kick you and even if u submit  a ticket gms say " we cannot issue gp at this time cuz our system does not allow it"  so what i just wasted 50 min and u wont even check to see i was there ?  thanks bud..


you wonder why players are leaving this game in HEAPS  lack of support, u wonder why mxm died?  lack of support, your new game yah i wont be playing that you would have to PAY ME to play it cuz i already know i wont get ANY support so why waste my time / money ?  just saying

On 11/22/2017 at 9:52 AM, MayBlue-DN said:


Is there really no way to move clerics from one ally to another? An ally may have 6 or more clerics, but some other ally has only 2?

I do not wish anyone to fail; however, with the Coalition Mechanic, we have only once choice. The "works fine" is RNG and a house of cards. One poor leader can ruin the gaming experience and a dozen good leaders are helpless.

When we do have choices, we need only one good leader and a dozen poor leaders would have no ill effect on the gaming experience.

I created this post after reading comments on these threads (and there are more threads):



your gov / commander really suck i feel for u + they cheat hardcore thats just sad i feel that frustration, our new gov is cool when he isnt dc'n  xD

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8 hours ago, Etnaa-DN said:

0 clerics no chanters

I don't really care about the heal aggro. The main issues is that the coalition system is not balancing the classed once you apply for an alliance which causes that some alliances don't even have any healing support while others have too many... They system needs improvement and I hope that by giving out our feedback about it they might pass it to their devs in KR. ;/

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Agreed to both @Vantheria-DN and @Nyali-DN.

I pop a heal, get agro from 6 Balaur archers, fly 90m straight up with the archers still hitting me until I lose them, fly down again and instantly reacquire agro. It's as if those mega archers with their 90m hit range cackle in delight, "Oh! Lookie! A living cleric! KILL HER!" even though I haven't cast a single heal since losing their agro.

Though regarding the no-heals that Nyali mentioned. I have been noticing a few things. If you get in the Coalition queue before the Coalition actually forms, heals are pretty evenly spread. If you wait and join after the Coalition is already formed, it's pot-luck. The thing is, the only way to attempt to be in an alliance with your friends or legionmates is to queue late and all at the same time. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 22/11/2017 at 7:56 PM, Mempo-KT said:

Again, it's an issue on Danaria, and these problems would still exist if the sieges were Alliance based.

In warfare, shitty generals lead to defeat, and the populous rise up in revolution.

Your server is just Russia in WW1.

Yes but in coalition you cannot choose who your leader is, previously these people wouldn't even get a single chance of leading an alliance, much more the whole siege.

Coalition is garbage. I personally no longer go to sieges. I went there for the fun of it and it is no longer fun. Heck I prefered when I could go solo there.

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