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Fixing AD in 7.0


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The experience of AD has degraded into a race to kill 5 mobs and then leaving the instance. This is because one of the most sought out items in the game - Ultimate Etium - is gathered through kiling these special named mobs.

This is ruining the AD experience. I suggest we remove Ultimate Etium from the named mobs and add it as a victory reward after completing the instance. That way, AD still serves as an important instance to run, and restores the instance as a PvPvE battleground.


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Could be worse.  Could have a certain Asmo Gov queue his Ely alts to afk.  I have personally gotten into a few of these AD's after they started.  Talk about fair play.  IMO, its worst than stealing a world boss.

Too bad such selfish play goes unpunished and gets rewarded by not only NCSoft but the entire faction.  

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6 minutes ago, GitGud-DN said:

Could be worse.  Could have a certain Asmo Gov queue his Ely alts to afk.  I have personally gotten into a few of these AD's after they started.  Talk about fair play.  IMO, its worst than stealing a world boss.

Too bad such selfish play goes unpunished and gets rewarded by not only NCSoft but the entire faction.  

How do you think people get geared so fast? It is not by competing with other geared players for bags that is for sure.

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It will lead to a compeltely AFK Dredgion. What did you think? That you would get fully geared and then the ancient-geared players would want to fight you? LAWL.

That's the price you pay for being hardcore. You have maybe 10 players that are somewhat of a challenge, the others you are going to 4 shot. Great, huh?

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8 hours ago, Gundam-KT said:

The experience of AD has degraded into a race to kill 5 mobs and then leaving the instance. This is because one of the most sought out items in the game - Ultimate Etium - is gathered through kiling these special named mobs.

This is ruining the AD experience. I suggest we remove Ultimate Etium from the named mobs and add it as a victory reward after completing the instance. That way, AD still serves as an important instance to run, and restores the instance as a PvPvE battleground.


I Guess someone Is afraid of people catching him in gear.

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Ladies... ladies, relax your uteri, EC gives 6 ultimate etiums now if you win (2 for entering and another 4 if you win) and it is much better if you are going to lose you get a kick and keep your entry so you can re-enter.

On the subject a solution to AD would be if they added one more ultimate etium for winning (along with the AP and other rewards), so everyone would be rushing to also finish it.


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7 hours ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

How do you think people get geared so fast? It is not by competing with other geared players for bags that is for sure.


And it's not like this new this week. 

If it's true that the OP already reset a billion and 1/2 dredges and only -now- wants the mats removed, then I think we can pretty much tell him where he can shove his "ruined" experience. 

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How is removing etium from the bosses placed around the boat and instead making it "winner take all" helping to remove etium as a bottleneck? In ID and EC, you can totally afk and get etium. Dredg is the only PvP instance where you have to actually do something to be rewarded. With the bags placed all over the boat, most groups are going to get at least one bag even against geared groups. If you take that away, you will just end up making yet another totally afk instance or make it so that the undergeared don't even queue.

Doesn't sound like you thought this through.

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1 hour ago, Aly-DN said:

How is removing etium from the bosses placed around the boat and instead making it "winner take all" helping to remove etium as a bottleneck? In ID and EC, you can totally afk and get etium. Dredg is the only PvP instance where you have to actually do something to be rewarded. With the bags placed all over the boat, most groups are going to get at least one bag even against geared groups. If you take that away, you will just end up making yet another totally afk instance or make it so that the undergeared don't even queue.

Doesn't sound like you thought this through.

Great points.

There are clearly a few changes that need to happen. If we keep AD as it is, the trend of killing named mobs and leaving will continue. If our goal is to restore it to a points based PvP instance, we'll at least need to make victory conditions mean something. Putting rewards at the end should be a step towards the goal.

Your concern is towards participation. Having victory conditions mean something should also help with that. Named mobs still drop enchantment stones, which is still a source of interest for most people. The question might be whether that is enough to encourage participation. 

I'm totally open to other ideas; This isn't my game, it's ours. One person shouldn't be deciding what direction this game should take us. 

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Here's a solution for you: queue tenacity , , queue KB or queue another instance that is a similar "last man standing" concept. AD is not designed that way, and as others have pointed out serves many people as such.

If you have reset over and over and are fully geared to the teeth it isn't the instance for you.

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8 minutes ago, Rapier-DN said:

Here's a solution for you: queue tenacity , or queue another instance that is a similar "last man standing" concept. AD is not designed that way, and as others have pointed out serves many people as such.

If you have reset over and over and are fully geared to the teeth it isn't the instance for you.

Sure, if that's what most people think it should be. I love tenacity, but unfortunately I can't see myself being satisfied in an instance that I can only do 3 times a week for 20 minutes of enjoyment. Doing the same instance over and over again also makes for a boring game. My hunch is that most people are like me - who do wish AD is a PvPvE instance.

I could be wrong - and if it seems most people feel the way you do, then so be it :) 

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4 hours ago, Gundam-KT said:

Sure, if that's what most people think it should be. I love tenacity, but unfortunately I can't see myself being satisfied in an instance that I can only do 3 times a week for 20 minutes of enjoyment. Doing the same instance over and over again also makes for a boring game. My hunch is that most people are like me - who do wish AD is a PvPvE instance.

I could be wrong - and if it seems most people feel the way you do, then so be it :) 

You are wrong. If people wanted to PvP in AD they would be. The fact is progression over having fun 100% of the time.

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3 hours ago, wasa-EK said:

Aion in 2019: dodge pvp so you can gear up for pvp to then be the one to get dodged in pvp then get bored cus nobody wants to pvp besides the same ppl youve been pvping against for the past 5 years (of pvp)


pvp pvp pvp, pvp pvp aion pvp

I blame the game's design for that. I, for once, rarely run away (compeltely) from PVP, but there are some situations that are not even fun. In some cases I don't even try to run away anymore because I know that I'll get 4 shot. Sure, I just rerolled Vandal and I'm still in full ancient (do not have prestige nor the time to do everything that the game offers atm) but when a spell that is supposed to deal 15k damage deals 1.5k and the player has nearly 60k HP, then yeah, not fun.

The gear gap has always been a problem in Aion, since launch, but from the point I stopped playing in 4.x to 6.x, man! 4.x was heaven if compared to now regarding gear gap. Sure you would deal 20%, maybe 30% less damage, which was already a huge gap, but right now you deal 90% less damage.

On top of that, NA, as always, has nerfed our progression in 7.0 by nerfing Altars vulnerability (from 2 times to once a day) and siege from everyday to every other day. So, yeah! YAY NA!!!

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