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18 minutes ago, Euphoria-DN said:

I like how they all stopped posting here except on Tuesday for maintenance notes. NcSoft don't care about us anymore.

Sounds like your problem along with many others for being ignorant and dumb. Why are you still here? its been this way for a long time.

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8 minutes ago, Suh-EK said:

Sounds like your problem along with many others for being ignorant and dumb. Why are you still here? its been this way for a long time.

Oh look another new White Knight for ncsoft.

It is your problem too you know you are just being ignorant if you don't think so

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2 minutes ago, Euphoria-DN said:

Oh look another new White Knight for ncsoft

I'm not defending them, but i also dont expect anything from them with the track record they have. Everyone over here expecting fragments and pvp stones getting their hopes ups. Thats your own fault trying to speak it into existence. 

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Just now, Suh-EK said:

I'm not defending them, but i also dont expect anything from them with the track record they have. Everyone over here expecting fragments and pvp stones getting their hopes ups.

No everyone here is asking because that would be the ideal solution to a dying game. There is a reason Q1 and Q2 earnings have Aion in last. They don't know when to listen and act on the advice of their customers and just continue to alienate their player base. I stopped spending any money a while back but the fact is if they actually listened to the feedback and implement changes that are asked for then I wouldn't have issue giving them my money its like they are trying their hardest to actually lose money.

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8 minutes ago, Suh-EK said:

I'm not defending them, but i also dont expect anything from them with the track record they have. Everyone over here expecting fragments and pvp stones getting their hopes ups. Thats your own fault trying to speak it into existence. 

There's nothing wrong in hoping for something better in a game that you love and spent so many years playing.

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Want to hear the biggest joke?

People still pay money to play this game.

This has been happening for years and you actually think NC is going to change? Ever since 3.0 it's been terrible and now we get 1 post a week and no patch notes at all. It's cool that people like to cling to certain games but if this is your main game, go play something else. NC is literally telling you to nyerk off with these events.

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7 hours ago, Reel-DN said:


People still pay money to play this game.


And is this good or bad? I think an internal conflict make its way to the community: should they continue to spend money so their beloved game won't get shut down or stop because ncshit doesn't deserve any cent from Aion players because they don't give a shit about them. Really, they are getting your money while laughing their asses off. This game doesn't even exist for them anymore from a loooong time. Too long.

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12 hours ago, Kubei-DN said:

There's nothing wrong in hoping for something better in a game that you love and spent so many years playing.

Agreed. I still hold out with the hope for things to get better and I am looking forward to the new patch. I'm hoping Aion still has a surprise or two left in it somewhere.

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36 minutes ago, PsychoShooter-KT said:


Will we get any preview streaming about the changes that are going to be in our region, some ppl already know about 7.0 changes since we got to see them on every other region, but some people don't.

So are we going to have teasers or preview, anything like that?

Oh my, you really expect to get a demo from someone who might actually have played the game as a player  (i.e. in non GM "God" mode) and could provide a useful preview? More than someone standing on one spot twirling in their new skin?







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Just wanted to let you know, before 6.0... I easily spent $100 per month on Aion for 9 YEARs. Almost kept every NCoin card just as reminder not to spend TOO much. Since NCSoft never found a way to compensate mistakes like leaving AP gear in pet holder or taking away the ability for some characters to wear leather AFTER SPENDING MANY enchant stones to get it to a compensate lvl like NCSoft told us too without telling us about restrictions... I have spent about $100 total in a YEAR... That's $1200 per year for 9 years. While that may not be a lot for some... that's still $10,800 you wont be getting from me again. Until the 6.0 & this new Vandal character creators are FIRED and 6.0 is replaced with something to make it worth my effort and time again. Thanks for reading. Good Day. 

PS we Aion players used to take our selves serious until ATs, SWs, Gunners, OP dps clerics, & now Valdals ALL LOOKING LIKE CARTOONS make their way into our CHOSEN competitive source of entertainment. Now it's a joke.

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I would gladly take the buffs than this event myself too. Because I could easily farm with alts the event to get extra things, but the only tradeable rewards are the berdin lucky stars and the giant abyssal stars which is not, but thanks not. I wouldn't spend 80 luna to get back into mirash hoping to get another 5 gems out of my pure RNG luck!

On 8/8/2019 at 1:07 AM, Euphoria-DN said:

I like how they all stopped posting here except on Tuesday for maintenance notes. NcSoft don't care about us anymore.

...I am sorry but I had to


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