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This gonna end with Hackers VS scripters VS Bots


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7 minutes ago, Zombiex-DN said:

just remove the dam stock and increase the cost of each thing x5 (except ulti stones they are already enough expensive)
like 5k for para weapons
5k leg contract
well even 10k but... even without bots or scripters just 1-4 items per server is just ridiculous


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1 hour ago, Zombiex-DN said:

just remove the dam stock and increase the cost of each thing x5 (except ulti stones they are already enough expensive)
like 5k for para weapons
5k leg contract
well even 10k but... even without bots or scripters just 1-4 items per server is just ridiculous

The problem is that the botters can set their bots to afk grind and can get 10k meloons  and have multiple characters doing so they can buy that every day when actual players wouldn't both because of the speed of purchase but because of lack of meloons (10k meloons = 10k mobs)

The amount of meloons or the speed at which you can buy are two things bots will always be better than humans.

The best thing would be to simply shut this event down now before those botters manage to make a fortune by snatching world boss items every day and think of a better way to give them in another event. The more this event runs, the more unfair the event becomes because there is someone laughing his ass all the way to broker getting billions for doing nothing other than snatch them.

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I really want to ask NCsoft people in what world is this fun or enjoyable  ? Was that the best you can come up with? You lost any notion of what fun is. You could've made it a bunch of different ways...1/account...heavy grind or whatever but yet again proved you don't care about the few players left or whatever feedback you get. Same with the small/big game mobs you are bringing out the worst in people...a lot of fighting frustration and hate on each other...if that was your goal you have totally succeeded. 

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@Loki @Kibbelz So it's well known now in the community that there is a site you can go and pay for a 3rd party program with a script for the Shenanigans event. This script will quick select the NPCs that sell the items and buy the item within a second of it appearing.  It's been mentioned a few times now throughout the forums and it's spread like wildfire in game and on social media pages, and discords.  Seriously this event is bringing the worst out in people. It's promoting solo game play, kill stealing, botting, and using 3rd party software to get the rewards over others. Please PLEASE stop this. You guys are literally rewarding the cheaters and toxic players of the game.

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They could make the shugo only appear on the 25th, with unlimited resources (1 per account), so everyone can grab something. Or make it possible to trade Melons for Event Coins and put  new keys for 0 ncoin for rank A minion and Legendary Transformation Contract box.

Yeah, I know ideas wont probably make a difference at this point, and it will almost certainly stay this way until the end of the event, where 3rd part program users will get all the goods and the rest can do what but watch and be sad?

People who use 3rd part programs to cheat, at the end of this event: maxed imbued weapons, tons of legendary contracts and stuff

People who play fair, at the end of the event: a few ultimate enchants, if lucky...

That's, uh, Aion logic, right there.


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7 hours ago, Rag-DN said:

@Loki @Kibbelz So it's well known now in the community that there is a site you can go and pay for a 3rd party program with a script for the Shenanigans event. This script will quick select the NPCs that sell the items and buy the item within a second of it appearing.  It's been mentioned a few times now throughout the forums and it's spread like wildfire in game and on social media pages, and discords.  Seriously this event is bringing the worst out in people. It's promoting solo game play, kill stealing, botting, and using 3rd party software to get the rewards over others. Please PLEASE stop this. You guys are literally rewarding the cheaters and toxic players of the game.

People do not just download cheat programs off 1 event. Anyone who has a cheat program have been cheating in this game for a long ass time. 

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This is so dumb. I have an in game macro to target the NPC and have the shop open. I hit the button as soon as the NPC starts loading and the items are sold out already... Why is NCSoft rewarding hackers/scripters so much... Have they even addressed any of these issues?

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1 minute ago, Flatten-KT said:

This is so dumb. I have an in game macro to target the NPC and have the shop open. I hit the button as soon as the NPC starts loading and the items are sold out already... Why is NCSoft rewarding hackers/scripters so much... Have they even addressed any of these issues?

They haven't, and i'm guessing most of them are off for the holidays so doubt anything will change until after new year, or at all.

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there are many bots farming melons, there are many bots farming kinah bundle in luna, there are many hackers farming GEAR in instances
many ppl know that some guys are hacking in instances to get AoA and PFHM accessories
In few days we will do the same hacking guys with all feathers from IDDHM. 

Servers  have a lot of fking hacks and NCsoft dont care lol 

They are using hacks on PVP instances,  in PVE instances, in ranking instances like crucible spire.

NCsoft doesn't realize that it is  affect the experience of honest players. They end up discouraging these players and they end up going to another game. 


you guys are doing a good job 👌

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7 minutes ago, Alexx-DN said:

there are many bots farming melons, there are many bots farming kinah bundle in luna, there are many hackers farming GEAR in instances
many ppl know that some guys are hacking in instances to get AoA and PFHM accessories
In few days we will do the same hacking guys with all feathers from IDDHM. 

Servers  have a lot of fking hacks and NCsoft dont care lol 

They are using hacks on PVP instances,  in PVE instances, in ranking instances like crucible spire.

NCsoft doesn't realize that it is  affect the experience of honest players. They end up discouraging these players and they end up going to another game. 


you guys are doing a good job 👌

This is why the game goes downhills. But you can't really do much about the instance hacking, they should defo not bring any more events like this.

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13 minutes ago, Alexx-DN said:

there are many bots farming melons, there are many bots farming kinah bundle in luna, there are many hackers farming GEAR in instances
many ppl know that some guys are hacking in instances to get AoA and PFHM accessories
In few days we will do the same hacking guys with all feathers from IDDHM. 

Servers  have a lot of fking hacks and NCsoft dont care lol 

They are using hacks on PVP instances,  in PVE instances, in ranking instances like crucible spire.

NCsoft doesn't realize that it is  affect the experience of honest players. They end up discouraging these players and they end up going to another game. 


you guys are doing a good job 👌

There are legit groups beating IDD HM already.

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On 12/19/2020 at 6:10 PM, Unbuff-DN said:

They could make the shugo only appear on the 25th, with unlimited resources (1 per account), so everyone can grab something.

Except a lot of people don't play video games on major holidays. But I like your idea otherwise.

The issue here is that NCWest is still treating Aion events as if Aion were a wildly popular, freshly new game. They are trying to place limits that would make sense in a much bigger game. They do not make sense in our game because Aion is old and slowly dying and very under-populated. But more importantly, NCWest does not do anything about hackers, so hackers are allowed free reign within the game. Because of that, the types of limits that are placed within Aion events do not work for the community at large because they enable hackers to take advantage of them. It won't change though. 😔

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