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MechEagle - The Twelve Box Man


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You know Matheus and co., every time you post about this, it just draws further attention to the fact that you and your group are hackers. I was gonna say stop because you're embarrassing yourself but tbh just keep going. Maybe NC will notice your spam and wise up. 

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On 1/20/2021 at 5:07 AM, UltraDaeva said:

If you are deaf turn on Youtube closed caption feature. ;)

Oh, and just for this dumbass remark:

1) Universities have been sued in the past for relying on Youtube's automatic closed captioning service instead of providing ADA-compliant captions for Deaf and hard of hearing students. As little as a 2% margin of error will make most captions unintelligible, and Youtube's are generally only 60-70% correct (meaning 1 in 3 words are probably wrong.) For example, even with professional audio to work with, Youtube CC will give you


when the accurate subtitles would be, "The tour guides lay bait to draw the sharks in." In the video you posted, it literally begins by transcribing Mech as saying, "Nah I don't do a mushroom." Right... good job Youtube CC, you did your best. ⭐

2) Why do we need to use Youtube close captioning when you burned subtitles into the video?

3) Users can go into the videos they've uploaded and manually correct/edit the captions. Your subs were already dogshit, and the closed captions aren't exactly reliable coming from you either.

4) Check out the automatic captions on your original upload:


"When I do two all bucks"- was that too close to the truth for comfort? 

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The fact they constantly bring up this specific video with the bad accent and the illegible "dual" is only making people realize someone is targeting MechEagle on purpose and not because they think he is botting with alts.

If this was meant to make people dislike MechEagle, at this point it does the exact opposite.

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@Arhangelos-KTmaybe you missed it but the whole cause of this was that MechEagle named 'n shamed that xserver group who used hacks to beat Frigida in PFHM. This incorrectly subtitled video was circulated by the people in that PFHM glide hack group very shortly after Mech posted the screenshot which we've all already seen anyway.

It's so transparent that you could probably assume that the 6 likes on the video are from the 6 members of that team <_<


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