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Starting now. Should I wait for 7.0 to get gear?

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So title pretty much says it all, but I'm starting now (just came back) and I'd like your input on the matter. Should I save my kinah and enchantment stones to get the new gear come 7.0 or should I just go for the 6.0 gear and then upgrade? Looking back I'd say we are about 3 months or less away from 7.0, and taking that time in consideration I'll not be full Ultimate +15 by then, maybe not even full Legendary +15.

So the question is, will we be able to acquire the new equipment from ancient and upgrade it all the way to ultimate, or having the 6.0 equipment at +15 ultimate is the only way to get it? I know that the new crafted gear will be "completely new" and old crafted gear won't be upgradeable.

Thanks bois and grills.

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Are you talking about pvp gear? If so, you get the new 7.0 pvp gear from purifying the +15 Ultimate current gear. So you can't just jump right into it in 7.0. If you're talking about pve gear, then you can't jump right into that either because you won't be able to do the instance to get it due to not having any good pve gear.

As you said, 7.0 is probably soon. However, knowing NCsoft, it could still be months away, who knows. I'd say just play the game and don't sweat it too much. Whatever gear you get (pve), great.

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12 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Are you talking about pvp gear? If so, you get the new 7.0 pvp gear from purifying the +15 Ultimate current gear. So you can't just jump right into it in 7.0. If you're talking about pve gear, then you can't jump right into that either because you won't be able to do the instance to get it due to not having any good pve gear.

As you said, 7.0 is probably soon. However, knowing NCsoft, it could still be months away, who knows. I'd say just play the game and don't sweat it too much. Whatever gear you get (pve), great.

Sorry, PVP gear only, yes.

Ok, good to know that I can start asap. Thanks!

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15 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Are you talking about pvp gear? If so, you get the new 7.0 pvp gear from purifying the +15 Ultimate current gear. So you can't just jump right into it in 7.0. If you're talking about pve gear, then you can't jump right into that either because you won't be able to do the instance to get it due to not having any good pve gear.

As you said, 7.0 is probably soon. However, knowing NCsoft, it could still be months away, who knows. I'd say just play the game and don't sweat it too much. Whatever gear you get (pve), great.

does this work also for the ultimate winged champion gear??

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27 minutes ago, Vessttemona-KT said:

does this work also for the ultimate winged champion gear??

Yes. Both genesis and compensation (winged) gear turn into the same gear in 7.0 provided they're +15 ultimate.

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All the genesis/compensation gear we have now can be upgraded to the new Tier 2 sets introduced in 7.0:

+15 ancient genesis/compensation gear -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Ancient (Tier 2 = new 7.0 gear)
+15 legendary genesis/compensation gear -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Legendary
+15 ultimate genesis/compensation gear -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Ultimate

+15 Tier 2 Ancient -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Legendary
+15 Tier 2 legendary -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Ultimate

You can check the costs in Aionpowerbook: https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/7.0_Update, browse the different pvp sets and you can check what upgrades to what.

In all cases you need mats (fragments/AP/ridium) to upgrade (as well as the cost of making stuff +15 before you can purify), so decide based on your resources (kinah/time/$). You can also just farm the new 7.0 gear from scratch (you buy the +0 ancients with genesis crystals and work your way from there, just like our current gear).

Let's say you can aim for full legendary gear this patch, thing is if you don't make it +15 you won't be able to purify it into the new tier 2 gear in 7.0. On the other hand if you just buy the new tier 2 ancient and make it +15, that also can be purified into the tier 2 legendary, and it's much cheaper to +15 an ancient piece vs +15'ing a legendary, so investing in legendary gear now is more of a thing of having something to hold you if you want to pvp this patch (you won't be competitive against people in ultimate gear obviously).



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Note that the cost to upgrade genesis crystal pvp gear: (All items have to be +15 in order to purify)

  • Legendary T1 -> Legendary T2 is the same as Ancient T2 -> Legendary
  • Ultimate T1 -> Ultimate T2 is the same as Legendary T2 -> Ultimate T2

AP and Fighting Spirit Fragment costs for T2 pvp equipments are 25% higher than same grade T1 equipment.

Ancient T2 equipment have slightly more base stats than Legendary T1 equipment.

Legendary T2 equipment have slightly more base stats than Ultimate T1 equipment.

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11 minutes ago, Hinotori-DN said:

All the genesis/compensation gear we have now can be upgraded to the new Tier 2 sets introduced in 7.0:

+15 ancient genesis/compensation gear -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Ancient (Tier 2 = new 7.0 gear)
+15 legendary genesis/compensation gear -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Legendary
+15 ultimate genesis/compensation gear -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Ultimate

+15 Tier 2 Ancient -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Legendary
+15 Tier 2 legendary -> upgrades to +0 Tier 2 Ultimate

You can check the costs in Aionpowerbook: https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/7.0_Update, browse the different pvp sets and you can check what upgrades to what.

In all cases you need mats (fragments/AP/ridium) to upgrade (as well as the cost of making stuff +15 before you can purify), so decide based on your resources (kinah/time/$). You can also just farm the new 7.0 gear from scratch (you buy the +0 ancients with genesis crystals and work your way from there, just like our current gear).

Let's say you can aim for full legendary gear this patch, thing is if you don't make it +15 you won't be able to purify it into the new tier 2 gear in 7.0. On the other hand if you just buy the new tier 2 ancient and make it +15, that also can be purified into the tier 2 legendary, and it's much cheaper to +15 an ancient piece vs +15'ing a legendary, so investing in legendary gear now is more of a thing of having something to hold you if you want to pvp this patch (you won't be competitive against people in ultimate gear obviously).




8 minutes ago, mooMOOMooMoomoo-KT said:

Note that the cost to upgrade genesis crystal pvp gear: (All items have to be +15 in order to purify)

  • Legendary T1 -> Legendary T2 is the same as Ancient T2 -> Legendary
  • Ultimate T1 -> Ultimate T2 is the same as Legendary T2 -> Ultimate T2

AP and Fighting Spirit Fragment costs for T2 pvp equipments are 25% higher than same grade T1 equipment.

Ancient T2 equipment have slightly more base stats than Legendary T1 equipment.

Legendary T2 equipment have slightly more base stats than Ultimate T1 equipment.

This information is game changing. If I can acquire T2 Ancient gear directly using Cristals and work on it to Legendary and Ultimate, then that's probably the better option since I probably won't have the time/kinah to get my gear to Ultimate until 7.0.

Maybe by then I'll have enought stones to go for Legendary and some Ultimate pieces in one go!

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2 hours ago, TALENTED-DN said:

So title pretty much says it all, but I'm starting now (just came back) and I'd like your input on the matter. Should I save my kinah and enchantment stones to get the new gear come 7.0 or should I just go for the 6.0 gear and then upgrade? Looking back I'd say we are about 3 months or less away from 7.0, and taking that time in consideration I'll not be full Ultimate +15 by then, maybe not even full Legendary +15.

So the question is, will we be able to acquire the new equipment from ancient and upgrade it all the way to ultimate, or having the 6.0 equipment at +15 ultimate is the only way to get it? I know that the new crafted gear will be "completely new" and old crafted gear won't be upgradeable.

Thanks bois and grills.

If I were you try to get a couple important ancient pieces now purified to legendary and +15 then when 7.0 hits you can purify to T2 legendary PvP.

The main perk upgrade of T2 gear in 7.0 is much better base stats and enchanting stat upgrades are more even among levels 1-15 than the spike we have currently from 11-15. In 7.0 the enchanting stat distribution is much more even than now.

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2 minutes ago, Pharoahra-DN said:

If I were you try to get a couple important ancient pieces now purified to legendary and +15 then when 7.0 hits you can purify to T2 legendary PvP.

The main perk upgrade of T2 gear in 7.0 is much better base stats and enchanting stat upgrades are more even among levels 1-15 than the spike we have currently from 11-15. In 7.0 the enchanting stat distribution is much more even than now.

That would require me double the amount of PVP stones, though. That's twice the farm for those Legendary pieces. IDK, seems smarter  and cheaper to wait for 7.0 to do it all one time only. Unless we will have T2 Enchantment Stones too, then I'm fked either way.

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The average player right now is in a mix of legendary and ultimate gear of varying enchantment levels. For people just starting, I recommend crafting gear while working on the genesis crystal equipment on the side. ^_^ Masterwork legendary and ulti gear is more than serviceable, and the non-procs can be disenchanted for Fighting Spirit Fragments. (The procs can also be disenchanted when the time comes to replace them.) 

I also cannot over-emphasize the importance of running your Luna instances. Run them on as many alts as you can stomach! Legendary PVP enchantment stones are now a Luna craft, so convert the materials into Luna currency on alts and use that to spam the craft on your main. I made 21 legendaries in one sitting, with a lucky proc of 4 stones from a single bundle at one point. I like to think the max is 5 but I can't confirm that yet. -_-

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I got a brainstorm after readiong all these acronyms, T2, T1, gen,comp etc.

I am full genesis +15 I have nothing to wait for, but if I knew my compensation gear was also upgradeable to the exact same items I would probably save a ton of enchants.

Meh, I guess I'll have two sets.

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@TALENTED-DN yeah bro it would be pretty worth to start working on the gear now. Even if you don't finish your gear to full ulti +15 this patch you can still turn whatever you make from here into the newer 7.0 gear. For instance, you can turn the legendary cloud war into the 7.0 legendary version of the gear so I would say just get to it my man! YOU GOT THIS!

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2 hours ago, cruucruu-DN said:

@TALENTED-DN yeah bro it would be pretty worth to start working on the gear now. Even if you don't finish your gear to full ulti +15 this patch you can still turn whatever you make from here into the newer 7.0 gear. For instance, you can turn the legendary cloud war into the 7.0 legendary version of the gear so I would say just get to it my man! YOU GOT THIS!


7 minutes ago, Zombiex-DN said:

try to get legendary +15 and you will be ready for the 7.0

dont waste ur time/money on the ultimate gear, legendary tier 2 is better than current ultimate

Thanks for the input, but I think that it's smarter to follow @Ele-DNadvice and save ap, enchants and spirits and go straight for the T2 gear. It will be a lot less farm for enchantment stones, and I mean a lot! Probably around 500 ancient, 150 legendary and 60 ultimate stones is my estimated usage for a full +15 legendary set (probably more actually). That's a lot of kinah and exp farm too.


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T2 legend worse than t1 ultimates. 3 bonus stats instead of 4 and less base stats.

If you look at the upgrade path for t1 to its t2 variant, it cost the same to upgrade 7.0 gear.from the lesser grade to the next.

t1 ult/t2 legend to t2 ult https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101350132

t1 legend/t2 ancient to t2 legend https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101350131

t1 ancient to t2 ancient https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101350130 (which is free)


current weaps

ult https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101350037

legend https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101350036

ancient https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101350035

Assuming you only have legend +15 now, you would have spent 6m ap (anc to legend) + 6m (t1 to t2) then 25m for t2 ult. you also would have to +15 your t2 legend again. 6.0 is half way at least, could be more. looking back at 5.8 to 6.0 people who had an advantage were the ones who were lucky to enchant their gear while in 5.8 and was compensated with exchange gear, bypassing the horrible enchantment rates at the beginning of 6.0. The road block was 28% enchantment rate for  ancients to +15. Now, its +15 for ult or lgends, which is limited to how many ultimate enchant stones you have, 10 ancients to 1 legend and 5 legend to 1 ult. When they say that players now have a mix of legends and ults, think about how many pvp instance runs to had to do to get where they are now, 1 or 2 runs per day for 4-5 months? That is assuming they didn't buy extra runs with luna, and how much available supply they would have if they decide to make all their equipment ultimate before 7.0 comes. Certain factions didn't have the luxury of being able to craft pvp equipment during the horrible enchantment period until recently.. 

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On 6/24/2019 at 2:35 PM, Doll-DN said:

Yes. Both genesis and compensation (winged) gear turn into the same gear in 7.0 provided they're +15 ultimate.

Where do you see this?  When I follow the link to Aion PowerBook I only see a mention of the Genesis Crystal gear.

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