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12 hours ago, SlAyeRr-KT said:

The bug is you can still kick people from EC this was supposed to have been fixed ages ago.

If they bothered fixing that in the first place it would've prevented this from happening.

That's not actually a bug. In the past we had the ability turned off in our client because it was being abused. But players have come to the forums to argue both ways. Some insist they need the ability to kick those that go in with every intention to afk or those that queue in alts of the opposite race to make their own run easier. Others point to the rampant abuse of people kicking people they don't like or members of the opposite faction getting lead on their alts and then kicking everyone out to make their run easier.

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One thing I've noticed in all my years of gaming: If there is a potential for abuse, ppl will use it, period. I myself do not go around looking for such things as to me it is more of a challenge to get better gear and do things in game (and RL I might add) the right way however unfortunately this doesn't hold true for most.

This particular issue has been around for a while now so it is either something very hard to detect/fix or it is just not considered any kind of priority. That being said, to each their own on how you choose your in game conduct. As for me I prefer a challenge so I don't exploit things like this.9_9

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People are waiting until really late night EC to be able to do this because it's easier to get into the same one. I saw some people doing it last night and was kind of surprised by some names but not at all by others. Seeing as this glitch is potentially losing NCSoft some money, I wouldn't be surprised if they handed out some bans because of it but, who knows.

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14 minutes ago, Doll-DN said:

People are waiting until really late night EC to be able to do this because it's easier to get into the same one. I saw some people doing it last night and was kind of surprised by some names but not at all by others. Seeing as this glitch is potentially losing NCSoft some money, I wouldn't be surprised if they handed out some bans because of it but, who knows.

Unfortunately they wouldn't perma ban the last remaining paying customers, as proven repeatedly by the hackers roaming free since 5.x, so expect a very temporary ban at most.

In other games, you get perma'd from abusing a calendar glitch that duplicates near-garbage items everyone has thousands of, but here ? uwu

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On 2/9/2019 at 6:06 PM, DevilNest-KT said:

-0pT1oN 3: Make a public post explaining how to abuse bugs

And here i was doing luna resets, but no more! Thx mate great advice :D

...lol I have used luna to reset... I feel rich-stupid. I shall turn my Greek mode on and stop paying to play again :D

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