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Weekly Server Maintenance - April 17, 2019


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  • Aion Team

There will be a scheduled maintenance Wednesday, April 17, 2019 from 6:00 a.m. CDT / 11:00 CET to 9:30 a.m. CDT / 14:30 CEST. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.


  • Routine website and server maintenance
  • Rainbow Snake Festival will continue for 2 more weeks.
  • Flower Festival will continue for 2 more weeks.
  • An issue preventing the editing of housing scripts will be fixed.
  • An issue where Warsinger and Daisy Duchess items in the Flower Festival event did not have the correct item names will be fixed.

Be sure to follow @AionOps for server updates.

Maintenance Images of the Week

  5qw554euuns21.png ehicp5bgaur21.jpg xummgtj0q1s21.jpg

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You mean I can finally stop that annoying shugo from calling me by my old name? Praise the Lord!

On a related note, it would be fantastic to see the housing merchants updated with the old construction items. I'd like to have all of the old world drop souvenirs added to the Shugo nomads or something too.


@Cyan, did you happen to get a status update on the eye discoloration bug and when it might be fixed?

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1 minute ago, Jakan-DN said:

i tried to transfer as you said @Cyan still not eligible what's going on ?

Transfer to KT? Do you own a house? Do you have over the allowed amount of kinah? Do you have anything on the Broker? Are you a member of a legion? (Just trying to remember some of the big things that won't allow you to transfer.)

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