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New EU world drop.

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[Rune] Stigma Enchantment Stone
[Rune] Legendary PvP Enchantment Stone
[Rune] Legendary PvE Enchantment Stone
[Rune] Ultimate PvE Enchantment Stone
[Rune] Ultimate PvP Enchantment Stone
[Rune] Ancient Transformation Contract: (11 types)
Daevanion Skill Chest (10 types)
Transparency Transformation Potion: Kaisinel

The one thing that could bring people back to the game and be in open world for pvpve. Hopefully, NA follow in the foot steps of EU with this specific update. 

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Yikes. I don't know. To me, PvP stones shouldn't drop at all and maybe PvE gold stones.. but not legendary or ultimate. You can take the golds and morph them into the higher tiers. Imo if you add ultimates or even legendaries to open world you are just going to incentivize botting.

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2 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Yikes. I don't know. To me, PvP stones shouldn't drop at all and maybe PvE gold stones.. but not legendary or ultimate. You can take the golds and morph them into the higher tiers. Imo if you add ultimates or even legendaries to open world you are just going to incentivize botting.

Bottling already exists. Fact is that no one is grinding open world because guiding stone drops are ridiculous right now. Gold pve stones wouldn’t be an incentive (I have 600 stacked now). I wouldn’t mind calling it to just pve stones, though. None of these materials are brokeable either, so botting wouldn’t be an issue anymore than it is now.

Stones for morphing isn’t the limiting factor, experience is. This would provide more incentive to farm for regular players, pretty simple. Which would hopefully drive down the price of guiding stones and make pvp more active.

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Since the items above are not tradeable and/or be put on the broker, bots don’t really profit off anything. Unless the bot owner logs on to actually enchant things, which takes away from the main point of selling crafting items. 

[Rune] in EU is like those stamp items we used to get in previous patches. 

Personally I think it be a good and healthy way to bring players back and have it accessible to everyone free to play and pay to play. 

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I already farm because I have nothing else to do but this would make it worth while and as stated before it would definitely increase activity open world AND help give some players struggling to enchant a chance to work hard and catch up based on their own dedication to grind mobs. 

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6 hours ago, KonkersGG-EK said:

And getting banned over a few drops? Yeah, seems smart.

IMO it would increase world PVP and lower prices for guiding stones. I don't see any down side to this.

It isn't smart. But you put ultimate PvP stones in open world and you will see it far more than you do now.. which isn't as non-existent as you think.

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9 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

Yikes. I don't know. To me, PvP stones shouldn't drop at all and maybe PvE gold stones.. but not legendary or ultimate. You can take the golds and morph them into the higher tiers. Imo if you add ultimates or even legendaries to open world you are just going to incentivize botting.


they're all untradeable / cannot be brokered on EU.
Don't know how it would incentivize botting

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22 minutes ago, Lapis-DN said:


they're all untradeable / cannot be brokered on EU.
Don't know how it would incentivize botting

If you know that there is a 1% chance to get ultimate PvP stones from farming, how tempted would you be to find a corner of the map and set yourself to bot there? If you think no one is going to see you.. or maybe that you are so well known that you feel  no one will turn you in?

Have you not seen videos of people botting on their mains? Have not heard of players with all the gear in the world who were banned for botting?

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2 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

If you know that there is a 1% chance to get ultimate PvP stones from farming, how tempted would you be to find a corner of the map and set yourself to bot there? If you think no one is going to see you.. or maybe that you are so well known that you feel  no one will turn you in?

Have you not seen videos of people botting on their mains? Have not heard of players with all the gear in the world who were banned for botting?


eh. I agree with you on that part.
the problem is that ncsfot wont punish those 'botters' (the ones who bot on main characters)


Maybe dropping from instances would be better, just like omegas in the past

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1 hour ago, Aly-DN said:

If you know that there is a 1% chance to get ultimate PvP stones from farming, how tempted would you be to find a corner of the map and set yourself to bot there? If you think no one is going to see you.. or maybe that you are so well known that you feel  no one will turn you in?

Have you not seen videos of people botting on their mains? Have not heard of players with all the gear in the world who were banned for botting?


1 hour ago, Lapis-DN said:


eh. I agree with you on that part.
the problem is that ncsfot wont punish those 'botters' (the ones who bot on main characters)


Maybe dropping from instances would be better, just like omegas in the past

A couple of years ago, a few days after we updated to 5.1, some players were caught on video booting on their main (and geared) chars and were reported on the old forum, those players were banned from the game, and one of those players were Rakutsu the asmodian governor from Siel.

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13 hours ago, HealingSquid-KT said:

Cool change for EU tho. Why are EU players even playing in NA at this point?

playing with friends obviously, until all the friends decide to move to EU (or quit) ofc

also, just want to point out:
[Rune] Stigma Enchantment Stone -> 220 ncoin
[Rune] Legendary PvE Enchantment Stone -> 240 ncoin
[Rune] Ancient Transformation Contract: (11 types) -> 8000 ncoin

The chances of NA getting any of those added to open world drops, when we have bot issues that Ncwest solves by lowering drop rates whenever they feel like it (penalising real ppl  farming tons more than penalising actual bots), is just too nyerk low.

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