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Skin drops after 6.0


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I made a research on the powerbook to find out if/where some skins will drop after the update and made a list for the fellow skinwhores!
Some of these are low level instances and I have no idea if high level characters can drop something from them or if any of these can be traded from an alt to your main. I also have no idea about the drop rates, and I only looked at instances, idk if you can get these or other skins through quests, tokens, world drop or anything else (if you do, please let me know!)
Here's the list:

  • Haramel - Deft Counsel skins 
  • Aetherogenetic's lab / Alquimia Reseserch center/ Kromede's Trial - fabled Kahrun skins
  • Fire temple / Indratu Fortress / Draupnir Cave / Taloc / Eso - Malefic skin
  • Esoterrace - Abyssal and Yamenes weapons skins (!!!)
  • Beshmundir Temple - Stormwings skins
  • Dragon Lord's Refuge - Ophidan skins 
  • Rentus - Vasharti skins and weapons (like those from OccRB) and Hyperion skins (cloth is the songweaver version)
  • Drakenspire Depths - Malefic weapon skins 
  • Tiamat Stronghold - Tiamat skins (helm skin is the eternal version from quest) and Tiamat Spectral wings
  • Mirash Sanctum - IO skins (cloth is the songweaver version) and SKAFIR WINGS (and Ancanus for elyos ofc)
  • Cradle of Eternity - IO skins (cloth is the songweaver version), Apollon and Atreia wings
  • Bastion of Souls - EB skins (cloth is the songweaver version) and Harvester skins
  • Frozen Monolith - EB skins (cloth is the songweaver version) and Harvester skins
  • Infernal Drakenspire dephts - Beritra and Fallen Poeta skins and a new one 
  • Promethun's Workshop - Beritra skins and a new one 

P.s.: I was simply looking to the skins, not the grade of the gear btw.

Source: https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Instances

Feel free to add anything that I might have missed :)

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Thankies for sharing this! :3

I'm already excited to start getting all those skins. Just keep in mind that those skins might not be tradable just like on EU. Some skins are also open world drops, which makes it easier to complete a set since you level up quite fast, which prevents you from getting drops at a certain level difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thresu/Runa Set (fabled; originally awarded from Katalam campaign, currently acquired via the Cygnea/Enshar campaigns I believe?), Conquest (Danaan) and Blood Mark sets are also still available, they are used as skins for the new campaign gear sets.

It might also be an idea to keep a list of skin sets that will not be available after 6.0 in particular. What I have so far (correct me if I'm wrong):

  • Corrupt Judge Set (Kromede's Trial)
  • Steel Rake (Groggets) & Steel Rose sets (formerly SR instances; currently from Shulack mobs in DS/SDS at a low chance)
  • Dark Poeta/Draupnir Cave Set (including the DP exclusive headpiece accessory for completing the full quest chain)
  • Surama Set (original Esoterrace Set)
  • Debilkarim Set (original Udas Set)
  • Ancient Spirit Set ((Sealed)Argent Manor)

And some ones that tend to be overlooked:

  • Opposing faction Bronze Coin set (On Elyos this is called "Erudite" set, pieces have a small chance to drop from lv22-ish Anubite mobs in Theo. Asmos get the Elyos Bronze Coin skins instead, not sure what it's called over there)
  • LV30 & LV50 opposing faction armors (Elyos: Shugo spawn in Eracus Temple (lv30)/Theo Lab (lv50). Asmos: ???)
  • All crafted Balic skins
  • Tailoring Skins (Master Prolix (Veille), Master Drenium)
  • (Possibly) Certain AP/Abyss armors (The lv60 one from Sarpan can still be bought at the Cloister/Priory, Custodian is still available too so get them now)
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33 minutes ago, Mirei-KT said:
  • LV30 & LV50 opposing faction armors (Elyos: Shugo spawn in Eracus Temple (lv30)/Theo Lab (lv50). Asmos: ???)

For asmos, the shugo appears in Slag Bulwark regularly.

It would be also worth noting that, if we get the same or very similar Luna designs to Korea/RU/EU, all skins (and housing items and pets) are removed from Luna so if you want spares or specific skins from there, it would be best to buy or craft them now.

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2 hours ago, Mirei-KT said:

Thresu/Runa Set (fabled; originally awarded from Katalam campaign, currently acquired via the Cygnea/Enshar campaigns I believe?), Conquest (Danaan) and Blood Mark sets are also still available, they are used as skins for the new campaign gear sets.

It might also be an idea to keep a list of skin sets that will not be available after 6.0 in particular. What I have so far (correct me if I'm wrong):

  • Corrupt Judge Set (Kromede's Trial)
  • Steel Rake (Groggets) & Steel Rose sets (formerly SR instances; currently from Shulack mobs in DS/SDS at a low chance)
  • Dark Poeta/Draupnir Cave Set (including the DP exclusive headpiece accessory for completing the full quest chain)
  • Surama Set (original Esoterrace Set)
  • Debilkarim Set (original Udas Set)
  • Ancient Spirit Set ((Sealed)Argent Manor)

And some ones that tend to be overlooked:

  • Opposing faction Bronze Coin set (On Elyos this is called "Erudite" set, pieces have a small chance to drop from lv22-ish Anubite mobs in Theo. Asmos get the Elyos Bronze Coin skins instead, not sure what it's called over there)
  • LV30 & LV50 opposing faction armors (Elyos: Shugo spawn in Eracus Temple (lv30)/Theo Lab (lv50). Asmos: ???)
  • All crafted Balic skins
  • Tailoring Skins (Master Prolix (Veille), Master Drenium)
  • (Possibly) Certain AP/Abyss armors (The lv60 one from Sarpan can still be bought at the Cloister/Priory, Custodian is still available too so get them now)

YES! Thats a great list to make!
Ancient Spirit set, Veille and Tahabata weapons are available on BCM at least.

I'm not sure about this next list, but I think the current aetherforging skins might be unavailable as well, I didn't find any of them on the updated list of recipes from powerbook

  • -Blue Bunny
  • -Kalis / Wise / Episte (which are the same skins as spinel coin gear, but I don't think we'll keep those coins either)
  • -Prowess 
  • -Restored Noble Tac Officer

Some other stuff I couldn't find (please correct me if you know anything about them), and for safety, I'd say get it while you can!

  • The actual noble tac officer set and weapons (the regular tac officer set will be available through aetherforging : https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Craft/155203732 )
  • Cat harp from sauro shugo
  • Protectorate coin skins from TS (they keep TS, but I didn't find anything about the protectorate coin npc)
  • Daevanion skins 
  • Wings: Vasharti, Apollon, Ancient Spirit, Hyperion, Crusader/Radiant token ones
  • General skins 


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On 10/13/2018 at 9:58 PM, Byebyebuffs-DN said:

I think the current aetherforging skins might be unavailable as well, I didn't find any of them on the updated list of recipes from powerbook

  • -Blue Bunny

I saw a screencap or maybe a video about a month or two ago that showed this design back in aetherforging for 6.5. Of course, I can't find the image/video again now to cite my source. :/

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On 10/13/2018 at 7:56 PM, Mirei-KT said:

It might also be an idea to keep a list of skin sets that will not be available after 6.0 in particular. What I have so far (correct me if I'm wrong):

  • Corrupt Judge Set (Kromede's Trial)

If I could request just one set to be added as a quest reward or converted to a reusable skin, it would be this one.


On 10/13/2018 at 8:23 PM, Capa-KT said:

It would be also worth noting that, if we get the same or very similar Luna designs to Korea/RU/EU, all skins (and housing items and pets) are removed from Luna so if you want spares or specific skins from there, it would be best to buy or craft them now.

I feel that all housing items, skins and pets should be added elsewhere to the game, or perhaps made permanent additions to the BCM. Pets and housing items especially!

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On 13/10/2018 at 11:58 PM, Byebyebuffs-DN said:

YES! Thats a great list to make!
Ancient Spirit set, Veille and Tahabata weapons are available on BCM at least.

I'm not sure about this next list, but I think the current aetherforging skins might be unavailable as well, I didn't find any of them on the updated list of recipes from powerbook

  • -Blue Bunny
  • -Kalis / Wise / Episte (which are the same skins as spinel coin gear, but I don't think we'll keep those coins either)
  • -Prowess 
  • -Restored Noble Tac Officer

Some other stuff I couldn't find (please correct me if you know anything about them), and for safety, I'd say get it while you can!

  • The actual noble tac officer set and weapons (the regular tac officer set will be available through aetherforging : https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Craft/155203732 )
  • Cat harp from sauro shugo
  • Protectorate coin skins from TS (they keep TS, but I didn't find anything about the protectorate coin npc)
  • Daevanion skins 
  • Wings: Vasharti, Apollon, Ancient Spirit, Hyperion, Crusader/Radiant token ones
  • General skins 


As someone said above, yes Blue Bunny will be available on 6.5, and I noticed Noble Tac Officer skins and Crussader/Radiant wings can be crafted through aetherforging as well so let me correct this list :x 
Oh, and I also saw Ancient Spirit Wings available on GST shop on the live stream.

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I've been using this list to farm some skins now that we got the update, and I would like to add some info for those that are willing to do so.

  • These are actual gears, not clothing, therefore you can only use the pieces allowed for your class.
  • All the items are untradeable, cannot be brokered, unstorable on acc or legion warehouse and one-time remodeling;
  • They don't drop for higher levels, you must be within 10 levels range to be able to drop stuff;
  • Make sure to group with another low level character to get drops at low level instances. A friend that was lvl 50+ was holding group for me on FT and I was getting 0 drops, I had to log another account with a lowbie toon to be able to farm.
  • Unfortunatelly, passing the loot rights to another character (so you could farm on a lowbie alt to loot on your main) doesn't work. I tried, the mob disappears while the loot is still closed.

Last but no least, RNG sucks.
I'm farming on my cleric and so far I got a full set of cloth and a full set of plate (helm included!), but only 1 piece of chain zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hope you people have better luck lol



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@Cyan Since levelling is so streamlined now, those of us that are levelled can't actually farm any of the skins in the lower instances. Would it be possible at all to make it that higher levels still get these armour drops? It's just frustrating because it's so easy to level now so in the time it takes to actually farm the skin set, you'll likely be too high of a level to actually get the last pieces.

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  • 10 months later...

Necroing this old thread because I've been farming skins from old instances and have a bit of additional input.

On 9/29/2018 at 8:13 PM, QuickHeals-DN said:
  • Fire temple / Indratu Fortress / Draupnir Cave / Taloc / Esoterrace - Malefic skin
  • Esoterrace - Abyssal and Yamenes weapons skins (!!!)

So what I've found is that the Abyssal skins in Esoterrace cannot be farmed. The reason is that they are inside ancient/legendary armor/weapon boxes.*** When you bring in another toon, you can loot everything else on the boss EXCEPT those boxes. I ran across the same issue with legendary armor drops in Fire Temple; they could not be looted except by the toon that actually killed the boss. The white armor drops (Malefic skins) CAN be farmed as they are not inside ancient/legendary boxes. My skin farming toon is only level 45 currently, so I haven't gotten to the higher level old instances yet, but I expect it will be the same -- if the skin/gear is in an ancient/legendary box, it won't be farmable; only white drops.

Also a bit of how-to if anyone is unsure how to farm on lower level toons and then pass to your level 80 toons:

  • You will need two toons in the group: a level 1 on a separate account and a level 37/45/whatever on your main account. Your level 1 toon should be in the group the entire time, regardless of how much switching you do for other toons to loot.
  • Your level 1 toon can just sit at Ishalgen or wherever. Bring your level 37 (or whatever) toon inside the instance by itself (while in group with the level 1) and kill mobs/beat the instance.
  • Note: If white skins drop on the regular mobs, go to character screen with your level 37 toon -- DO NOT LEAVE GROUP -- and switch to your main. The regular mob loot despawns within 2-3 minutes, so you must be very fast on those. Loot it on your main and then go back to character screen and switch back to your level 37 toon. Continue the instance.
  • After you kill the final boss in the instance, you will probably have a 15-minute wait period before you can loot on another toon -- at least, that's how it is in Fire Temple and Esoterrace. So kill the boss and then go to character screen -- again, DO NOT LEAVE GROUP -- and switch to your main. Bring your main inside the instance (the level 1 should still be chilling in group with you) and wait by the boss until it becomes lootable.

The drop rate isn't too bad, at least in Fire Temple and Esoterrace. You get white armor drops on mobs maybe 10% of the time and then you get at least one white armor drop on the final boss, plus the possibility of the ancient/legendary box (again, not lootable by any toon except the one who was in the instance.)

*** If anyone has managed to successfully pass these ancient/legendary BOXES to other toons, let me know how!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back with another skin-farming update as I've finished off Fire Temple and moved on a bit lol.

On 9/29/2018 at 8:13 PM, QuickHeals-DN said:
  • Rentus - Vasharti skins and weapons (like those from OccRB) and Hyperion skins (cloth is the songweaver version)

The Vasharti/ORB skins and weapons are NOT farmable for level 80 toons as they are in legendary boxes (see my post above). The Hyperion skins are white gear drops, so they ARE farmable. Also, I can confirm the songweaver cloth is the actual sw version -- the cute red dress.

Lower Udas Temple ALSO drops the Hyperion skins, so I recommend farming this one instead because it's a lot easier/faster than Rentus Base. The drop rate is pretty good in there if you kill all the mobs. I farmed the entire songweaver set (including hat) except the weapon in just 3 runs.

On 9/29/2018 at 8:13 PM, QuickHeals-DN said:
  • Dragon Lord's Refuge - Ophidan skins 

I don't think this is correct. I've done several runs in here and it has only dropped the Hyperion gear (same as Rentus/Udas Temple). Note, Calindi will drop a piece of white gear and there will also be a piece of white gear in the final chest. The final chest will disappear when you bring a different toon into the instance; it's not lootable by anyone except the toon which killed Tiamat. However, Calindi is lootable by other toons. Calindi will not become lootable for 15 minutes, so you don't have to rush in there with your level 80; you can go ahead and finish the instance first.

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